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If SF2NA is designed for late 70s early 80s then it would be cool to let's say around 1978 putting HMS Ark Royal with Phantoms and Bucs in the mix. Seems to me it would be quite fun!


I'd say the scope of the title is more likely to be early 70s to mid-80s, but being a TW sim, we can of course adjust those dates to suit whatever timeframe we want (once we get our grubby hands on it, that is).


The Ark Royal, the Foch, limitless possiblilities.... :good:

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I'd say the scope of the title is more likely to be early 70s to mid-80s, but being a TW sim, we can of course adjust those dates to suit whatever timeframe we want (once we get our grubby hands on it, that is).


The Ark Royal, the Foch, limitless possiblilities.... :good:




Yeah I think the RN and FNS are going to be a tad busy.... to bad they ripped all the Air defenses of the Ark Royal, I do see myself getting the FN crusader and the F4K Phantom II DLC now...

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you might be into something here Wise Jedi


Few days ago I was just about to post in the Aerosoft's Jet Thunder forum, after quite stupid and arrogant explanation from publisher (Mathias K for those few of us here who look into there) regarding JT status, that he'd better hurry Dante's team cause TW is going for bigger release, but decided not to


Jet Thunder is vaporware.....

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A friend is coming over until Saturday.


TK; you have my official permission to WAIT with the release until she goes back home :drinks:

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A friend is coming over until Saturday.


TK; you have my official permission to WAIT with the release until she goes back home :drinks:


Cue cheap porno music..... :lol:

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I know the F1 is coming after NA, I just mean that as far as a "full" title goes, the ground work will be largely laid out for a SA title. We'd need Brit carriers, likely the Harrier would get an upgrade/facelift, but considering the timeframe TK has picked (late 40s thru 1982) it's one of the few famous conflicts he's not touched on yet besides Korea (which we know he has plans for "eventually"). Unlike Korea, though, I think it would take far less work for Malvinas/Falklands.

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A friend is coming over until Saturday.


TK; you have my official permission to WAIT with the release until she goes back home :drinks:

will we get a youtube review of that as well? :rofl: jk

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+1 for review :grin:



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will we get a youtube review of that as well? :rofl: jk



DA FOR DA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Just please no cheesy dialog in the video review.......and please do not use the gardener wanting to get a drink of water storyline....we all know he could of used the water hose outside. :lol:

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Can you imagine though TK releasing NA Saturday ?

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I'll have plenty of free time this weekend... and the weather is expected to be rainy and foggy...

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Jet Thunder is vaporware.....



i don't think jet thunder is vaporware, but it's (probably) in the same the situation than thirdwire (it seems there is the same amount of people in the dev team) exept (and it's a big difference) they have to build the soft from scratch. probably a very ambitious project for a so small team.

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JT... sad thing is they had working code back in 2007 or so, aerosoft is f**ing with them sadly

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will we get a youtube review of that as well? :rofl: jk



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Thanks, we'll hae to look into it, but it'll probably be after the SF2NA release :oops:


TK regarding a Bug Report.


And no, i am not saying this in order to try and get attention away from the girl review :D

Suffice to say, I had to act as a best friend / psychiatrist to a girl I know as a workmate, as she broke up with her BF since 7 years back who did not really treat her right. Did an effort to get her self esteem back up, and I think this has backfired on me on the most obvious way possible.


Regarding JT; I was really exited about it...


...a year ago.

Edited by JonathanRL

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Suffice to say, I had to act as a best friend / psychiatrist to a girl I know as a workmate, as she broke up with her BF since 7 years back who did not really treat her right.


Aha! Vulture!! Just kidding. Sorry, i guess we need something new to post about.

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Suffice to say, I had to act as a best friend / psychiatrist to a girl I know as a workmate


(OT: Watch out what you're doing, or don't be sorry after... been there done that)

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As it is, we're having to leave out at least 2 ship types from the game because even though the 3d models are pretty much built, we can't afford to get them textured (we'll try to get them out later as DLC or expansion pack)


No real biggie for me, as what he has showed to date, is way surpassed my wishes.


So far we haven't seen shots of: (correct me if I'm wrong)

CGN-38, CVN-68, LHD, LPD, LCC-19.


Of course none of these were confirmed objects for SF2:NA, we're just going by the groundobjects.lst file included in other SF2 games....

Edited by PureBlue

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No real biggie for me, as what he has showed to date, is way surpassed my wishes.


So far we haven't seen shots of: (correct me if I'm wrong)

CGN-38, CVN-68, LHD, LPD, LCC-19.


Of course none of these were confirmed objects for SF2:NA, we're just going by the groundobjects.lst file included in other SF2 games....


He cant afford to hire a texture artist? I can name about 10 here who would do it for free.

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I can name about 10 here who would do it for free.



i guess he do not accept free help due to some legal issue.

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i guess he do not accept free help due to some legal issue.


Well to get around that he has the texture artist sign an agreement saying that he will not get paid and will not ask for money and get it notortized. I did that with Alphasim when I painted their F-8 for their Vietnam add on for CF2. Its not complicated. That is what always had bothered me about TK. We for lack for a better phrase need each other to a point. He makes the sim, we all like it and hey its moddable. We make mods and it gets people interested in the series, he keeps making more sims, with more and more features etc, we continue to support him. IMHO this works out great because I have had a blast with his series for 10 years. Anyway I know lots of us are willing to help TK if he wants it. We would be glad to give back to the person who has given us great enjoyment over the years. Now we do give back with our money but I am sure we can help him and not let money become an issue for anyone helping him on a volunteer basis. I for one would be glad to help him anyway I can and not ask a dime in return. That's just me.


Yeah I know I get on my tangents now again about the series, but that is frustration talking when somethings go wrong. We all are guilty of that. I just do it more than others. That end result makes me responsible for DanW not posting here anymore. I'm long on mouth short on brains.

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Well to get around that he has the texture artist sign an agreement saying that he will not get paid and will not ask for money and get it notortized. I did that with Alphasim when I painted their F-8 for their Vietnam addon for CF2. Its not complicated. That is what always had bothered me about TK. We for lack for a better phrase need each other to a point. He makes the sim, we all like it and hey its moddable. We make mods and it gets people interested in the series, he keeps making more sims, with more and more features etc, we continue to support him. IMHO this works out great because I have had a blast with his series for 10 years. Anyway I know lots of us are willing to help TK if he wants it. We would be glad to give back to the person who has given us great enjoyment over the years. Now we do give back with our money but I am sure we can help him and not let money become an issue for anyone helping him on a volunteer basis. I for one would be glad to help him anyway I can and not ask a dime in return. That's just me.


Yeah I know I get on my tangents now again about the series, but that is frustration talking when somethings go wrong. We all are guilty of that. I just do it more than others. That end result makes me responsible for DanW not posting here anymore. I'm long on mouth short on brains.


Spot on brother!


Funny as I and Julhelm had almost exact same discussion yesterday -why not ask best of the best of community for help? I'm 100% sure Big Name modders here would gladly sweat blood for TK to make for him texture work he needs or to include selected mods in the initial release, not asking for a penny, maybe a credits entry -I surely would!


I don't care about money, I don't have them that much really, I care for the progression of the series I'm playing past 7 years without a month or so.

IF (and I'm pretty sure I'm right here..) initial NA release includes some best quality community made mods like Bucc, MF F-14 or some clouds mods (I still can't get over 6-years old targa file he never changed!) that would have some impact on renevue and sales numbers, and give TK more money to add code features. Remember we can tweak everything, except the code. Perpetum mobile I'd say...


(it was Zur's freeware P.11c included in IL2 FB, wasn't it?)

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