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OT - Just checking in but not fit for duty.

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2 days out of surgery and I'm just back home - a special dispensation as it's Father's day and as long as I have Nurse Gladys visit me in my bed for the next 3 days.




Surgery went well but it was touch and go for a bit - about 2 hours out of recovery and I had a massive internal bleed which resulted in my blood pressure dropping through the floor. Luckily my lovely Irish Nurse Gladys was talking to me at the time and the emergency was promptly dealt with.




Although now home I feel very weak and vulnerable and I think recovery time is going to be considerable. Thanks for all of your support guys.



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No wonder you feel weak, Tranquillo - it will take a couple of days, before you will be on your pins again, I guess.

Maybe they can tell you what to eat and drink the next time, to reproduce blood.

And don't be unpatient with yourself - be a good patient.

Those who love you will care and do their best, I'm sure.

Give your apparatus the time to recover.


All the best (but don't ask your Irish nurse for Irish whisky!) :good: :good: :good:



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Thanks to let us know that everything is alright with you, tranquilo.

All the best and a quick recovery. We need you in OFF's skies. :good:

Edited by Von Paulus

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Glad to hear you came through your operation ok.

Now you know you have to do what your nurse tells you (my wife is one so I have to say that).

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Good luck to you... and may your recovery be a speedy one...

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Hang in there Paul...I'm sure you'll feel much stronger soon

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Glad to hear the surgery went well. Aside from a little setback. You will find that your strength will be slow to come back, but don't lose patience with yourself. You will be fit as fiddle in no time.



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Do you have a laptop on your chest, Tranquillo? Nurse - if you read this - don't give him the joystick!

No white-knuckle fighting the next 10 days, pilot!

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Surgery went well but it was touch and go for a bit - about 2 hours out of recovery and I had a massive internal bleed which resulted in my blood pressure...

Jaysus! And there I was thinking (hoping) that you were just in to have some nasty warts removed. Take it easy. (very easy) Heal well. Obey Nurse Gladys in all things.

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That was no walk in the park! Glad to hear you are okay. Give yourself time, don't push things too hard, listen to Nurse Gladys and best wishes to you!

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Paul, I am very glad you made it through the operation, I only wish it had gone better for you. But I'll be pulling for you on a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.


God's speed my friend.





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You need to realize that had this happened to you outside the hospital, it would be called a massive trauma which you would ordinarily not have survived.


As it is, the surgeons and Nurse Gladys have made sure you did survive, but you really need to be good to yourself and do what your body is telling you to do -- REST! BEHAVE AND LISTEN TO NURSE GLADYS!


Best of luck in your recovery.

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I'm using a laptop but I'm not confined to bed. Apparently it is usual for this type of op for the patient to be given and anti-coagulant of some some sort to self-administer via injections to prevent clots. The surgeon decided that, as I'm a little bleeder, it would be prudent not to give them to me but I must keep on my anti-embolism stockings a bit longer and keep relatively mobile. So I'm sitting at a table with my wife's laptop. I have an internet-based business that has its busy period right now so I'm trying to keep that going as well.

I feel a little stronger today and have had 2 visits from Nurse Gladys and, to my complete surprise, a phone call from the surgeon. It seems I'm doing well but I must pace myself..... so now I'm off to bed for a bit.

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Take your rests were the body asks for them, Tranquillo - it will recover step by step.

To care for a business is almost a bit much - perhaps you can cut it down a bit for as long as you are a patient?

I know, it's easier said then done - I'm self-imployed too.

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Good to hear from you, Tranq. Best wishes on a speedy recovery, and pinch Nurse Gladys on the butt for me ;)

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OK...time for an update, oh tranquil one. You are doing well? Nurse Gladys is working her magic?

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OK, update.

I'm getting around a bit easier now - I've had a couple of walks down the road to my friend's farm which is about 1/2 mile. It's about as much as I can handle and have to have my wife as physical support. I've got 5 wounds and the dressings on 4 are now off and they are healing nicely. The 5th one was troublesome at the hospital as it just wouldn't stop bleeding and they had to put more stitches in it. That one still has the dressing on and is quite painful still. Now I've been able to shower I can see the bruising and wish I couldn't - the whole of my right side is purple.


I have a vist to the hospital again tomorrow to check me over and to remove the last dressing. I'm beginning to feel "me" again - it was nice to put clothes on for a start. My wife and family have been truly wonderful and I owe them big time when I'm recoverd.


I also want to thank everyone here that has given support and good wishes. It's one of the reasons I rate this forum so highly - it's like an extended family.

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It's really great to hear you're feeling better, tranquilo.

Keep us updated, mate. :drinks:

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Hang in there, Tranquillo. Your on the mend. You will feel stronger every day. When you return to the squadron, you can look forward to light duty. I am jealous.



Edited by OlPaint01

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Tranq, the bruises and the purple will go away, until you are only British-pale again.

The BOC went through their drawers and found this for you - a WW1 British Wound Badge.

We thought you deserved to waer this at least for so long, until you have fully recovered.

(After that, you will please be so kind to send it back to our Vice President Dej, Sir.

Thank you very much!)



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Thank you, BOC. As soon as I've worked out how to upload it to my gallery, I'll have nurse Gladys pin it on.

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Hi Tranquillo,


good to hear you are recovering ok.


Hope you're back in the fray soon.

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I've been given leave to fly so I'm going to Italy tomorrow to complete my convalesence. See you all at the end of August.

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