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Ok Let's Start A Virtual "NATO"

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You need some more modern stuff, at least for the Airbases german units are deployed?

Used them as terrain objects...





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oh, which brings something elese in question, regarding "details".


There's a LOT of port cities (ok, like 3 or 4) in the previously neutral regions. (KWC, Dahrain, Doha, etc) How important is it that they have the same level of population as, say Busher or Um Qsar? I mean, it'll just give the iranians something else to bomb .. and YOU to defend. ANDD....extend the time it'll take me to release and fix...


and do we really want the Ikea in Riyadh (yes, there IS one!) Cause I can put it there!! :rofl:

Edited by Wrench

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florian: those are already in the GO folder; the'll just need adding to the types ini, and placed. (I don't recognize the fuel truck, though whre's that from?-- but the rovers are there) note; Isreali stuff will be removed before upload


screenie of the GO folder


*i just realized that "NATO Action Group" spells NAG!! :good:

Edited by Wrench

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Those are no Landrovers. :grin: German "Wolf" jeep, "Unimog" light truck, Mercedes truck and fuel truck with Mercedes tractor unit. I never released those...

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cool icon!


ok... here's a bunch of stuff


terrain fixes

ground object folder

guns folder


important, some of the radar equiped vehicles/sams/aaa/ducklaunchers NEED the SF2 radar statrement for the TEWS, and most likely new RWR list entries, and tga icons


Test EVERyTHING!! many of the AD sites in iraq (well, iran too sometimes!) are set 'generic' (SAMRadar, SAMLauncher, AAA, etc) so expect some radomization


let me know of major faults


edit;;; damnit!! the site's gone wonky, and won't let me attach/upload anything. frack! I'll try again later tonight

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I just got my Greece birds sent, i made some separate installs which i will upload should you need them...

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Alright I've made a Dutch F-16AM based on the FAP F-16AM Ace888 made. Will post if required.


Could someone upload the sound files to the aircraft Dave uploaded? I had to uninstall everything after the Oct patch messed everything up.

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Ill get teh sounds zipped and uploaded now. Sorry fells my fault.

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Here are the sounds. If i missed some let me know.

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FINALLYY!!! working!!


terrain fixes



ground objects coming ... got to add 3 more

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here's the groundobject folder ... complete. if you've made a seperate install, just allow the overwrite. this one dosen't have any IDF vehicles (tanks and such)


alos, on the terrain stuff above, the terrain has a start year of 2003 ... if that's ok; i can easily change it if not. Going for a post-modern/post OIF time frame. Got some more terrain objects from Florian, so expect a terrain update in a day or so.

a new IR_water.bmp, i think, may be required...the ones i make don't seem to work for some reason.... :dntknw:


just unzip, and drop over the existing GO folder. userlists have been created where needed, some radar data may need tweeking for the EWRs or SAMRadars, but they should all work ok. Some ships/carriers may be missing (Nimitz,LHA, LPD?)


guys, DO wander around the terrain ... there's an AWFUL lot of detailing in there

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2003 is fine Kevin. Many thanks.....

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something i thought of last night...


is/will/should there be an Iraqi air component; even if using 2nd hand aircraft (Amodel vipers, or modded from my IRIAF Netz -skin would be easy), or anything they can get their hands on (left-over Migs?). Or, are they sitting this one out?


edit: and what of the other regional AFs?

Edited by Wrench

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Kuwait and Iraq are just providing the bases along with Saudi Arabia...

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lazy sods!! let the western folks do all the work...how typical... :blink:

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So before the actual strike missions start, the SAM network could use a little updating. Since its 2011, this IMINT blog can be used for good source: http://geimint.blogs...am-network.html


The Iranian air defense network relies on a mixture of Soviet and Western SAM systems. This relatively unusual mix stems from both pre- and post-1979 acquisitions from the West and the Soviet Union, respectively. The following SAM systems are currently in service as part of the overall air defense network: HQ-2 (CSA-1 GUIDELINE, a Chinese-produced S-75 derivative, employing the TIGER SONG engagement radar), HAWK, S-200 (SA-5 GAMMON), 2K12 (SA-6 GAINFUL), and Tor-M1E (SA-15 GAUNTLET).


According to this, can we say that available systems are:

  • SA-2
  • SA-5
  • HAWK
  • SA-6
  • SA-15 (Tor-M1)
  • Other Indigenous (Perhaps we can decide to use other mods for stand-ins here)

With a quick work on groundobjects we can remove/add the necessary systems and try to have at least proper systems show up in-game, when the actual war missions start in Op.Darius.

Any suggestions?

Edited by PureBlue

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OH KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


You're up!!!

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It's just a matter of modifying the various USERLIST.inis


Matter of fact it took me less than ten minutes to do.

Edited by EricJ

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as/is was supplied in the GO folder I uploaded. -- many new userllists

don't remember if the SA5 has one ... 2s are easily extracted and tweeked, as is the 6. Hawks are still in iran, as many were hand placed, and the userlist shows them


if one wanders around Iraq, in the usual places where I put the AD batteries, you'll see Western units (since Irag is classed as FRIENDLY in the terrains nations ini) Tor are showing up in Iran; as seen in the recce phots.


i will be leaving things set as 'generic' -- if hand placing SAMs and Radars, the Old Bug is still there ... I've flow right over Patriot batteries, hand placed, and they NEVER showed on my TEWS, even with dtmdragons updated RWR.lst

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It's just a matter of modifying the various USERLIST.inis


I agree Eric, a few USERLIST edits are needed. Date and availability..

My research is pretty limited on Iran right now. So I could be off on some.

  • For example the S-300, (do they have any?)
  • SA-3 (Any still operational?)
  • also TOR could be redesignated STATIC_SAM (Because a test mission I flew had way too many of these)

Another suggestion is, perhaps have the beginning missions w/ "Enemy Air Defense=Heavy" and then decrease it as the SAM sites are taken out..

Just thinking out loud here :grin:

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give me a couple of hours ... found my updated Gammon and SquarePair...have to check the others



edit: no need to adjust the FansongF, SA-2LF, SA6 or straightflush .. newly extracted inis show all the correct (for our use) countries listed. However, they are set to RARE.


do you want it adjusted to COMMON? How ofted do you wish to die?? :lol:

Edited by Wrench

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RARE is fine IMHO for SA-2.

but TOR is COMMON !! :grin: (It's also set to MOBILE_AAA !)


Also Kevin, I haven't looked through the targets.ini, but loaded up the map in KMD, viewing only SAM objects. If its displaying correctly, only two target areas with SAMRadar/SAMLauncher in Iran:




Who is our intelligence officer, How awesome it would be to have regularly updated PLANNINGMAP.BMP files.(Just overlayed small updates from recon, etc..)

Edited by PureBlue

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i cheated a LOT on adding the AD units in Iran ...they're built INTO the cities, not as seperate target areas - of which there are plenty (3 or 4 around Busher). I found it worked better, both for general targeting -- reduces that cursed overlap of areas, and playability -- makes it a tad more "interestering" for player


ok, new ground objects and weapon; tweeked for this usage ONLY!!! Found the issue with the HAWKs was some wrong end years


unzip, and drop over the /Objects folder (with luck I spelled GroundObject correctly, right PB!!?)


screenies show that things WILL get interestering....as the Grumbles are showing up


i think the TOR as mobileAAA may force it to appear in CAS/ArmedRecon. It's easly changed to MOBILE_SAM; just hope the usual glitch don't raise it fugly head...

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