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Didn't see this posted already. New DLC is out.

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Gotta love the way TK markets things


"Hey guys, new cool DLC variant is here! Buy it blindly cause I don't wanna waste 5 minutes taking and uploading skins and cockpit pics" :bad:


I really don't like buying things I can't see before hitting purchase button, except for Skyhawks of course.



Oh, by the way DLC USAF F-16A and flyable Skyraiders were great! :rofl:

(it's called sarcasm)

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And if the community ask for his future release plans (DLC, EXPs etc.) he won´t awnser!

Great way to manage things... :blink:

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well, we have been begging for an N model since these DLCs started...


wonder if we'll get the S, too???

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wonder if we'll get the S, too???

I´m pretty sure we will Kevin, cause that brings money!^^

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apparently to my very suprise... good for Thirdwire!


IF only that income would translate to any Exp3 WIPs...

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More Phantoms much fun .....




.... make money is the basic part of our capitalistic, free world even by good DLCs.




I hope in a F-4S, too.

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Anything interesting about this variant, or is it just "another F-4"?

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F-4N´s are upgraded F-4B´s.

What the differences in detail to the other Navy Phantoms are, can´t i tell you...

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F-4N´s are upgraded F-4B´s.

What the differences in detail to the other Navy Phantoms are, can´t i tell you...


Between 1972 and 1974, 226 Navy and Marine F-4Bs were put through an update program with structural strengthening, new wiring, 30 kilowatt electrical power generators, and new avionics. The updated aircraft were known as "F-4Ns".


Plus: from here: http://www.f-4.nl/f4_25.html

By 1970, the Navy was beginning to be concerned about the condition of its fleet of F-4Bs, many of which were over ten years old and showing signs of old age and fatigue. In that year, a program named Bee Line was initiated in which F-4Bs were refurbished and modernized. Ultimately, 228 Navy F-4Bs went through the Bee Line program. These refurbished planes were redesignated F-4N.

Aircraft selected for conversion were sent to NAS North Island, California, where they were stripped and inspected. They were then completely rebuilt using new parts. The changes included a structural strengthening to extend the fatigue life, plus a complete rewiring. The electrical generating system was upgraded with 30-kVA constant speed alternators. The F-4N retained the thin wings and tires, the main radar, and the undernose infrared search and track detector of the F-4B.

The F-4N was fitted with an F-4J-style slotted stabilator which helped solve "Mach tuck" problems when decelerating from supersonic speeds and which reduced approach speeds during landings. All F-4Ns had their inboard leading-edge flaps locked shut.

The F-4N was fitted with Sanders AN/ALQ-126 or -126B deceptive electronic countermeasures equipment. This included long antenna fairings mounted on the sides of the upper air intakes. These long fairings were the distinctive features which enabled F-4Ns to be externally distinguished from F-4Bs. The DECM antennae were in longer fairings than those used by the same equipment on the F-4J because of the difficulty in routing the cables.

Radar homing and warning antennae for the ALQ-126 DECM were fitted to the undersides of the intakes and wings (just aft of the undercarriage bays). These were tied into the antennae on the trailing edge (and sometimes on the leading edge as well) of the vertical fin.

Other changes included a helmet sight Visual Target Acquisition System (VTAS) and a Sidewinder Exanded Acquisition Mode (SEAM). A new dogfight mission computer was provided, together with auto-altitude reporting equipment. APX-76 or APX-80 air-to-air IFF equipment was fitted, plus AN/ASW-25 one-way datalink. The J79-GE-8 engines of the F-4B were retained, although smoke abatment equipment was fitted.

The first F-4N flew on June 4, 1972. The first renovated F-4Ns joined the fleet in February of 1973.

Edited by Z09SS

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Wondering when TK will make a terrain DLC.They also need to make more 'original' aircraft(the ones never featured before in the games.)

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They also need to make more 'original' aircraft(the ones never featured before in the games.)

You will never see a single complete new airtcraft model dlc, cause that will cost to much as TK said.

There is only the Mirage F.1C planned but that will come with the Expansion pack 3 in two weeks.


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I would be really interested in the N-model - but I'd like to see more pics before making the "investment".....


What I would like to see most would be the/another Sundowners-Skin.......

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VF-111 doesn't get their trademark shark mouth.


We get a lead computing gunsight. From the AN/AYK-14 mod?


We get flares in a Navy Phantom.


I expect we'll be seeing an F-4J(74) or the like soon since the AN/ALQ-126 ECM fairings on the N were originally a J upgrade.

Edited by Z09SS

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Wondering when TK will make a terrain DLC.


Too big for a DLC...

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from the screenie i'm seeing there's no slotted stab. is that true or am i seeing things? also only one sqn i can think of flew em in TPS and thats VF-151 on Midway around 83. TPS was mainly for the S. Then again in the navy skinpack only VF-194 flew straight Ferris scheme and with low viz markings at that. not tryin to rivet count but......


hell its stil a Phantom. i'll be buyin all the full aircraft ones for my bday next week.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Expansions are also the only way we get new AI planes. While we only got the F-14 to fly in NA, we did get several new AI planes.


No one will buy DLC of a plane you can only escort/shoot down!

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A DLC postcard ...



And old F-4N skins recycled (olny changed F-4B_67 to F-N in textures' names)




They seem to fit well on new model.

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Angry Fighters musta generated some income to pay someone to make some more DLC.

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there are still people who buy this DLC stuff, good for us maybe we will get something "new" for this series :D or even Series 3

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or even Series 3

I won't bear another cycle of SF3, SF3V, SF3E, SF3I...

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well, we have been begging for an N model since these DLCs started...


True. I think the S and N were the most widely demanded DLC's.


I won't bear another cycle of SF3, SF3V, SF3E, SF3I...

Me neither.

Unless he does a major upgrade and a $50 valu-pack again! I doubt it.

Edited by arthur666

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from the screenie i'm seeing there's no slotted stab. is that true or am i seeing things?


And does it come with drooping ailerons? If so, I may buy it...


also only one sqn i can think of flew em in TPS and thats VF-151 on Midway around 83. TPS was mainly for the S.


VF-21 (and maybe VF-154) had at least a handful of TPS birds during their last F-4N cruise in 1983. There were some reserve units that flew the F-4N in TPS. These were VF-201 and VF-202, as well as VMFA-112, VMFA-134 and VMFA-321.

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