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if you were smart, he cant lock out too much as you can always go back to an old patch and stay there with 3rd party add ons. stuff you like, without as much of the headache. but no, it shouldn't be like that.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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on a slight change of subject, has anyone else noticed the addon antishipping missiles (in particular from WBS cruise missle pak) arn't working??


launched an exocet at a 'cargo ship' (Tor Caledonia, ta be exact, and yes, it has a _col.lod), and it passed right over head, turned around, and was flying backwards away from the ship. Also seen them pass right through the ships, and do the same thing.

Also watched a stock SF2NA Harpoon-A do pretty much the same thing


we can only hope Exp3 with the M.F1, brings a 3W Excocet that'll work....(and the attendant reworking of 2 dozen+ 3rd party aircraft aht use them..)

Edited by Wrench

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No problem with third-party ASMs here. I just tested a few on various anti-shipping missions, including the Exocet. All performed without problem. I wasn't using any missiles out of the WBS pack, though. Whether or not that is a factor I don't know.


Eric Howes

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could be! comparing the stock 84A with some others, there are differences in some of the statements


in fact, I took the 84E, used the statements from the A, adjusted for years and all, and got the same result .. right through the ship!


fubar mentioned that 'maybe reclass the cargo ships as WARSHIP and see what happens' ... i can almost gaurentee it's a coding issue, as rocket, bombs (including LGBs) take them out

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I applied the July-patch over the weekend - no fps-rises on my rig, but at least it appears as if I could "reuse" my (heavily modded) mod-folders... I renamed them (June 2012), applied the July patch to the game, ran it once to create new default mod-folders (NA and V in my case), deleted those and renamed my old mod-folders back.

Aside from my Campaign-progress being wiped again (no news), the rest of the mods appears to be showing up as they should... I may be stumbling over things over the time, though...

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I think engine fires got fixed, -beaten F-4B, left engine fire from ZPU shells, did standard procedure of shutting both down, waited till my speed reduced to dangerous level, softly pushed throttle to 50%, did not catched fire for minute or so, did ALT+N which suprisingly worked


can anyone confirm?

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I've found and reproduced interesting bugs, but can't remember if they're old or new.


1) Once upon a time, when reaching Mach 1 some noises disappeared, not anymore (however that might be because TK got annoyed by it being reported as a bug).


2) If you visually or radar target an aircraft, while having an IR missile active but not locked, go into map view, then into the cockpit, for a short time the IR missile will use a lock growl, HUD or lights will show it locked, even though it is not, then it's back to normal search (I tried firing while reported as locked, it's not working, so it's purely a cockpit status bug).


3) In single missions Limited Nations and aircrafts User Lists seem to be ignored, leading to having Soviet Hunters appearing over North Vietnam (I'll have to verify that with a fresh install in case one of my modifications is doing that though but I don't see how).



Can anyone confirm any of these ?

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re no.2 IR growl

been this way since day one, also caused by time compression, view switching etc (but occasionally)

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There have always been issues with things in the cockpit when switching from internal to external view, time skip, time compress, etc. You usually can clear it up by cycling the views or affected systems.


One that always bugged me was selecting a weapon to use (ie Mk82s) on ingress, getting to the target area, using ECM/chaff/flares, finally getting over target, press button...and nothing. Cycle to guns and back to bombs, press button, bomb away? It's like master arm turns itself off after awhile. Switching to another weapon, AG or AA, and back will then fix it.


I gave up waiting for a fix for that sometime in 2007 I think.

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In single missions Limited Nations and aircrafts User Lists seem to be ignored, leading to having Soviet Hunters appearing over North Vietnam (I'll have to verify that with a fresh install in case one of my modifications is doing that though but I don't see how


not a bug, it's a feature! :biggrin:


in my experience, single missions have always ingnore LN and ULs. I belive those statments are basically for campaigns


the soviet hunter, meteors, vampires, and etc are all casued by a line their data inis:




nothing more disconcerting than seeing NorthKorean Metors, when you're stuck in a bomb-laden Skyraider!

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or Soviet Mirages... that can spoil even most immersive mission :shok:

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I belive those statments are basically for campaigns

...where every single squadron has its type and upgrades manually set up.


Initially SF2 Desert was the only terrain that TK left to be in "anything goes" mode, but I guess the game engine has a limit on locking, so fending off modders required lifting that filter. :biggrin:

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i fixed mine by just pulling the data inis, and changing the ExportedToEnemy= to FALSE. stopped the problem!

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So all he did was just add a new parameter that allows spawns to be even more controlled.


He really ought to do an 'extended release notes' that document this stuff.

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I'm getting back into the game after taking a break from it for a few months, and finally updated to the July patch from April (which I at least knew was safe and working). So far so good, but... there's something weird with the mission editor. "Accept" now means "save to disk," apparently? I second the motion for extended release notes on these patches.


This is actually really annoying, since I have "template missions" such as dogfight scenarios, training missions, mod testing setups and so on which I usually just load, change a few things (which only lasts for the single run unless I deliberately save over it), and fly. Now if I make any changes, it automatically overwrites the old mission file. Anyone know of a way to disable this auto-overwrite thing?



Also, I think someone mentioned they were having problems with cruise missiles and/or ship collision since the patch-- Not sure what that could be, but they're all working perfectly on my end. Both stock ones and the ones I've made or converted.

Edited by WhiteBoySamurai

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