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Ok Let's Start A Virtual "NATO"

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I didn't know that! even with the flight engine tweek, to expand borders?


Unfortunetly the border tweek doesn't help with this. You and AI can fly past that last %10 line, but the Single Mission generator will neither allow planes to takeoff from bases in that region or have Waypoints there. Even the Mission Editor won't let you put anything there.. I wish somebody would find a solution or TK fixes it, because some of the larger terrains have this huge region wasted..

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Here is the Leopard 2A6 Tank. Uses the 120mm Main Gun, that should be already in your Operation Darius install. It´s the same from the M1A1, what is not correct. Leopard 2A5 and M1A1 have the 120mm/L44, but the Leopard 2A6 has a 120mm/L55 gun. Who wants to be correct, even if you won´t notice the difference in game for sure, feel free to change. :grin:



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Sorry 'bout that, Sid, blame it on bad research on my part. Could "exchange" if no one had any gripes about it.

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Thanks guy 0 and 9 did it...dunno why I didnt spot that.

Guess it was way to obvious. I stopped counting those moments, where i drive crazy because i know something has to work, but refuses and i overlooked such little things about billions of time! :grin:

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thanks Florian!!! Been wanting that ... I"ll add it, and have some parked around the army bases!!

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ok people .. a VERY large update pak, with buttloads of groundobjects, newly renamed TFD/HFD to create to IR2003 terrain, LOTS and LOTS of terrianobjects (builtin). Some you'll probably have already, but they are included following my almost religious policy of "CYA". 3 CV stations are placed far enough from the 900km line to be operational .. the CVs are there; if that's a issue (not real familiar on how that works), juse edit the IR_Targets.ini to remove them. They're down near the bottom, the last object called out in each one. This will presrve the battlegroup escort ships.


With luck, and no major screwups, this'll just about do it.


There's a boatload of stuff supplied, a good deal of which is NOT used ... they're just there because I didn't remove the unused items.


also, 2 very large, albeit somewhat outdated, maps of the relevant region (1970s era)


the important stuff:


unzip a always, and drop into the 'NAG' specific installl --DO NOT INSTALL THIS TO THE ORIGINAL IR TERRAIN IF IN A GENERIC INSTALL-- it will f*** it up. If you do, you'll have to d/l the IR terrain over. This 'fix' is designed ONLY for use with the NAG mod. (that's for the slightly less experienced users, not for folks that really know what's going on, and what to do!)


after installing the goodies, RENAME the IR terran folder to IR2003. All the inis supplied are done with this in mind; this will create an era/theatre specific terrain, and not conflict with the 1980s IR version (unless it gets screwed up somehow during your installation)


wander around -- there have been some major retiling fixes, additions and general fiddling with.


(edit: for those wanting a very small update for the 1980s IR terrain, simply rename the IR2003.TFD back to IR.TFD, and drop it into the /IR terrain, allowing the overwrite. It'll just add the retiled areas)


let me know what's what.

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Many thanks Kevin.

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I just found this thread, and it's friggin' AWESOME! Sorry, been out of the loop for awhile, family, work, etc. I'd like to fly F-14's (no surprise there), but I'll take whatever missions A/C come my way (transport, test, recce, etc.), HELL, I'll even drive a fuel truck and deice to get our missions out! grin.gif One mission a week is about what I can do given the family schedule. I'll be checking back!



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I just found this thread, and it's friggin' AWESOME! Sorry, been out of the loop for awhile, family, work, etc. I'd like to fly F-14's (no surprise there), but I'll take whatever missions A/C come my way (transport, test, recce, etc.), HELL, I'll even drive a fuel truck and deice to get our missions out! grin.gif One mission a week is about what I can do given the family schedule. I'll be checking back!





No F-14's in 2011.

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Sad but true. I'll see if I can get this thing setup this weekend. Is there s separate folder in the downloads section?

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well.....the Iranian are still using theirs....


Jon, all the D/Ls are here in these threads*. If you're missing something, let us know


*except the Iran/Iraq terrain it's based on -- in the SF2/Terrains/DLs; apply the fixes

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DWCAce I suggest you scroll through this thread to pick up the downloads.


BTW - Dave is it too late for me to report for duty?


A mission a week should be doable for me IRL.


I'll take a French Mirage 2000D squadron. Both UAE & Qatar operate the Mirage 2000 so we can be based at one of their air bases to take the load off the Saudi & Kuwaiti fields. Please advise.


Unless there's a French skin available for the KC-135 we'll need tanker support from drogue equipped aircraft.

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Saw the links, thought those were for development only. Just saw some of the DL's in the main section toogood.gif

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Ugh, must of missed this too, but which install are we basing this off of?

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full-4 merged, with expansion paks 1&2 for me (but exps aren't necessary, due to the 2003 start date of the terrain)


at minimum, SF2 to access the Desert.cat for the terrain object/cat pointer.


Dave should have left his aircraft folder zip up above somewheres, along with a weapons pak, sounds, effects, my groundobject folder etc and suchlike

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Thanks Kevin. I'll try to find his zips.

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Just saw that Dave's waiting to get everything finalized before he uploads anything more. Until then I'll just keep getting up to speed with SF2.


Also, I'll check out Blue's OOB and see if there's anyway I can help there.

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you dog you!!! :lol: even looks like it's got the cranked delta....

that's the one I needed for India/Pakistan!!!



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Its made by using the J-7H LOD by 101tfs. The double Delto you are looking for is the J-7E. The LOD model is also from 101tfs, and you can find it in the download area for first generation.

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Sooooooo! :grin:



...I heard people kinda need AEA...and stuff.











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