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American girls > Israeli girls

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got a lot of attention on facebook

all the guys agreed with me, one american girl also lol.gif


most of the Israeli girls are b**chy blink.gif

Edited by Nesher

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got a lot of attention on facebook

all the guys agreed with me, one american girl also lol.gif


most of the Israeli girls are b**chy blink.gif


I dunno about bitchy, never having interacted with them, but they sure look good. :)


I've heard that European girls are more approachable and pleasant than American girls. Not sure how true that is, just something I've heard.

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all girls are more approachable and pleasant than Israeli girls.. trust me lol.gif


the reason for this topic

met a very nice american girl

and she reminded me why i prefer american than israeli girls blink.gif

Edited by Nesher

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If it is like in the film "Love Actually", i´m getting a Green Card NOW!!

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I like the archetype of Israeli girl character ZivaDavid displays in NCIS. You can try to pick her up, have an affair with her, but if done, don't betray her, or you're dead. I remember she once said something like: "In Israel, there's no unfaithful men, only crimes of passion."

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yeah i agree, american girls are bigger then israeli girls :P

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I like the archetype of Israeli girl character ZivaDavid displays in NCIS. You can try to pick her up, have an affair with her, but if done, don't betray her, or you're dead. I remember she once said something like: "In Israel, there's no unfaithful men, only crimes of passion."


yes, but Ziva David is just a character and not all of them in the Mossad than retire to the NCIS grin.gif


yeah i agree, american girls are bigger then israeli girls :P


some of them, yes lol.gif

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There are girls outside Eastern Europe???

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There are girls outside Eastern Europe???


lol :rofl:

Edited by xclusiv8

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The only American girls I would not approve of is the SoCal girls. Very stuck-up, shallow, and snobbish. All of them think that they deserve to live in Beverly Hills, and unless you're from there, they won't want to talk to you.

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There are girls outside Eastern Europe???


Yes and ones without arm pit hair too. :lol::rofl::good::drinks:

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I'd guess it could be the grass is always looks greener on the other lawn thing.


Nesher hehehe ITS A TRAP :yikes:

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uh...just kidding there Nesher. Sounds like you found a cool gal.


I *always* hear American guys whining about American women, how foreign women would be, or are, better. I figure guys do that everywhere.

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I love Israeli girls, I really do. When I compare them to our standard British girl............well there is no comparison. Check for yourselves :rofl:


ISRAELI GIRLS ................. . ............................................................ ..................................................... BRITISH GIRLS






israeli_girls_1.jpg. funny_fat_women_021.jpg

asian_jew_md.jpg . fatgirl.jpg




Disclaimer: not all British women/girls are as bad as the fine examples chosen....... :good:

Edited by Dogzero1

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Wonder which one's we are going to see back in the desktop item........yikes.gif




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That's it!!! ......I'm getting one of those little cap things and moving.........but not to The UK

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I love Israeli girls, I really do. When I compare them to our standard British girl............well there is no comparison. Check for yourselves :rofl:


ISRAELI GIRLS ................. . ............................................................ ..................................................... BRITISH GIRLS







. fatgirl.jpg




Disclaimer: not all British women/girls are as bad as the fine examples chosen....... :good:


dude she has a moustache :yikes:


Beat my country




ofcourse, deppends very much of where you go :grin:

Edited by Silverbolt

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Everyone knows that Swedish girls are the way to go!


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and everyone thinks

The South American

We go to the stadiums

Only to see soccer






innocent .......

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Everyone knows that Swedish girls are the way to go!



i bet Gripen NG would win F-X2 concorrency if sweden offered a couple of girls as offset.

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This has turned out to be a great thread. :yikes::drinks:

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I *always* hear American guys whining about American women, how foreign women would be, or are, better. I figure guys do that everywhere.


Probably. There is just something enticing about a foreign accent, and I know girls dig it in guys too, so that may be part of it. :)

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Guest Raden

yes, but Ziva David is just a character and not all of them in the Mossad than retire to the NCIS grin.gif




some of them, yes  lol.gif


Guys, have ever seen Turkish girls??? TRIPPLE WOW!!



Been in Istanbul for three weeks, and everywhere I looked there were only really lovely girls......even the ones at the Front Desk of my hotel in town!


But, there's a but: after they got married, the beautifully shaped bodies 'exploded'! U know what I mean... too very much fat (obese?),


We in Indonesia regarded such ladies, even in Indonesia, look very much like the FRIDGE! (no shape at all) hahahahaaaaa....


BTW, an American fugitive for many years worked as illegal in ISRAEL, and had the opp to date a local (lovely ALL of them!) Jewesse (lady Jewish), and she got pregnant. The FBI, with SINBET of course, napped this guy who had committed various serious crimes in the States. I read about this somewhere just last week....



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Maybe in Turkey the girls are raised to believe that they need to look good to get a husband, but once married they don't have to care anymore and can just pig out?

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I doubt that it's limited to Turkey :no:

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