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OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

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Either Lord or Lady followed by one of your Grandparents name, your first pet and the first road you lived on.



I'm Lord Cecil-Sammy Dysart :grin:

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Now I got it.

I would be Lord Alfred Barry Am Zingel.

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Did you not have grandparents, never owned a pet, or never lived on a street of some sort??


You must have had a very interesting childhood...


(You beat me to the punch with your 2nd post by about 4 seconds.....lololol)





Lord George-Ginger Queen

Edited by Parky

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I would be Sir not lord,


Sir Edward Winston Beechwood

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Hmm, then i would be Lord Frank Tweety Trafalgar...but hey, i really got invited. It´s just that i got constipated...damned yogurt.

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Did you not have grandparents, never owned a pet, or never lived on a street of some sort??

You must have had a very interesting childhood...

It is sometimes hard to make sense of just a few words of Crumpetlish, thrown at you like bones for the dog.

My English may be quite acceptable, but I can still not understand the headlines of the "Sun".


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I would infiltrate as my alter ego, the Arabian Prince

called Haid Da-Salaamee.

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Lord Phillip Snuffy Alta. :blink:

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Gentlemen...I believe we have each found a future Campaign Pilot!!! :drinks:

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Lord Bedford Pepperoni via wanda


Olham s gotta be Lord Albatros. I bet?

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Lord Sidney Bugritt Field.

It's Field because at the time of my birth my parents lived in an old railway carriage in a field.

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Gentlemen...I believe we have each found a future Campaign Pilot!!! :drinks:

Yeah, why not? Good idea! :drinks:


"Field" sounds good to me - you must have had a great youth, tranquillo?

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I would be Lord Daddy-Bill Smokey Fourth st.


Yeah, it just doesn't have the zing of Lord Gilbert Lucifer de St-Hilaire. :salute:

Edited by Lewie

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Lord Leto LePew Trafalgar


Actually a last name like Trafalagar is most fitting in London

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I'm going in drag... Lady Maud 'Puddytat' Shootershill

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Shootershill! :rofl: Edited by Olham

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haha..superb names!..I love it! :rofl:

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