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Gravitating back to CA...

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After the Great Meltdown and OFF's shift to SimHQ, I thought, "Great". Now I have two WWI sites to visit with morning coffee". However; as time goes by, I find that, more and more, I am gravitating back to Combat Ace, and SimHQ gets a cursory glance to see if anything of an unusual nature is going on. As it turns out, the really interesting postings are also posted here. ('talk about old horses returning to the barn!) How do you guys feel?

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I always keep an eye on the official forum, but I don't post there very often. I guess I don't want to be active on several different flight sim forums.


But when WOFF is released, I bet there'll be lots of activity at SimHQ!

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I visit both to check out, what's new. But for posting pictures, the rules are very strict over there,

and the uploading business is also more difficult.

I admit, that I feel at home here since long time, and "old horses don't like changing the barn".

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Must admit I like it here as I am also a SF2 flyer as well and also I enjoy the relaxed atmosphere in here... and as Olham said it feels like home... but I have been here quite awhile compared to some people... anyway back to the bar round on me... :drinks:

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Interesting question. As a disclaimer. let me say first that I completely understand and support the OBD team in their decison to move.


However, I am one of the move's 'casualties' in a manner of speaking. I am not currently a member at SimHQ, though I have been in the past on more than one occasion. I have been banned over there for refusing to follow the 'lemming masses with rose-colored glasses' of fans of the "other sim", and - without going into any further detail about it - they can keep SimHQ.


So for me, the only forum I'm a member of that also has a large contingent of (W)OFF followers is, was, and shall be CA alone. I bet money that there will be nothing I can't do/see/hear about in other place besides SimHQ.

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Hi there fellow OFF enthusiasts,


I too am a bit our of sorts as I have ventured over to the SIM HQ, but like this setup better, as Olham has so pointed out. Guess I'll check this one to read/see the good stuff, and the other for the formal stuff.


Oh, by the way, is WOFF really supposed to be out in a couple of weeks?


I have a personal message, but when I click on it, the error message tells me I am unauthorized to see it. Any ideas?





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Oh, by the way, is WOFF really supposed to be out in a couple of weeks?


I have a personal message, but when I click on it, the error message tells me I am unauthorized to see it. Any ideas?

Yup. Two weeks it is. (Would our Devs lie to us?)


If you're unauthorized to read a message, you may not be logged in at the moment.

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I have a personal message, but when I click on it, the error message tells me I am unauthorized to see it. Any ideas?

Did you make sure you were logged in?

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I check both places several times each day but much prefer this site. I like the look and feel here and find it more "user friendly". OBD made a business decision, but this is still my official OFF forum.

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Like many of you, I check both places. If I have anything interesting to say, I post on both. If I'm responding to a thread, I just post on the board with that thread. To me, it's no big deal to check multiple boards. I do it with my general PC gaming sites (6 of them) as well as news sites (about 10-15 different ones) so two WWI aviation is not really all that much of a challenge.



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I check both places because it only takes a couple clicks to do it. Plus, I own several flight sims so I check much more than just OFF news.

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Made my decision very early on :drinks:

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The OFF crowd has been an active and welcome addition to the CombatAce site. I don't post in this forum much, but I read it all the time.


I am sorry that the glitch in CombatAce forced the "official forum" to move. Perhaps the "official forum" should be hosted by the developers themselves (like most "for profit" games rather than putting the wheel of destiny in someone's elses hands if they can't handle having problems beyond their control. SimHQ is hardly different than combatace and can go down at times without knowing when it will be returned to service.


The Strike Fighters modding community was originally based at SimHq. It was the place to go for info, even for official news from Third Wire. Things changed and everyone that was a major contributor to SF mods left SimHq with most of them being present at both the official Third Wire forums and CombatAce.


I suspect it won't be long before many people figure out why CombatAce became so important despite the existence of SimHq and the official Third Wire forums. It will be interesting to see what happens to the OFF "official forums" as well as they adjust to the environment at SimHQ.


The CombatAce community has its flaws (nobody is perfect!), but it provides a great place where you can upload/download just about any mod for any major sim without any major hassle and get technical support on those mods that may not be available from "official forums". It is also a place where you can talk about anything with a minimum of censorship unless you can't respect warnings from the moderators when unnecessary friction/spam is being generated (I myself have made posts that have resulted in entire threads being deleted... oops, sorry!).


I had hoped the OFF crowd would continue to be active here. I have not been disappointed. Keep posting about history, game experiences, technical questions, or just sharing a personal thought. I will keep on reading and enjoying those posts :salute:

Edited by streakeagle

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I agree, I feel more comfortable here. I'm not sure it means to be the official site for OFF. I would think it is the site that people who fly OFF go to exchange ideas, comments and mods. Official or not here is where I will come for my information, then I'll check the other site. Chances are I will see/read first here.






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as to PMs, they're disabled until you get 50 posts. it's an anti-spamming measure we had to take, due to some "unpleasentness"


even though I'm not an OFF player (and hardly even touch FE), it's good to see you all here.

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I stayed here because for me personally it did not feel right to leave when the owners were in trouble , and its home , also this will sound silly but I tend to recognize people here by their little pictures under their names .





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I stayed here because for me personally it did not feel right to leave when the owners were in trouble , and its home , also this will sound silly but I tend to recognize people here by their little pictures under their names .

Silly or not, I agree.

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Did you make sure you were logged in?


Hi there Olham,


Yes , logged in, you must be to post :) Not sure why I can't retrieve it.





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I like the congenial/collegiate atmosphere here.

I'ts a geat combination of erudition and fun with

the odd sombre moment thrown in. A fine

reflection of OFF/WOFF.


Of course, I completely understand the

business imperative that drove OBD to

SimHQ, and I make a point of visiting - just

viewed the new WOFF movie there.


But I quite like OFF at CA being "unofficial".


And like Lou said in another thread, SimHQ/CA

is actually part of the (W)OFFworld simulation :grin:.

Edited by RamblingSid

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