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@Stary: nice shots!




Found an easter-egg while on CAP, there was a huge tank battle going on over Fulda and they were protected by SA-8 SAMs. As my wingmates called about every 5 seconds a SAM- launch warning, I decided to whipe them off... During the attack for the second SA-8, I found this:




Ever been overtaken by a F-16?:grin:





BTW, what the h*ck do greyhound travel services in Germany?:lol:





Yes, I know, there ain't a F-16 in swiss services, but that campaign was created with the new campaign editor, IMHO a worthy addition to the strike fighters series!







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those greyhound buses are sort of easter eggs :grin:


@Soulman: Didn't knew Taiwan act now as Germany stand-in, but if there are greyhounds on the roads, why not Taiwanese tiles...

(which reminds me to search for the original 1024x1024 tiles for Taiwan I have somewhere)

Edited by Stary

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100 missions to be flown.....







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So picturesque, I HAD to share it...


...Big Ups to SARCASM!















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@Soulman: Didn't knew Taiwan act now as Germany stand-in,



I´m playin around with the titles! :grin:

Edited by Soulman

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oh... I thought Germans are moving East again:rofl:


cool shots SidDogg, share the tweaks!

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Nice shots SidDogg - middle one especially gorgeous.

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oh... I thought Germans are moving East again:rofl:


cool shots SidDogg, share the tweaks!


...oh, me?


I just change the Day & Day1 SkyColor to a more realistic burning blue... (i.e. DARKER :grin:)








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oh... I thought Germans are moving East again:rofl:



some one should rework the hightmap for GermanyCE so that we dont have to use taiwan all the time :lol: , germany terrain is way to flat :blink:

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oh... I thought Germans are moving East again:rofl:





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As it seems we have reclaimed CA forums thanks to our web masters (cheers guys!) I'd point out that there was Series1 reworked HFD file by Jan Tuma (I guess) which made it much more like the real thing

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Hadn't seen this before. My bomb fell short of a direct hit, but still damaged the parked MiG...


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In all honesty I don't think the bomb effects are right on. Something doesn't feel right when you drop a 2,000lb bomb on dispersed targets and you only kill one truck (in a formation).

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Agreed, same complaint with cluster munitions. I had just assumed parked aircraft would be all or nothing.

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I want some coffee with my Danish ... 'cause baby, it's COLD outside!!

(russo's G T-jet, reskinned and redecaled)

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more NATO to come in the G model Wrench? was a poss project for deployment fer me but the Danes are lookin damn good

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Kevin is that the one we use for MiG Alley?

if so, I upped reworked templates for the E (if I´m right) in the MiG Alley forum.


@ Daddysairplanes:

A lot to skin, many NATO Nations used the E & G Thunderjet.

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don't think so carlo -- from my old, only remaing WoE install (RussoUK's bird -- lod dated 6/2004!!!)

Other than needing an updated FM, no real issues (manual canopy works, shadow works perfectly!)

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Cool Kevin :good:

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low level ingress to target....

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