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No fly Zone over Libya...

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I wouldn´t have believed that, thru the years, i would end up defending the French, but, provided all the s**t they use to get, like saying that the flag of France is full white "Since 1940", the Froggies, while everyone was still playing to "look busy at Gaddafi", stroke first. And now that everyone is in, with all the mess, they get the first A-A kill. And if you say that there is no glory on that, well, then AMRAAMs would have pulled the glory out of AA combat since its very first kill. The glory about it is get around looking for trouble.

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The true story of the Galeb kill is that when the French pilot detected the enemy aircraft he activated his ECM systems ( which in French aircraft deploy white flags instead of chaff and flares )


One of the white flags was sucked into the intake of the Galeb, fodding it's engine, before the French pilot was able to eject, surrender and collaborate :grin:

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Actually, the news say that the Rafale didn't fire an AMRAAM-style MICA, but an A2SM (guided air-to-ground weaponry), as the bandit was already too close to the ground (say it, landed) to be locked on by a MICA or Magic. So it seems that the first real air-to-air kill is yet to come. Any challengers?

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From what I have read it was an Air to Ground Kill... not an Air to Air as the Galeb had just landed. So not an Air to Air kill for the Rafale...

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Well, actually by military standards, it depends if the ennemy aircraft has been "forced" to the ground, in which case it would be considered as an aereal victory.


Many aereal victories have been granted that way during WW1.

The only F111 victory was that way too. Forced to the ground


Though i have no idea if it was the case there. :dntknw:

Edited by Nix

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Makes you wonder how stupid the Libyan airforce must be to even attempt to fly

Mmm, their fanatism could be explained otherwise. Considering the nepotic nature of this sort of regime, and the prestige attached to the career of fighter pilot, it could be possible that half of the Libyan jet pilots come from the clan Gadafi. I can just imagine the result.



Major Gadafi, you are assigned today to patrol over Benghazi. Your wingmen will be Captain Al-Gadafi, Lieutenant Abd-el-Gadafi, and Lieutenant Gadafi. Beware, Lieutenant Gadafi's skill is really under average. Well, I mean even under our own Libyan average standards, which are... well, you see... Rrrrm... Anyway, he has been recommended to me by his uncle – and I can't refuse anything to my cousin. Any questions?

No, sir. Thank you, sir. Allahu akbar, sir.

All right. Good luck, son.



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Mmm, their fanatism could be explained otherwise. Considering the nepotic nature of this sort of regime, and the prestige attached to the career of fighter pilot, it could be possible that half of the Libyan jet pilots come from the clan Gadafi. I can just imagine the result.



Major Gadafi, you are assigned today to patrol over Benghazi. Your wingmen will be Captain Al-Gadafi, Lieutenant Abd-el-Gadafi, and Lieutenant Gadafi. Beware, Lieutenant Gadafi's skill is really under average. Well, I mean even under our own Libyan average standards, which are... well, you see... Rrrrm... Anyway, he has been recommended to me by his uncle – and I can't refuse anything to my cousin. Any questions?

No, sir. Thank you, sir. Allahu akbar, sir.

All right. Good luck, son.


Pas mal. :grin:


BTW, Libyan air force was a tribal/familial stronghold of Al Qaddafa tribe. Therefore utterly loyal. Well, past weeks, with defections and such showed that it's of course not monolithic. But the average loyalty toward the regime is quite higher there.

So they might have taken their chance...

Or be forced to. Pilots have families. And Qaddafi won't be bothered at all to use/kill them to persuade the remaining libyan soldiers to fight. And btw, there are numerous report of foreign mercenaries pilots being used before NFZ.


It's btw a very, very disturbing feeling to see a country I lived and worked in, and became quite fond of, being in such a war... But trust me, the day Qaddafi get it, champagne!

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Maybe we need a thread on how many different ways you can spell Gadaffi. I've heard that this is one of the main stumbling blocks to freezing all of the Colonel's foreign bank accounts...

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...stumbling blocks to freezing all of the Colonel's foreign bank accounts...


Clap.gif HEHEHEHAHA lol. On the other hand, they say he was smart enough to not put his gold in London. :salute:




Daffy works. It's simple to understand. And completely credible, and convincing.

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Daffy works. It's simple to understand. And completely credible, and convincing.

I sometime heard it in the mouth of Libyan that trusted me and other enough to speak more openly. Daffy (or in plural, when referring to the kids) is quite common on oppostion websites. :grin:

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