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June patch available!

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Umut, which patch level? May?

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Just tried stock SF2 too. Looks like clouds flipping issue stays fixed just like in May11 patch.

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hmm... In May11 these were ok, now they flip for me -tested in stock install with no mods :dntknw:

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Don't know what it effects but many weapons have their CLmax value increased decreased:



AIM-9L May2011: CLmax=27.427999

AIM-9L Jun2011: CLmax=23.624201



Edit: Stary that's weird.. somebody else needs to confirm here. I did an online AutoInstall on top of May patch. :dntknw:

Edited by PureBlue

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so did I, checked if there are any custom ini files in Flight folder (none) and still no luck

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Just noticed myself a short while ago that post June 2011 targets are once again visible when you press the F8 key. Things are indeed starting to look up :cool:

Edited by Piecemeal

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i just noticed that when you or an ai plane crashes into the ground it doesnt just leave a crater anymore.. you get a nice burnt wreck :)

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was there since SF2 Europe (june 2009)


Testing the new beautiful ships I noticed water is porked, doesn't hide the ships underwater hull

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was there since SF2 Europe (june 2009)


Testing the new beautiful ships I noticed water is porked, doesn't hide the ships underwater hull


Which terrain? SF2 now uses 3 water shader files under DX10...so the water material entries are somewhat different.

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oh, my bad -older Germany HR, with it's own data file, must extract one from stock terrain and adjust.


Thanks Fubar :salute:

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Does the YAP2 Dev team know that?, cuz i remember seeing somewhere they were having issues with ships above water or something.

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yes they have, with Rising Sun phase 2... let them discover that by themselfs :grin:

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Anybody knows if there are issuses in campaigns now? I remember Piecemeal talking about rewritting entire campaigns with May patch...

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Anyone else noticed that non-stock squadron now appears with a greyish tone?

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Anybody knows if there are issuses in campaigns now? I remember Piecemeal talking about rewritting entire campaigns with May patch...




Sorry if I got your wires crossed there bud. What I was talking about was having to do a bit of work to the stock SF2 campaigns that I'd already heavily modified to suit my own SF2 install.

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Anyone else noticed that non-stock squadron now appears with a greyish tone?

are you talking in the loadout screen?

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I have the drop tanks disappear immediately after jettisoning them, anyone else noticed this too?






seems it's only on the planes that have the tanks build into model, tested right now on Mirage Factory Mirage 2000, work ok, new Hunter F.6 (60) and the tanks disappear instantly

Edited by Stary

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Phantom tanks seem to work fine for me. have different skins on most of mine but its the same ol tanks all the same

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are you talking in the loadout screen?


Yes, I am.

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Errr... still waiting for it to be more stable...

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Yes, I am.



'It has to do with having an entry for DecalLevel=0,1&2 in the Decals.ini.


Dels '


dels pointed it out to me in the May patch thread. if its a skin specifically for USN VF-84, dont bother it wont change it anyhow. if the skin in question however is say a Belgian Starfighter then adjust so you have 0,1 or 2 in the decal.ini. dunno the why or the exact order yet but its how it works.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Unless the skin uses decal that shows squadron (or nation or numbers), it won't enable the dropdown to select different squadron. I assume these skins have squadron markings all painted on the skin, and not use the set of decals to switch to other squadrons?


If the squadron markings, for example "VF-111", are painted on, then having squadron drop down doesn't make any sense, player can select say VF-84 and would have no effect and still get the VF-111 which is painted on the skin.





It makes sense...

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Okay... I decided to bow down to the inevitable (since I got the new DLC Skyhawk) and I tried to update but it said that I need to update the EXP2... Am I missing something? Or do I have to uninstall, reinstall then May 2011 then EXP2?

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Exp2 came before May11 patch so my bet is no. Exp2->Jan11->May11->Jun11->DLC planes would be the good reasonable order. I bet the patching still must follow incrementally, last patches were NOT cumulative as far as I know

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Funny I'm running Jan 11... and it's still giving me issues... Gonna have to bring it up I guess.

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