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LCC-19 (Blue Ridge)

LHA-1 (Tarawa)

LHD-1 (Wasp)

LPD-4 (Austin)



we do not see those yet, curious abour them :blink:

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We wont get the Wasp class LHDs, the first one entered service in mid 1989 ...

But one of the early wip screenies showed a Tarawa class boat

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interesting logan4, looks like it's somewhat off compared to rest of the model... but as much as I'd like to, I don't think we would have that much of DM improvements :sad:

I hope one thing will be fixed -all those bombs or wheels falling through closed baydoors and hatches, same for missiles detaching from torn off wings


I think (note I'm not a programer) that DM modelling could work on similar principles like the damage textures on the existing planes, maybe that is how the above scene was acomplished, certanly some sub-system targeting would be good otherwise can be very hard to accomplish a SEAD/DEAD mission on ship defences.


True on the bomb bays. We can never know enough afore what surprises will waiting for us :drinks:

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On the first pic with the Corsair and the ship only the central radar seems to be hit and damaged, but I can be wrong :grin:


Edit- correcting typeo


That could explain why this Corsair is so close and no one doesnt shoot to him.


Do you think that ships will have possibility to shooting down smaller a-s missiles (Harpoons)? Maybe there will be new entry in weapons editor, something like "detectable" by surface and air radars...

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Artur there is screen showing ship engaging and shooting ASM few pages back

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On the first pic with the Corsair and the ship only the central radar seems to be hit and damaged, but I can be wrong :grin:


If you mean the Radar on the main mast (just aft of the bridge), it doesn't seem damaged. The real photos depict it slanted just like that. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:49KashinClassDestroyerMediterraneanJan1970.jpg)

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Night Landing, and Carrier Ops, Trees, and Pit Shots.. For the love of all things JP5

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If you mean the Radar on the main mast (just aft of the bridge), it doesn't seem damaged. The real photos depict it slanted just like that. (http://en.wikipedia....neanJan1970.jpg)


Actually I meant the color of it compared to the other parts of the ship, but looking at the link you provided that fits well too, seems sooted from the first 2 chemnies. Thanks the info there is always something to learn for a land rat. :salute:

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Here we go.. I think I got all the ships from screenshots released to date.

A few of the newer systems (like the RAM launchers, etc.) won't be included in the timeframe and they will need to be cleaned. Any help would be appreciated.

SF2:NA Naval Units Reference Guide: SF2-NA Naval Units Reference Guide.pdf

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Here we go.. I think I got all the ships from screenshots released to date.

A few of the newer systems (like the RAM launchers, etc.) won't be included in the timeframe and they will need to be cleaned. Any help would be appreciated.

SF2:NA Naval Units Reference Guide: SF2-NA Naval Units Reference Guide.pdf


Very cool! You rock!

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great Umut!:drinks:

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Thanks the first "mod" for SF2/na!!

Edited by colmack
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Cok guzel!!!

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We're going to change our flight sim in a naval one! Very good!




@ UMUT new shots for Your portfolio. Thank You. :drinks:

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if only those Damnevilcloudsparticlestm were fixed...


will have to do NA version of S.A.R.C.A.S.M I guess

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this sim is a f***ing instant classic clapping.gif


hear! hear!

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Glad you're enjoying the Handbook :salute:


The AI coding should be getting a real workover.

For ships, do they launch SAMs against incoming aircraft or do they detect they're being painted by an incoming active missile and defend against that. Reloading takes time.. (If the latter is implemented of course, which the only clue we have is a screenshot of a fireball :grin:)

For aircraft, how far do they push the attack before dumping ordinance when enemy starts lobbing SAMs like crazy.


Also the campaigns.. It's bound to keep track of the naval forces attrition..

Boy this is tough.

Hats off to TK and his small team for the effort to build a classic like this :drinks:

Edited by PureBlue

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I got a weird feeling on those Intruders. Anyway, Razbam cockpits will be installed in those as soon as i get them

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looking at those beautiful ships I feel urgent need to man and play them "Battlestations:Pacific" style :grin:

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I second that... and some ground warfare if that's not too much :blink:

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hey look, new bullet hit water Effects..


can we get new cloud TGA's too?

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no not new, was thinking the same at first glance, but now I think no

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