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Major Lee

Prayers and Positive Thoughts....

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Hi all, I am requesting Prayers and Positive Thoughts for my wife of five years, Jeanine. She is having surgery Tuesday the 10th... She will be in the O.R. about 0800 and should take 2-3 hours... Nothing life threatening underlying, just the risks of surgery. So, if you are so inclined, please pray for Jeanine, her medical team, and for me to be strong for her.





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Prayers inbound....

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Both of you will be in my quiet heart.

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Best wishes Major Lee.


My sons are flying today. It's just a short hop down the North Island of New Zealand to their Uncle's farm for the school holidays, but it always makes me a bit edgy, and I understand a little of how you feel about your wife's op.


So... may all our loved ones be safe today.





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You got my support. Best wishes. :salute:

Edited by czingerx

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Well, my boys arrived safely earlier today and had a lovely flight by all accounts, just a little bit of turbulence on approach to Palmerston North Airport. Jitters over for Dad!


timeanddate.com tells me it's early morning, 02:30 on the 10th in Grand Rapids, Michigan - it's 18:30 hours on the 10th here in Aotearoa New Zealand - so let's hope the boy's uneventful plane trip is a good omen for Jeanine's op later this morning.


Kei konā kei a kōrua ngā whakaaro

Our thoughts are with you



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I hope all goes well :good:







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my positive thoughts are with both of you

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Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. All is well, sugery just took longer than anticipated. Your kindness is much. Appreciated !!!!



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Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. All is well, sugery just took longer than anticipated. Your kindness is much. Appreciated !!!!



Hope it all went well ML

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Uploading prayers


best wishes and prayers for a fast recovery

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