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I'm really curious about a drag chute add-on. Or at least glad I'm not the only one asking for them.

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Imagine a "Fade distance unlock" DLC...

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  On 7/14/2011 at 4:34 PM, PureBlue said:

aireal rufeling perhaps.. would be nice..



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  On 7/14/2011 at 4:34 PM, PureBlue said:

aireal rufeling perhaps.. would be nice..

So true on that one but somedays I have just problems getting out of the parking lot let alone into the air... :drinks:


I am curious on this though on what the DLC brings...

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don't think so it will be relueling etc -more like something from the poll list days back -maybe imroved gunsight or some terrain rendering related stuff. Knowing the man, refuelling would be too code heavy to implement -that is unless it's already in the works for Tomcat, but I don't think so

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the cynical side of me says unlocking fading. you can pay 1.99 to add this...... oh wait theres an ini edit for that already isnt there :grin:

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  On 7/14/2011 at 7:24 PM, daddyairplanes said:

the cynical side of me says unlocking fading. you can pay 1.99 to add this...... oh wait theres an ini edit for that already isnt there :grin:


more like tweakable fading distance for 2.49 I guess, which I would surely support :smile:

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A banner that appears on the screen every 10 seconds saying "We cant afford this" ? :lol:

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  On 7/14/2011 at 7:34 PM, MigBuster said:

A banner that appears on the screen every 10 seconds saying "We cant afford this" ? :lol:


that would be evil, especially when showing mid-air refuelling on the banner :lol:

Edited by Stary

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This strikes me to be like the field mods ROF has.

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Why would anyone pay for certain features in a game? I sure know i wouldn't. To pay for DLC terrains, aircraft, cockpits sure but to pay for a feature that was there before and TK took away so that we can pay to have it again. No way!

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  On 7/14/2011 at 11:06 PM, xclusiv8 said:

Why would anyone pay for certain features in a game? I sure know i wouldn't. To pay for DLC terrains, aircraft, cockpits sure but to pay for a feature that was there before and TK took away so that we can pay to have it again. No way!


agreed with you , i could pay for an Expansion Pack which add more than one feature

air refueling and radar enhancement and terrain flowing would be great with some more features or a map or a plane and i will pay for it if TK release it under Expansion Pack for SF2 even if it coast 100$

but releasing one feature individual and sale it is not good idea

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  On 7/14/2011 at 11:06 PM, xclusiv8 said:

Why would anyone pay for certain features in a game? I sure know i wouldn't. To pay for DLC terrains, aircraft, cockpits sure but to pay for a feature that was there before and TK took away so that we can pay to have it again. No way!

1. it is my firm belief that TK does this and then reads our reactions to it. why i dunno cuase we still aint gettin our way!

2. what if it was multiplayer? there is a true false line for it in the options.ini..........

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nobody's twisting anybody's arm to buy, are they???


but to pay for a feature that was there before and TK took away so that we can pay to have it again


Over the years, we've had a LOT of features turned off due to whiney little s**ts that bitched and complained and ranted about how they're suffering from terminal HUA and couldn't/wouldn't/can't figure out how to use, that many of us Modders needed.


AND... there are a lot of 'features' hidden in the various and sundry dlls that have neve been activated since Day 1, SFP1.

Maybe now, they'll be turned on.


BTW, we've had terrain following since Day 1 SFP1. Look in any avionics ini for aircraft classed as "ATTACK" and have radars. You'll see these statements:





The autopilot handles it quite nicely. Don't belive? Fly the ANW terrain on autopilot in a Scooter and get back to us. We'll wait here.


Remember, too, at the end of the day, it's TK's descision on HOW he runs his business. Hell, I'm unemployed and still manage to purchase the ExpPaks and DLCs. I really don't see an issue here.



kevin stein

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  On 7/14/2011 at 11:48 PM, Wrench said:


BTW, we've had terrain following since Day 1 SFP1. Look in any avionics ini for aircraft classed as "ATTACK" and have radars. You'll see these statements:





The autopilot handles it quite nicely. Don't belive? Fly the ANW terrain on autopilot in a Scooter and get back to us. We'll wait here.



kevin stein


nope wrench , terrain flowing is something else some kind of a radar mode

see blow


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Could be so many "little" things... Salvo launch of SAMs, change of plane's starting position... Mission exit confirmation menu.

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Guest Pfunk

Kevin's got a point, y'all.


What features would I like to see and would pay for? Improved .TOD files for terrains, CLS/ILS, multiplayer consoles all come to mind.


Hey, Kev. Texas is still hiring. Hotter than heck down here, though.

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  On 7/15/2011 at 12:08 AM, Teras said:

nope wrench , terrain flowing is something else some kind of a radar mode

see blow



We know what TFR is -- I"m sure FastCargo could go into some REAL detials, as he used to drive B-1s


Bottom Line:

Ain't never gonna see it in 3rdWire game. Same with AFR.


It all goes back to the Standard Response ™


Let's focus on the possibilities of WHAT TK might be doing, as opposed to 'blue sky' fantasy wish lists. And I got plenty of them, too!!!

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maybe TK will give Dave his pony finally! :rofl:

oh damn you wanted real guesses. fine i maintain .....multiplayer.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Grim Viper, Kevin, PFunk -agree with three of ya!


Wishlists building guys it's simple -re-read what TK wrote -code that adds new (small) features. So nothing big. I wouldn't be suprised if this would be his way of testing some improvements from Tomcat game.


Yeah Pfunk, improved .TODs would rock for sure.




my bet is on improved gunsights -as this is optional feature, many (me including) would like to have but many not as too hard.

Edited by Stary

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I'd rather see a larger pack, than piece-meal $1.99 add-ons. I think it would cause way more headaches, as there won't be much uniformity on initial patch levels. We've already got a ton of broken installs due to Mods and user specific edits.



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