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Supersonic (3400Km/h relative speed) head to head dogfight 0 - 0




and F-104F


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Supersonic (3400Km/h relative speed) head to head dogfight 0 - 0


...now THAT is fckin magnificent... :blink:







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...now THAT is fckin magnificent... :blink:








Yep, wasting hundreds of bullets both sides with no result :rofl:

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Yep, wasting hundreds of bullets both sides with no result :rofl:



like the guy that runs out of the bathroomwith the 357 Magnum and hits nothing in Pulp Fiction!:lol:


does this mean you've had an epiphany?:grin:

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does this mean you've had an epiphany?



No, it's the way I walk.




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That I like. It looks like some alien ship is gonna come out of that hole or vortex. reminds me of Buck Rogers somehwat.

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Night Recon

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1962: CAP over the Cape



kevin stein

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Mirror, Mirror

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Whose the better pilot?


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Maybe if we ask FC nicely (send enough bottles of Whiskey), we could have him rebuild his F-5B into an F-5A.

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Final tweaking is complete.... These are the added birds, should be uploading soon. Then of to the GREEK PHANTOMS SRA.

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nice turkish phantoms Dave tho as always(im not a rivet counter im not im not!) i think the nose on the gray birds is the gunship gray of the main body, not black. just a little eye like on wrenchs Warbirds Arnies. also with the RWR fairing check yer PM. might have to adjust abit since mine is only set for solid colors right now tho eventually (wife staying outta hospital and all )i wanna adjust so checkered colors show proper. any who....



it sucks bein winchester and playin as the bait


but ya gotta feel good bout downin a dozen Hinds. support your local QRA :grin:

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@Wrench: New tiles for Cuba? :clapping:


well, i think it would be nice to have a Nato Fighters: Anatolia.

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Those arent my Turkish F-4's. Those are ace888's.



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some new tiles, yes; many others revamped (lets just say the texturelist is now up to 153 tiles...)


Need rocket gantries, though, even for the 1962 version of the Cape (and yes, the lighthouse is there, for those that know the region) Just redid it again last night, fixing some tile issues around CCAFS



kevin stein

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some new tiles, yes; many others revamped (lets just say the texturelist is now up to 153 tiles...)


Need rocket gantries, though, even for the 1962 version of the Cape (and yes, the lighthouse is there, for those that know the region) Just redid it again last night, fixing some tile issues around CCAFS



kevin stein


Lookin' good so far!

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