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Darwin map held a suprise during airfield strike




I think it's some experimental soviet delta Mig... about 15 of them to be exact :fie:

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some Gazelle testing ...


with 50 cal gun pods & Nords


and (post 1984!!!) Giat 20mm gunpods and HOTs


never messed that much with helos before ... this is a beaut of a model; cockpit's a GEM!!!

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over Makassar, Sulawesi (Celebes), Indonesia





and "new" water of course




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4 X UPK-23-50 on an Mi-8 = Absolute Devastation!!!!!



This is Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa :minigun: !!!!!!!!!!




Army Supply Camp completely destroyed



Edited by ghostrider883
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A bit of range time............ :wink: :whistle:





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Just a random shot....



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another reason why low-level laydowns with nukes from Vigis is a bad idea....


directly under the fireball, that black streak is my wingman. That black flaming streak in the right foreground is what's left of my Vigi...while the city of Ceinfuegos burns.

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Just a random shot....


Ant , you should charge 2,99 for the next F-4 skinpack :lol:




obligatory screenshot


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Sundowner, pleeeease tell me that Black Mike is in your current F-4M pack.

post-43212-0-29932200-1344467170_thumb.jpg mandatory screenie

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Nrly done.Engine details done.





Edited by russouk2004
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Sundowner, pleeeease tell me that Black Mike is in your current F-4M pack.


I'm pretty sure it is in the F-4K pack, if not I'll upload it, the previous screenie and this one are both jpeg versions modified to work on the TW F-4K DLC.



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desert gazelles

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Can't wait for those skins Wrench!


Mandatory pic. Rifle!



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desert gazelles


Did you have the template ?


Because i have the max files for the french versions

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Engine detail and mapping complete...editing a few textures on the skins,and its ready to go.



Edited by russouk2004
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Jat: sundowner located and sent me the templates. Revamped pak out very soon!

russ: that Jug is looking better and better!!



KillerBees over the Cari-bee-an

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not game,but still a screensho...lol

heres the detail of the new engine..

why do the screenies now not show full size?


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the new forum software is creating them a 'attached thumbnail'. click on them, and they'll expand to full size


(as this post is a PSA, it requires no screenie)

Edited by Wrench

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"almost ready" Darwin HR tileset/treemod as used in VietnamSEA terrain






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Experimenting with specular and normal bump mapping.Jug central...I love the 47coming in day or two...enjoy. :)

Hmmm these should be 1920x1080 res








Edited by russouk2004
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