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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.

Which models do you want or need first?  

196 members have voted

  1. 1. Surface combatants

    • USN: Arleigh Burke FltIIA class Aegis destroyer, San Antonio class LPD
    • USN / Taiwan: Kidd class / Kee Lung class destroyer
    • JMSDF: Abukuma, Hatsuyuki, Asagiri, Murasame, Atago, Hyuga
    • Russia: Sovremenny class destroyer, Ka-25 ASW helicopter
    • Royal Navy: Type 45 Daring class destroyer, Albion class LPD
    • PLAN: Jianghu frigate variants, Luda class destroyer, Type 052C class frigate
    • Submarines: Los Angeles, Virginia, Seawolf, Akula, maybe even SSBNs
    • Ground vehicles: Type 90 MBT, M1A2 TUSK, Smerch rocket launcher, etc.
  2. 2. Aircraft carriers

    • Wasp class LHD
    • Kuznetsov (Russia) and Shi Lang (PLAN, ex-Varyag)
    • Charles de Gaulle (France)

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If we had game mechanics that supported torpedoes, that would be a great way to do subs. As it is, I think we might as well keep them surfaced so they can be recognized and engaged.


I've just uploaded the new Ticonderogas. It's much more than just the small visual tweaks, so please check them out!


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are you working on anything from the Iwo Jima class LPH's? i believe the Wasp was used for trials as Sea Control ship and it would make a interesting naval what if for escort duty. would still make for an interesting alternative to the LHA's and be useful in a RSR type mod


and i still want the Midway :biggrin:

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I don't really have any plans for an Iwo Jima, but several of the straight-deck Essex ships were used as LPH assault ships until 1970, so at least you'll have something of similar role in that era.

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I have plans for an Iwo Jima LPHI dont Know what it is LOl, I LUV the Gator Navy.............. I was looking at plans and piccys just yesterday now if I could just figure out how to MAP n Paint the bastards............




Oh yeah i remember what peaks my interest in the gator navy, My cousin served on the the Mighty Mo........... I know what ur thinkin already but not BB-63........... the USS Ala-Mo LSD 33





Midway, Personally for me it would be Coral Maru first actually I would like to to all versions of the midway class from strait deck to final cfg they were an interesting bunch especially how they diverged into totally different machines in the end.



Midway the most modern of the Group in the end, congress kept throwing money at her


FDR she didn't get much love from congress, or the navy, only one austere refit her downfall was Nimitz coming online


Coral Sea the Old Salt spent more time on Yankee station then any other carrier

Edited by colmack

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@ WBS, i know the straight deck Essex were used that way later in life. just havin difficulies with that other site (not that i'm suprised)

@colmack agreed the Midway's had each their own shape and history. Even Coral Sea bein at the other site doesn't make up for no Midway or Rosie.....

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They have a Midway there too. that is my "old" original Coral Sea from CFS2 daze


also are you talking about Iwo Jima class LPH USS Iwo Jima, or Wasp class LHD USS Iwo Jima

Edited by colmack

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Ok yeah I want to do an LPH an entirely unappreciated class that did allot of good work without all the fan fair


here is a Piccy of the one I started back in the cfs2 dazes before the big HDD.....screwup

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In the spirit of Halloween, I have a scary story for you all, complete with pics, which are totally not meant to be a teaser for one of my long-running secret projects. Honest.


- - - - -


"I'm not crazy. I am the only survivor of the Yuxi. She went down that night with all 200 hands. Still I wonder why I was spared. Let me tell you what happened."


"I was a radar technician. I studied at university in America, and then came back home and ended up using what I learned against them. A common story here. But perhaps I didn't study enough, or perhaps they didn't teach us everything."


"We were persuing a ship carrying a vile traitor who decided to defect with party secrets. We thought they were headed for the wayward province, but instead they turned north-east. Order came through to follow them, and we did so cautiously. Tensions are already much too high with the other powers in the region."


"It was around midnight and I was asleep in my bunk. We had just passed the Diaoyu Islands when my bunkmate came back from watch and woke me up suddenly, saying there were unusual lights in the distance. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stepped out on deck. They looked like shooting stars, unusual for such a cloudy night..."


"But then these stars fell and struck our ship. The first hit the helicopter deck. Shrapnel tore through the hangar doors; the Z-9 was wrecked. Right away I knew there was meant to be no escape."


"My training overcame the shock, and I dashed to my station in the CIC, even as more stars fell and destroyed our long-range search radars and communication antennas."


"The radar showed absolutely nothing on the horizon, nothing in the air. What on earth was doing this to us? Was it too far away? Or invisible to radar? Both?"


"Barely a few minutes had passed and the ship was in utter chaos. We were taking on water, and fires were spreading towards ammo holds. I desperately attempted to find something, anything, to shoot back at, if only to give our crew some hope. But any such chance at that was lost when another blast turned the bridge, and our captain, to ash."


"The acting first officer, trying his best not to panic, ordered maximum speed and evasive maneuvers. Somehow, despite having to steer using the emergency controls in engineering, we managed to evade some of the stars of death."


"Yes, I persist in calling them that-- What else could they be? Cannon rounds? Ha. Everyone knows that it is physically impossible in our world for guns to hit a target more than a couple of kilometers away."

"Whatever they were, they were lethal. And in the end, the Yuxi's final acts of bravery counted for nothing. Our fate had been sealed before we even knew we were in a fight."


"With our last operational radar, I finally picked up something. By its shape, size, and speed, I knew what it was, and I knew that with our ship in ruins there was no hope of stopping it."


"I tried to shout 'abandon ship.' I swear that I tried. But like the horrid nightmare that this was, my voice could not escape my mouth. So I ran. I fled the CIC, abandoning my post and my crew mates, grabbed a life raft, and jumped overboard. I made it just in time."


"I should have died along with my brave friends, but I was picked up by an American corvette when dawn broke. It couldn't possibly have been the ship that attacked us. I'm not so sure it was a ship at all, or anything man-made. Our unknown enemy was something that struck us from tens of kilometers away, defying known physics and eluding all detection. A furious sea monster? An alien vessel? I no longer want to know the truth."


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Still in the process of updating my existing Aegis ships-- Arleigh Burke will be uploaded sometime tonight.


Riggings, flag, new gun, new deck texture, improved weapon data, etc.


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I like your little piece of fiction. Given the accurate long range gunfire and the shape of the ship behind that Tactucal Tomahawk I am thinking what your mystery project could be. Does your shipyard have a DD-21 Zumwalt class destroyer on the ways?

Edited by KJakker

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I won't give away any more right now, but let's just say that it'll be a nice treat for anyone playing in the near future (2015) time frame.


Kongo update is going up tonight.



I finally managed to find some pics of the Visby test-firing its anti-ship missiles, and apparently they launch from hatches in the sides, so I'll take a bit of time to change the model accordingly. After that I'm going to be focusing on the Sovremenny, a few Japan-specific items, the Essex, and maybe something flyable.

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Looks nice. It would be nice to have some of the WW2 fast battleships such as the South Dakota, North Carolina and New Jersey class BBs.

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Recently I've taken a break from shipbuilding to make some ground objects. I've been playing around on the new Korea terrain, and decided that since half of Japan is on the map, they need some proper representation.


As soon as testing is finished, I'll be releasing a package of at least 15 different vehicles for the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force. I took this opportunity to try out a lot of different things in terms of modelling and texturing to make things as graphically efficient as possible. These won't be artistic masterpieces by any account, rather my goal is to make them as functional and authentic as possible. Here are preview pics of some of them.











In addition to the above indigenously-designed units, I made an all new M270, which is license-built in Japan. US Army skins will be included as a bonus (pictured below). The M26 rockets are also new, and faithfully replicate the "steel rain" effect.






If these ground objects are well received, I'll eventually make additional packs of vehicles for South Korea, China, and maybe North Korea if I find enough reference material.

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did you manage to sort the moving mg effects samurai?

ive e few items you can have to complete if you want them...will post screenies...as I havent time to do them.

Edited by russouk2004

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OMG! I am beyond excited about this. if you do make a chinese military vehicle pack I would humbly suggest the towed twin barrel 37mm AA gun be included.Chinese.Japanese and korean vehicles! i'm very excited.

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All of those vehicles look great. I just had an image in my mind of the MLRS counter battery firing on your Type 053H1S frigates.

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did you manage to sort the moving mg effects samurai?

ive e few items you can have to complete if you want them...will post screenies...as I havent time to do them.


Sadly, I wasn't able to get it to work the way I wanted. I'll either have to leave the machine guns as-is, or move them to just above the turret's pivot point (hoping no one notices) and attach them to the hull in max hierarchy.

I'd like to see what you're working on, in any case!


OMG! I am beyond excited about this. if you do make a chinese military vehicle pack I would humbly suggest the towed twin barrel 37mm AA gun be included.Chinese.Japanese and korean vehicles! i'm very excited.


For the 37mm, do you mean the Type 65? I should be able to make that, maybe reusing the barrels from my PLAN frigates.


All of those vehicles look great. I just had an image in my mind of the MLRS counter battery firing on your Type 053H1S frigates.


Glad you like them. When I read your idea, i couldn't resist trying it for myself:



"MLRS used Steel Rain. It's super effective. Type 053H1S fainted."

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yes thats the one i was talking about http://www.sinodefence.com/army/antiaircraft/type65towed37mm.asp Also i hope my hints are not taken as me not being greatful for the excellent work you have done but this might be something to consider for the chinese side too http://www.sinodefence.com/army/surfacetoairmissile/hongqi7.asp it's basicaly the French Crotale system so it would be usable for a few nations. the Chinese HongQi61a is another SAM system thats interesting. thanks again for so many great ground and naval objects.

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