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Taking some Tyne off....

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Target, dead ahead

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Did somebody say jugs??

Some of the following screenshots are rated R, viewer discretion advised!


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Just when you think you have it right...



you discover you have to do it better....



to match the standard of what you've already done...



There will be a slight delay, while I fix skulls, but the rest is done.



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Calm before the Storm...


the Home Fleet rides quietly at anchor In Scapa Flow


(Iron Duke, Royal Oak, Rodney, various cruisers & tenders alongside, Hood In middle distance, and Victorious)

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Okay, just uploaded these.  Awaiting review by the moderators.  I hope everyone enjoys them.



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Banshees Over Canton


(these are GREAT Heck!!)

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Thanks, Wrench.  Coming from you, that means a lot.  Okay, I'm stupid.  What terrain is that?


Obligatory screenshot:


Coming soon to a desert near you.  Only shot until it's done.




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you guys should know by now, that when I say "so-and-so over such-and-such a place", it IS that place.

The WW2 China map is going through a slight (yeah, right! the more I fix, the more I find needs fixing..) revamp.

The image isn't accurate, lots of things renamed, and Nanking is AT The Wall, and therefore unusable. Shanghai is barely usable.

Taking a break from the Norway map; this was supposed to be a 'quick and dirty' fix, but as per usual....oth, I was able to repair the multitude of impact features that makes China look like it went through the Late Bombardment Period of 3.2 billion years ago...

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looks great Kevin! I see it's Vetnam set being used, good


some very intriguing geological formations there, can't wait to fly over it!

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GH3 my brother! Couldn't do ANYTHING is Asia without YOUR work!!! :biggrin:


it's a pity I can't get the 3 Gorges region right (west of Liangshan), but we do what we can with this engine...


there's also a couple of airbase missing on the central coast region; have to cross check with the ww2 Formosa rebuild to locate them!

Kai-Tak of course, being no where's near it's Real World ™ location....

Edited by Wrench
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hmmmm ... have to think about this one....

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Lulu Belle... Hello! hi.gif.pagespeed.ce.rwB44a-P_s.gif



Edited by Coupi
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yup, excellent skins


side note: looking at those pics we need new more detailed tanks

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All those Mustang aircraft names are so evocative! As a kid, one of my favourite books was 'The Mighty Eighth' and it was stuffed full of colour profiles some of which you've covered. Well done mate!

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Amariani, could you put together a tutorial on how you do panel lines?  You do such fantastic work.


Nevermind.  Found one.  Your skins are works of art.

Edited by Heck

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smile mo-fos!! picture taking time!!

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coming soon...

(I can't do terrain work all the time!!!)

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A new tank Stary?


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yes, if that's not a problem


apparently it isn't :clapping:

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