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3 new* screenshots on FB guys. Looks JUICY!




*) At least, not seen here anyways..



old news sadly :sad:

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yeah what my thoughts are... also I'm sure lot of new customers will buy NA as stand-alone product, so I really think it's better be there


I'm still considering having is entirely stand-alone without merging with series2

its what i'm planning if i can get it right at release. yeah i'm a wuss and wanna see how the more experience folks do with it before merging. but with time budget and location i think it'll be out a couple of weeks before i can get it.

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Dave, are you guys planning separate Forum and Download sections for NA?


No need to. Its still part of the SF2 series.

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No need to. Its still part of the SF2 series.


I bet the changes code-wise are bigger than Gen2 over Gen1 had, but I think it will be less confusing to have it still in Gen2 category (not to mention the admin work to do so)


no new screens in several days :sad:

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no new screens in several days :sad:


I take that as a good sign.

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who knows, but maybe indeed

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I bet the changes code-wise are bigger than Gen2 over Gen1 had, but I think it will be less confusing to have it still in Gen2 category (not to mention the admin work to do so)


no new screens in several days :sad:

I just hope all custom aircraft, campaigns, terrains etc. still work ok when (or if?) the other games are updated to NA standard. Itching to get my Hornets over Iceland and a new Tomcat over Dhimar...

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given there will be option to merge with Series2 I guess most stuff for Series2 should work ok

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given there will be option to merge with Series2 I guess most stuff for Series2 should work ok

But how many questions will there be on does this work with SF1 ??? :yikes:


And if so are we allowed to ahem remove them from the Gene pool ??? :minigun:

Edited by Slartibartfast

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But how many questions will there be on does this work with SF1 ??? :yikes:


And if so are we allowed to ahem remove them from the Gene pool ??? :minigun:


I'll just ban their dumb asses for asking dumb questions. . :lol:

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lol Slarti!:lol:

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Well.. its official... Im Bored...


wondering if the SF2 V,E,I,Exp1,Exp2 engines will be patched to the same code level......

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I wouldn't count on that as the water is related to the new terrain engine and terrain generation system, please remember that now water is basically the same continuous mesh with land, just with water texture on it (and some effects added to the texture's alpha channel only)

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I wouldn't count on that as the water is related to the new terrain engine and terrain generation system, please remember that now water is basically the same continuous mesh with land, just with water texture on it (and some effects added to the texture's alpha channel only)


same point of view for me


maybe a redone terrains as dlc later but i doubt, the work for (as a example) europe is huge.

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maybe a redone terrains as dlc later but i doubt, the work for (as a example) europe is huge.


yeah same thing I was wondering (and perhaps posted about here) the other day, the terrains DLC would be cool, but too much work involved needed in other areas

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It would be a pity if the existing terrains are left as they are.

We may as well call North Atlantic SF3 then,........ though it just happens to merge SF2 series.

From the screen shots we have seen, the gap between NA & the current SF2 titles seems just as big as it was between the first & second series?


I get the feeling that flying around in the stock Vietnam is going to rune the emersion for me after being spoiled with all the eye candy in North Atlantic.


Guess we can’t have everything & I’m sure just having the new title on my hard drive will be more than enough excitement for me for a long time.


I would still jump at the chance to by any DLC terrains though.

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one word: modders :good:

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seriously? Our download section is chock FULL of "DLC*" terrains.



*which, by the pure defination of the term, are DownLoadable Content

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Guest Pfunk

With more being made all the time.

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I'll just ban their dumb asses for asking dumb questions. . :lol:

1. there are no dumb questions only dumb people.

2. only banned? no nukes? :grin:

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"There is no such thing as a stupid question -until you ask it" -ThatGuyWithTheGlasses

Edited by Stary

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It would be a pity if the existing terrains are left as they are.

We may as well call North Atlantic SF3 then,........ though it just happens to merge SF2 series.

From the screen shots we have seen, the gap between NA & the current SF2 titles seems just as big as it was between the first & second series?


I get the feeling that flying around in the stock Vietnam is going to rune the emersion for me after being spoiled with all the eye candy in North Atlantic.


Guess we can’t have everything & I’m sure just having the new title on my hard drive will be more than enough excitement for me for a long time.


I would still jump at the chance to by any DLC terrains though.



LOL other than a few quick tests, I haven't flown over a stock terrain in years... it's been a long long time.

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