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Ok Let's Start A Virtual "NATO"

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That's a good question, but since it's me and dtmdragon doing most of the bomb dropping (though Florian and CrazyhorseB34 did some parts too) it's pretty much open season, though more work needs to be done on the northern sector. And a tip for mission creation is to just start one in the Single mission screen and edit it if you have EXP2.

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To any and all concerned:


all the vaious parts are now up in the SF2 Missions/Campaigns downloads. Excepting the terrain, which is obviously, in the Terrains d/l section


have fun peoples!

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Excepting the terrain, which is obviously, in the Terrains d/l section


Where is the terrain? :lol:


Thank you very much Kevin.

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...When is USS George Washington due to be relieved over there in The Gulf?


I got new files on the way... :wink:







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389th FS completed a scouting flight for a base. Will be basing at Baghdad Int'l for now. Our AOR will be the north, with a secondary focus on guarding the Baghdad Nuclear Plant.

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TIME/DATE: 2030 27 NOVEMBER 2011


Edited by DWCAce

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So... I'm guessing Operation Darius is on pause?

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Well with the buzz of the new sim and only a few people actually doing the Darius mod thing, I was letting it run itself. I was hoping for more people to do it, kind of pointless when only 3 or 4 are participating.

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to say nothing of all the fraking work I put into it....

oh well, c'est le vie

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I still think it's a good idea...though as usual participation tends to lack... not sure why...

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to say nothing of all the fraking work I put into it....

oh well, c'est le vie



Yep, I thought there was going to be big site participation. Guess I was wrong....no biggie

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I think it is a good idea; I know I personally haven't been super involved - a few RL things have come up and taken away from sim time. At the bare minimum I would like to thank all those involved in planning/execution, and especially Wrench for putting the packages together. The NAG install is pretty SH in my opinion, and it would be nice to see this thing pick up again.

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I'm definitely not uninstalling mine.

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i´m really busy with mod projects and real-life and x-mas preperations.


maybe the participation is not so good, because of the selected timeframe?!


and it should be some stuff for the longtime motivation. some admin created story telling missions or so.

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Must admit I need to apologise for lack of postings due to lack of time for posting. I will post up the sorties I have flown this weekend as I have 6 sorties awaiting uploading.


To Wrench the work you have done is amazing and great fun to fly and the terrain setup is great.


I also think the time frame for this has also impacted on this.


Please accept my thanks for this idea

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I would be interested, just don't have the time to participate, to much time buried in te books studying.



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OP Darius will never die!!!!!!! Just fly missisons when we can and post results! I have been grounded due to school and upcoming finals........but the OP Darius concept is valid and has been a good way to get a bunch of good people focused on a common task. I say if you can fly a sortie every once in a while do it and post it. It is like one of the old "play by mail" wargames. It really doesn't need an end does it?

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Actually it does Jamie because a few of us have something bigger in mind and better....

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Fair enough then I'll keep working on missions then...

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I'll see if I can crank out a few missions today/noght.

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Eric, let me know what areas you want me to hit. the 366th is out of Baggy Int'l.

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I think keeping north of my killbox is good enough as it gives everybody else who's still interested some "room to play"


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Keep pressing on with this but when we set up the new scenario...you'll be playing that.





No Superhornets in this next one. They werent around yet. Think 1983.......

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When I get home I'll put up my KB.


No Superhornets in this next one. They werent around yet. Think 1983.......

But Tomcats were! :grin:

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