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They've got Gaddaffi

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Why are Arab Despots always found skulking in Holes?..and more importantly...why are they hauled out, and put on trial, at the cost of Millions of £'s?

He's already in a hole in the ground...we all know he's a twat!...so why not leave him in there...fill the hole with Concrete...Job Done!



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Looks like the Twats dead anyway...that should save a few quid! :grin:

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It does look like him. Also looks like his end was anything BUT peaceful.

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So, can they pump the oil quietly now? :grin:

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XGames:Dictator Hunting

Good Guys: 3 Dictators: 0

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They've captured a few mercenaries too apparently.

Dunno about you guys..but If I was in charge of an Army..and I captured enemy Mercs...they would get a bullet in the back of the head!...can't stand damn Mercs!

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Wait, sure this isn't one of Gadaffy's doubles? :yikes:



can't stand damn Mercs!

The economic role they play is disgusting.

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Wait, sure this isn't one of Gadaffy's doubles? :yikes:



The economic role they play is disgusting.


My Sentiments exactly Lexx :good:

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According to Pres. Obama it's confirmed!!! :drinks:

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You can run........you can hide............just not forever.


oh well good news for Libya I hope....will see

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Just like Mussolini. Indeed, that´s a bad year for the bad ones.

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mac :yikes: :yikes:


Gdaffy = Mussolini


Visualize that. That just makes sense. Like, I always "knew" that subconciously, but never knew I knew it, until reading your poast.


Is it the hat?

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Gdaffy = Mussolini




Correct: they cannot survive. Their captors couldn't let them live and ..... talk.



Edited by paulopanz

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mac :yikes: :yikes:


Gdaffy = Mussolini


Visualize that. That just makes sense. Like, I always "knew" that subconciously, but never knew I knew it, until reading your poast.


Is it the hat?



The great combo of phoney and cruel. And not leaving the country when you have to lol.

Edited by macelena

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Ok, so the Tyrant is dead...I'm sure the World is a better place for his demise.


But..I dunno about you guys...I have little interest on what Calibre Round was used...who fired the shot...what f*cking clothes he had on...where his body is...what trauma was caused by the Bullet, what spade was used to dig the hole he was hiding in...what colour Hankie he last blew his f*cking nose on!!!


I wish the Media would report on something we give a flying Dog-Turd about!

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so, my question is:


when can we move back to Wheelus??

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What do you want to do there? Counting the sand?

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The word's out now, after an accounting by the Libyans, that Ghaddafi was the richest man in the world, with something on the order of 200 BILLION dollars at his disposal. :blink:

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...200 BILLION dollars at his disposal.


Libya's central bank was national, "private" (so to speak) ie...not part of the Bank of International Settlements. I figure for some reason the syndicate needs to put Libya's (Daffy's) 140 or so tonnes of gold back into BIS hands. This was peculiar times 3 piece earlier in the year...28 March 2011...


Libyan Rebels Form Central Bank, by Robert Wenzel



The Council also said it "designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi."


This suggests we have a bit more than a rag tag bunch of rebels running around and that there are some pretty sophisticated influences.


I have never before heard of a central bank being created in just a matter of weeks out of a popular uprising.




Fascinating indeed.

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What do you want to do there? Counting the sand?


Wheelus had a huge range. No population in the area of the range, good flying weather all year round. It was a good assignment before numb nuts staged that coup in 1965.

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