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reinstall..? :bad:

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hmm I haven't had issues with controls mapping and did not installed the hotfix, so no problem for me, I thought the April patch should have it incorporated

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I think the confusion lies in that the download was patched up to April 2012. And it may have not fixed the issue but since I got things manually typed in it works okay now.

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I applied the hot fix, then the April patch. The Black map problem is not fixed for me, in fact it is worse... I used to be able to zoom in and it would start working.

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I applied the hot fix, then the April patch. The Black map problem is not fixed for me, in fact it is worse... I used to be able to zoom in and it would start working.


I had the same problem until I removed any 3rd party files or mods from it. Now it works fine.

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All we need is a 3D Artist, a Skinner and a Terrain Maker:










That can be arranged...



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Skatezilla, WBS: You got PM :english_en:

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if Independence Day isnt doable due to restrictions of the engine, we can always do stargate




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Looks like the AIM-54A is borked as I cannot load it at all on the F-14A with the proper years. Overall trying to update the Super Hornet with the same capability but that may be borked as well... oh well waiting for the next patch but looks good so far...


Yep me to The Aim-54A is no longer available in the load out. This blows.

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Do you have another copy (third party) of the AIM-54A installed in your Weapons folder? If it is the most recent release, it contains this line for use with the TMF Tomcat:




The ThirdWire F-14A uses:




Either change the line in the TW Tomcat's Data.ini to match the AIM-54 or in the AIM-54's and TMF Tomcat's Data.ini's to match the TW F-14's and that should fix the problem.





Edited by Caesar

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Duh! Thanks!

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thanks Caesar !

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now thats a terrain tile... too bad its from the never released fighter ops... haha



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now thats a terrain tile... too bad its from the never released fighter ops... haha

it's no task to take a sat map, but to populate it with indicidual buildings... that is something that takes alot of money


BTW, FighterOps is considered scam, right? Area 51 (LOL!) pay-to-view max renders etc... I wonder where the money goes?


To Bob Lazar

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what would it take and how much time we need to build a map for NA? a year maybe? ... we need a medic here!

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F.O. has been in dev since before i graduated, and im about to have my 10 year reunion this summer, so....

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what would it take and how much time we need to build a map for NA? a year maybe? ... we need a medic here!

not really, I have one but with alot of issues, mainly water/land clipping

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then should we ask TK for new terrain creator just for NA?

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I don't think so, as it's now created in max and exported as LOD files

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oh god no , we ain't gonna have new maps for NA this year

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Try with "maybe never" on the NA terrains...

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yeah, sad but true

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