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Ok Let's Start A Virtual "NATO"

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I am guessing this is a more appropriate representation.











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Quick question for one of the weapon Modders does anyone feel as though the TOR system is well erm Useless... ? Just did a quick flight and was shot at by around 30 SA-15's to make life fun I did not use any chaff or ecm to evade them to be honest not one came close... gets a tad boring when you hear SAM Launch and the SAM cannot hit you even if you are right in the heart of its envelope...!

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TOR were never a good system to begin with.


Gameplay note.....once we get the orders to bomb......if it comes......this is where you will control the missions yourselves using the downloads Wrench provides here in a few days.




All missions will have an after action report WITH a screen shot of the outcome of the debriefing screens which will be posted in an official thread for Op Darius AAR's I will make. You need to have integrity (not saying you all won't) and report losses on YOUR side and Iran's side, as I am the official score keeper. I will track supplies etc and maybe a random act of Murphy Law too.


Any questions? Please feel free to ask.

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Yeah, can we start dropping bombs now? :smile:

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Okay bad joke, got it...


Seriously as far as kills that we make, such as AAA/SAM kills. Will they be removed (such as after a week of AARs) from the map just as possible? Or will it just be the same and deal with it?


BTW looking good SidDogg... was planning on doing that one but just put it off so much forgot to do it...

Edited by EricJ

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That will be tough to remove and not sure how to handle that. Kevin any ideas?

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An updated target.ini and individually updated XXX_data per AAA/SAM would be required. I wouldn't worry about the AAA and Mobile SAMs, but the Static SAM sites would be fairly easy to do.


Player A strikes SAM Site and provides BDA assessment picture with North Indicator. Player A sends picture of BDA to Campaign Controller (Dave or Wrench) who then replaces destroyed targets with destroyed Sam/Radar model in target.ini, then reuploads at end of day for next days strike packages.

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Player A strikes SAM Site and provides BDA assessment picture with North Indicator. Player A sends picture of BDA to Campaign Controller (Dave or Wrench) who then replaces destroyed targets with destroyed Sam/Radar model in target.ini, then reuploads at end of day for next days strike packages.


you know how much work that acutally entails???? Just to do that, the TerrainEngineer would need the exact coordinates (the x/y from the debugged huddata ini display), the edit each line of the targets ini, to remove/replace them with a 'destroyed model' (destroyed models are easy -- but would require adding ALL the named destroyed objects into the _types ini), then upload the new _targets.ini -- for each and every mission perfomed!


NOt something I'd want to do!

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BTW looking good SidDogg... was planning on doing that one but just put it off so much forgot to do it...


Oh, thanks!


I kept putting it off myself...feels great to finally get off my rear about it.







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Despite being on 'leave' :boredom: I'm still interested in this.

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you know how much work that acutally entails???? Just to do that, the TerrainEngineer would need the exact coordinates (the x/y from the debugged huddata ini display), the edit each line of the targets ini, to remove/replace them with a 'destroyed model' (destroyed models are easy -- but would require adding ALL the named destroyed objects into the _types ini), then upload the new _targets.ini -- for each and every mission perfomed!


NOt something I'd want to do!


Could just remove the line of the area and not having to worry about destroyed models, etc.

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Could just remove the line of the area and not having to worry about destroyed models, etc.


***if i may butt in kindly***



OR, you could just take EVERY Object in the TYPES.INI...


...And set the RepairTime= .....to an infinite value.









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Maybe but this isn't a "real" campaign per se, so that factor is actually quite irrelevant since it's (how I understand it) actual single missions as opposed to a campaign.

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Yes it single mission that the end user can fly from their own install. I might put out a few myself for all but not sure right now.

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infinity value??? I wonder if that works.... the entries would/might be something like this??
























nobody's ever experimentated with that, to my knowledge. Brother Sidd may be on to something here!!!

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Any talented skinner want to try their hand on creating the new camo scheme on the Iranian F-14s?

I'd try to make 'em myself but alas, I'm no talented skinner.






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Okay did a bit of a screw up can some one post the Data file for the F-5EIRIAF please was doing some work and didn't realise I had ahem moved the file into the recycle bin... thanks in advance... :drinks:

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The grey scheme is available for the first gen Iranian F-14 but not for the new version. I imported the older version into my Operation Darius install (5 minute job) so I've got desert (new) and grey (old) F-14's to go up against.


SF1 Iranian F-14



Grey Iranian skin


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I thought I did one for the newer MF bird but I did an early scheme... guess I gotta break out the paintbrush...

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Its a shame those F-14's are flying for the wrong side. Well at least someone is flying Tomcats. Have I mentioned how much I really miss the Tomcat?

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ok, was unable to upload the 854 meg single zip .... gave up after 2 hours of waiting.


so, tommorrow, I"ll be putting up the various and sundry bits in 4 parts, more or less. The objects (expecially the aircraft and GOs) will still be a little on the large side, but shouldn't choke somewhere in the pipeline.


stand by for action!!

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I thought I did one for the newer MF bird but I did an early scheme... guess I gotta break out the paintbrush...

Great news, thanks a lot! :salute:

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