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SF2 MirageIIIO DLC released

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It existed on the French E, Spanish EE & South African EZ too.

I thought no DLC would include 3D model changes, but TK added chaff/flare dispensers on the Omani Hunter, so adding the bulge to a DLC aircraft is not out of the question, right? Thoughts?

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well, it would mean running it back through MAX, and adding it (read: taking time and money to do so). However, the OzMirage, they didn't really stick out like on the 3E/5D/whichever.


in fact, below is the 'fairing' from the F/A variant. It's part of the skin. From my research, it only stuck out a few mms in Real Life ™. This is easly confirmed by a web search for 'RAAF Mirage' ... and browsing the photos at adfserials.com.*


(*which also shows differing strike loadouts -- 2 1300 tanks, 4 bombs on centerline, and Magics on the 'cranked' mounting pylons in the 70s(??), replacing those crappy 9B winders. )

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I thought no DLC would include 3D model changes


Well, some DLC-a/c don't back this, as there's a Phantom FR.1 and a Mirage5BA, which are both different to their root-models.

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and utterly useless in combat ... might as well paint it Bright Orange


We have dedicated Range terrains. Who said is for combat??



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The ARDU Mirages look pretty nice! Since we got the MIIIC temps from Ludo,

won´t be a big problem to make some ARDU skins for the Aussi Mirage.


i will have a look on it... :grin:

Edited by Soulfreak

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i will have a look on it... :grin:


Cool!! Thanks.

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Cant' TK add bulges using the same FakePilot method the modders have done? Now making a DLC that has a SMALLER 3d model, that would be different. Such as taking his B-52D and releasing a DLC B-52H with the smaller tail fin (not that he would as they're nonflyables, just illustrating the point).

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well since he has the original files i think he would have the easiest time of adjusting them.


Jedimaster, you need to go to Texas, wave your hand and say " i do have the time and money to fix this...." :grin:

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you guys too get the HUD compass/distance thingy below piper rotating wildly when locking distant targets with Matra?


BTW -this is nice DLC plane, contrary to say Omani Hunter :good:

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you guys too get the HUD compass/distance thingy below piper rotating wildly when locking distant targets with Matra?


BTW -this is nice DLC plane, contrary to say Omani Hunter :good:


It's not just you. I get the bermuda triangle compass too.

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in my case it happens only with a radar lock using radar homing missiles I think? otherwise it acts like should

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check the avionics ini for this statement (or in the data ini):





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In the cockpit ini, look if the HeadingScale related entries match those below:










With those entries, the scale shows range in nautical miles first, from 36 NM down to 2 NM

At 2 NM the range value changes to Meters, showing 3600 M down to 0 M


If you want the lower scale in foot , then use:





The scale will change from NM to Foot at 0.6 NM

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Finally got it the other night (hey, I was on vacation!). Very nice, but then again, I love any Mirage. Seems like a lot of work went into it.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest the expansion might include a flyable 5F and IIIE along with the F-1C . Maybe a French Airforce themed expansion? Wish he'ld give us a screen. Nobody knows nuthin.

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never seen a sim with those as stock

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Nope, but I have them in SF2 already anyway, so whether those come along or not is no big deal to me.


Of course, at this point pretty much ANY plane TK would find popular enough to do has been done by 3rd parties, so... :grin:


I think the only one I can imagine that I don't have is the failed Boeing JSF submission!

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thinking of it, he could try going back a decade or so... plenty of Century Series fans here I bet

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thinking of it, he could try going back a decade or so... plenty of Century Series fans here I bet


I'm up for that!


F-104s been missing too long.


Need some Voodoo too.

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problem with DLC ideas is one -whatever model we put on table -modders already did it, often with high(er) quality (Voodoo etc)

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Exactly. Unless it's a plane that's been done only approximately because it needed coding changes and he can deliver it more accurately than what the modders have to cobble together (like the F-14's multi lock, for example...although the A-6E's systems cry out for it but he's shown little interest in planes that can't fight A2A), whether a given plane is needed or not is purely subjective.

There are some pretty old planes first made for SFP1 that were never revisited because the modder left and no one else bothered because it DID exist that could use some attention, but I don't recall any offhand.

People really wanted the F-102 and F-106...well we have them now after a long wait, so no big rush.

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Small MIIIO cokcpit tweaks:

- cockpit position changed, it was too far back (MIIIC style)

- compass scale on the gunsight, with radar lock it is indicating range nautical miles from 1.1 nm to 27 nm

If distance to target is 1.1 nm and closer, the indicated distance changes to hundreds of meters.


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