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AI nearly Blue on Blue'd me!

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Hi all, I'd just installed FRAPS and was doing a nice simple bit of DACT with a F-14B vs a Mig-17 (for the camera :cool:) and seconds after my 3 wingmen crossed R to L infront of me another bunch of Friendly AI started shooting me up (twin cannons looking at the tracers so not my wingmen). I was that shocked I lost the Mig for a second but reaquired and shot him down a few seconds later. I never checked who was doing the firing but as you can see it was bloody close - (wingmen at 0:18, the random "firing guns" a few secs later)




I'm guessing the AI were going for the Mig but you'd have thought they'd wait for the clear shot! I've also had the same with a F14B AI wingman hitting both me and the target with 9L's when I was in close.

Edited by ianh755

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You are not alone. s**t happens. :grin:

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I was covered once by my wingman and he shot a AIM-9 at the target infront of me, I saw the missile und pulled up. The missile followed me in the sky and missed my. Had I flew straight, I would have been shot down by blue ...

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I have literally just come off a campaign mission in the modern warfare korea mod where flying super hroents and my wingman was shot down by an F-22s AIM 9x. Dont get me wrong however, Id rather have the F-22s up their with me than not there at all. Especially when doing a deep strike mission over pyonyang!!


Bad flight though lost 3 members of our sqdn. :blink:



Edited by MaverickMike

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AI is a bitch with the Sidewinders. When I´m chasing an enemy on a furball and I hear "Fox 2" over the radio I always take a look behind, just in case.

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Oh, come on. They are just getting back for all thoose time WE sent Sidewinders carelessly flying :D

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Been there a few times I don't mind getting hit with a decent missile but as I posted in the DACT Thread being taken by a AIM-4 you know the missile that hits nothing I thought was extracting the urine a little bit... oh and the guy who waxed me and the bad guy with an Amraam :blink: now that one nearly made me do the flight again and shoot everything I had at my guys... knowing me I would have missed... And yeah the AI does like to have fun in doing an Iceman in front of you...

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was flying F-16A over Germany last night. sweet shot on a Mig23 in burner with a Lima Sidewinder at .9 mi, then my wingman goes across the shot drws the 'winder off the mig and suddenly i'm getting checkfire calls. ugh! worst part was he had expended everything on the way in and i told him to RTB!!!

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i myself hit a blue.


a 27 was wanting to hide in the clouds during a heavy thunderstorm, this being the last guy of the bunch.


us in raptors were done then red crown chimed in with a bogey up 12 o'clock up in the clouds


i chased this guy up in the clouds and i was able to see an outline of the flanker.


guns hot a ready pipper just beyond the nose, no radar lock since i wanted to hit this guy without him knowing what hit him.


i squeezed the trigger but a friendly passed by guns blazing as well but not hitting the flanker, good thing the flanker was hit, my buddy's chute was visible.


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I've been downed two time by the AI ally or Wingmen.

First one, I got killed by a friendly sidewinder in a dogfight in some Desert campaign. Man, I was an ace in this campaign, near the end of it, after dozens of missions...


Second one in Israel independence campaign when my wingmen shoot me down while firing on some egyptian...

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They usually shoot me down with AIM-9Bs...


Maybe they consider me stealing their kills. :dntknw:

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One good reason I deconflict with AI flights and never use a wingman...

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