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DLC 12 is out F-8E(FN)

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of course ... since I was working on getting the TMF versions updated; this comes out.


hope it has the split rails for the 530s!

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Guest Pfunk

Oh, hell, YEAH!

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Guest Pfunk

I'm loving it. Just downloaded it and banged up some Parani MiGs' It is truly an air-superiority badass.

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Nice! For those of us who haven't (yet) bought SF2Vietnam, this is excellent!

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of course ... since I was working on getting the TMF versions updated; this comes out.



You've got a bit of a track record in this respect Kevin. So what's next?!!




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I bet this gives Gocad wood :biggrin: . Nice addition.


Heh. I would be twitching if TK would make a RF-8....I've got to say though that I still prefer the TMF Sader.


Now, I've I could only find that Clemenceau carrier...

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You've got a bit of a track record in this respect Kevin. So what's next?!!


well...let's see.....off the top of my head, RAAF Mirages (he did say 'they were coming', iirc, right after I released my pak)


of course, to do it up right, 3 different versions would be needed.


Clem's available, if one knows where to look. The SF2 version I'd uploaded was removed at Marcello's request; I'd thought it was TMFs, since it was in one of their packs, but it weren't.

Edited by Wrench

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Those Matras (Mattresses?) on the Crusader seem to be a grand emulation of AIM-9C.

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I have an idea: Wrench, you must start to model a pony, and then TK will release an official DLC pony for good ol' Dave!

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well...let's see.....off the top of my head, RAAF Mirages (he did say 'they were coming', iirc, right after I released my pak)


of course, to do it up right, 3 different versions would be needed.


Clem's available, if one knows where to look. The SF2 version I'd uploaded was removed at Marcello's request; I'd thought it was TMFs, since it was in one of their packs, but it weren't.


Ah, that explains everything.

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"Clem's available, if one knows where to look. The SF2 version I'd uploaded was removed at Marcello's request; I'd thought it was TMFs, since it was in one of their packs, but it weren't."


And if one doesn't know where to look any clues :dntknw:

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of course ... since I was working on getting the TMF versions updated; this comes out.


Well, if that's the case, you should start working on textures for the MF F-14 series, ASAP :grin:

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anyone else notice, that IF you're NOT on the Sept2011 update, you can't install it??


my days just keep getting better and better....



are the faults in that patch fixed, or am I gonna get screwed?

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Wrench, I'm on Sep11 patch and bugs from previous patch are pretty much fixed AFAIK.

Other than the small "skin change/patch stay the same" bug, haven't come across anything huge.

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Likewise, if you re-DL any of the DLC you'll find it's all sept-update level required for install.

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Clem's available, if one knows where to look.


Any hint for those who don’t…? My poor Crouze has nowhere to land. :helpme:

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Only just noticed... skin specific hangar screens in the skin folders!

Edited by Spinners

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Are there any screen shots of the new Crusader...or any of the new add-ons from Third Wire for that matter?

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