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F-22 - Worth It?

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Granted that the NKAF is not exactly a world class threat, but you clearly have no clue what they do have, do you?


Even if I knew nothing of the KPAF as you in a show of your class suggest, it is still you who brought up the threat of the MiG 29 - downgraded, overaged planes with little fuel and inexperienced pilots available in small numbers. The S-300 may be a different affair, but one that you did not bring up and one I did not respond to. If I were to, I’d probably point to the fact that all we know is the NKoreans showed something that looked like it. Then again, you wanted to talk about the MiG-29, so go ahead.

Edited by PraetorH

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How about reading all the pages :wink:


is it that bad to reply to the OP's original question in one short line rather than enter a lenthy discussion?

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Ok, there are many reasons so as to why to send the Raptors. But in the end is like the space race, a dick measuring contest. They send the raptors because they can.


Or did the apollo missions bring something from the moon (besides technology) anything beside letting the russians know how they could do amazing stuff? Murika, F yeah!

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Ok, there are many reasons so as to why to send the Raptors. But in the end is like the space race, a dick measuring contest. They send the raptors because they can.


Or did the apollo missions bring something from the moon (besides technology) anything beside letting the russians know how they could do amazing stuff? Murika, F yeah!


Good points really, I'd sign up to all of these. MiG 29s, nah, totally insignificant. The KPAF could have Su 35s as well as Yak 1s, the US military is on a show of force. For that you need the F-22s.

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Besides the real need of Raptors, and the issue of bragging about cool stuff, well, the US paid for them already, why not?

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The NKAF has Mig-29's.


It is anyone's guess as to how ready they are and how good their pilots are, but to denigrate them as nothing more than a handful of '70's vintage aircraft is just nonsense.

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Dave. Red Flag is a nice thing. It proved, that the F-22 is not as superior as it is shown at Discovery Channel and Fox News.

2007 the french Mirage got it on the radar and shot it down in simulated Dogfight. 2011 the same thing with Eurofighter.

As long as the american pilots are aware of the weaknesses of the F-22 and make the best of their strength, then they will surely win.

But if they come in circumstances of WVR combat the technical superiority is not more given. Then .... it could end unhealthy.

So the solution is to fight only from distance. If you can.




You didnt read very well what I said. The bottom line is that those above victories you mentioned are few and far between. The numbers are extremely lopsided in DACT, with the F-22 coming out on top. Of course someone will get an F-22 in DACT. The F-22 is not invincible. The F-22's are there in case NK decides to use its AF. You send your best aircraft for that job. I think you are right, they wouldnt use their AF, but if they do the F-22's will do thier job. Thats the point, being better than the bad guys.

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Also one thing that the 22 can do is it can go in fast and drop JDAM's on any birds on the pads getting ready to fire at Japan South Korea Taiwan China Russia the US etc... without the need to advertise that they are coming and they can be on target in minutes instead of hours as the B-2 or Tomahawks... and without the need for a package to go in as well with ECM SEAD and Air Cover...

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Stealth meant not invicible. It only reduces the Radar reflecting area. But it can eliminate it. Some radar energy will always come back to the radar transmitter. The major problem is to detect this small amount of radar energy. With improved radar power and good computer power it is impossible to detect also Stealth planes. Of course from much smaller range than normal planes.

Some guys believe the F-22 is an invincible siver bullit. Nobody and harm it, but it can kill all targets easily. And this wrong believe bears the danger of wrong use of this doubtless good plane.

The idea of using JDAMs is such a stupid idea. It bears the risk of a sudden hit and run ambush of NK fighters. Out the ground clutter of the mountain rich terrain, climb in the back of the Raptors and firing some Archers. If the NKs shot down only one Raptor they have the propaganda coup they want to have. Its the same like the F-117 kill over Serbia in 1999. Shot down by outdated but smart used weapons, while the Americans used a smart weapon on stupid way. Its the danger to repeat this mistake.


Hold the Raptors in the back to defend Japan and the rest can do the Vipers, Eagles, Warthogs, Hornets and Tomahawks.

No glamour, but efficency.

Edited by Gepard

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Yes, the massive threat of 35 downgraded 70ies MiGs with inexperienced pilots and virtually no fuel can only be dealt with by sending F-22s.

To state it clearly, I think the F-22 is worth it big time, but pointing to the KPAF is not helping to convince anyone who is not convinced already. ...which is probably the main issue here, people on both sides seem to try convincing themselves rather than others.


Contrary to your focus on the MiGs, its more about the NK IADS. A LO aircraft needs to survive in a high threat environment and that is why the F-22 is well suited for this theater.

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The idea of using JDAMs is such a stupid idea. It bears the risk of a sudden hit and run ambush of NK fighters. Out the ground clutter of the mountain rich terrain, climb in the back of the Raptors and firing some Archers.


Well they need to know its coming via radar, get to 60,000ft in view of every radar out there to intercept a target going near M1.8 in Mil! - good luck even detecting it - let alone getting a MiG-21/29 up there in time - im not sure why you think all tactical jets must fly along at 4kft at 300KIAS in a war zone - is this some kind of 1978 throwback?


I would be dubious whether ground clutter is going to hide them at all - the red flag exercises would suggest that there is nowhere to hide from AESA radars - so could happen - but less likely when you know how kinematically superior the F-22 is over pretty much everything else. (although on the same note Cruise Missiles might be as good for known coordinates)

Edited by MigBuster

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Got to disagree with pretty much everything you just said there Gapard. You're advocating deliberatly holding back the asset with the highest proability of survival and sending in those with the least so that the F-22 can defend Japan from a potential attack that the JASDF are more than capable of dealing with themseves.


With improved radar power and good computer power


Both things that every single fighter in the NK airforce lacks.


You're right in theory a MiG could get into possition to lob an Archer at the 22. If, and its a BIG IF, the MiG can detect and get into a firing position, bear in mind the 22 could be crusing at M1.2+ and 60k', then yes it possible. Now would you rather go in flying an F-16 at <M0.9 at low altitude, bombed up with externals to weigh you down?


Noone thinks the 22 is invincible but its a hell of a lot more survivable than ANYTHING else. Send in a strike package of F-4's/15's/16's into NK and you WILL take losses, potentially heavy losses at that, A 22 on the other hand has the POTENTIAL to get in and out undetected and even if it is detected it presents a much harder target to intercept.



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Send in a strike package of F-4's/15's/16's into NK and you WILL take losses, potentially heavy losses at that, A 22 on the other hand has the POTENTIAL to get in and out undetected and even if it is detected it presents a much harder target to intercept.

Iraq in early 1990 was far more powerfull than NK today, in numbers, aircraft types, air defense, everything. So unless F-15/16/18 somehow lost a lot of combat effectiveness from early 1990's up to today I would disagree with that statement.

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The best way to go into NK is to fly low. Look at the map. Mountains, mountains, mountains. There is no way to form a radarnetwork that will cover the land so that low flying intruders are detectable. But you can build up a radarnetwork for high altitudes. And there are technics to detect high flying stealth planes. The serbs got it in 1999. The NK could do the same in 2013. Especially if China would give some help.

The technic is old. Already in WW2 it was used by the germans from 1943 to 44. They used the transmissions of the british radar network and put recievers at the french coast. Each single reciever was able to detect the bearing of incomming planes. With 3 recievers it was possible to triangulate the exact position of the planes. (If i remember correctly this system was called "Parasit" or something in this way. I will try to find it out.)

During Kosovo War 1999 the serbs used a methode which was similar in basics. And they shot down a F-117.

If the Chinese or Russians would flood the NK airspace with high energy radar tranmissions the NKs would only need recievers and a simple computer network to find and locate the weak stealth signals. The rest is simple mathematics.

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F-16's and 18's WERE shot down in the Gulf... the'yre not SAM proof. Asuming the NK's know how to use their gear then I'd rather not take an F-16 accross the border if a 22 is an option.An F-22 is harder to kill than an F-15/16/18-whatever whether you are on the ground or fighting it in the air... lower probability of detection, faster & higher, harder to hit end of story.


The thing with the Serb shoot down noone ever seems to remember is that they knew it was coming... its a whole new game when you don't know when the attack is coming or what the target is going to be. The serbs were workin on that set up for some time before actually managing to pull it off, what makes you so sure the entire NK network is so easilly adaptable to kill stealths at will?


As for the Chinese, they think the NK's are just as nutty as we do.


In any case I'm out.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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Okay, the name of the system is "passive radar". Here the link to wiki.





Craig. if the NK shot down a F-16 or a F-18 it is not such a propaganda coup like downing a F-22.

Who is remembering about the other shot down planes during Kosovo war? No one. But all remembering the shot down F-117. And why?

Because it was said to be unvulnerable, because undetectable.

And this proved wrong.

And now it is repeated with the F-22. It is said to be unvulnerable, because undetectable.


Do you want to repeat history, or do you want to learn from mistakes?

Edited by Gepard

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Iraq in early 1990 was far more powerfull than NK today, in numbers, aircraft types, air defense, everything. So unless F-15/16/18 somehow lost a lot of combat effectiveness from early 1990's up to today I would disagree with that statement.


Indeed from a purely technical point, the ROKAF is perfectly capable of dealing with NK. But the fact that the US has send its best assets however is crucial, it shows they mean it. There is a political message that stealth planes convey and conventional planes cannot.



Contrary to your focus on the MiGs, its more about the NK IADS. A LO aircraft needs to survive in a high threat environment and that is why the F-22 is well suited for this theater.


It is not my focus, it was brought up by Typhoid. And again, I'd agree to the point that the S-300 would be greater threat - if it really is the S-300 and not some cheap knock-off, or just something that looks like it. Russia has not confirmed any delivery of S-300 systems.



It is anyone's guess as to how ready they are and how good their pilots are, but to denigrate them as nothing more than a handful of '70's vintage aircraft is just nonsense.


It is not anyone's guess to say they lack fuel, which naturally hampers pilot training. I will grant that there is no clear data on it though. The MiG 29-pilots may receive special attention - but this is really anyone's guess.

As far as the numbers and capabilities of the MiG 29 are concerned, there are simply no more than 35 MiG 29 + 5 MiG 29 trainers, probably less due to attrition (the trouble with keeping the engine alive alone is staggering - one reason why we got rid of them even before we get rid of the Phantom). The single seaters are 9-12B, no other version has ever been confirmed, and they are the downgraded export version of the already downgraded WP-export version 9-12A. The 9-12Bs are equipped with radar (N-019EB) worse than that of the MiG 23ML without any ECCM, and while their own ecm is a joke, they have limited IFF, and they lack a datalink (so much for IAD). This is by far the very worst version of the MiG 29 ever produced. Technically they were produced in the early 80ies, but their technology is 70ies level.


I do not see any reason not to call them overaged and available in small numbers. They are.


What they are not is a reason to send the F-22. There are other, much better reasons, most of all a show of force, lower on the list is the ground based air defence, and rock bottom would be the KPAF aircraft.

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But the fact that the US has send its best assets however is crucial, it shows they mean it. There is a political message that stealth planes convey and conventional planes cannot.

Exactly! And this is one of the high-points of the Raptor, Spirit and all the high tech stuff, it's a deterrent, it says - "We mean business".

Pretty similar to nukes, they are expensive, maintenance intensive and are newer used, even are not wanted to be used with huge fear surrounding not only potential targets but users too, but they make a point a really chilling wake-up call kind of point...

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The best way to go into NK is to fly low. Look at the map. Mountains, mountains, mountains. There is no way to form a radarnetwork that will cover the land so that low flying intruders are detectable. But you can build up a radarnetwork for high altitudes. And there are technics to detect high flying stealth planes. The serbs got it in 1999. The NK could do the same in 2013. Especially if China would give some help.

The technic is old. Already in WW2 it was used by the germans from 1943 to 44. They used the transmissions of the british radar network and put recievers at the french coast. Each single reciever was able to detect the bearing of incomming planes. With 3 recievers it was possible to triangulate the exact position of the planes. (If i remember correctly this system was called "Parasit" or something in this way. I will try to find it out.)

During Kosovo War 1999 the serbs used a methode which was similar in basics. And they shot down a F-117.

If the Chinese or Russians would flood the NK airspace with high energy radar tranmissions the NKs would only need recievers and a simple computer network to find and locate the weak stealth signals. The rest is simple mathematics.




Right so fly in low in the far more lethal AAA /MANPAD range...when quite frankly even a flight of F-16s or A-10Cs would be pretty safe up high with jamming support.


If this theoretical radar coverage can pinpoint a stealth jet - why is everyone building stealth jets today if thats such a threat? The reason is because it changes nothing in reality.


And these ancient low flying jets will have to actually climb quite above any mountains that will be detected long before they got in any kind of missile range -and what exactly makes you think their GCI will have any contact with the jets? or will the jets be transmitting their positions due to having ancient tech transponders?

Edited by MigBuster

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You all have to remember that Gepard is old East German AF. So he thinks in the cold war climate. He has been out of the ball game for years and has not been part of the new ways we do things. Tactics used in Desert Storm are not the same ones we use now. It's a different era Gepard, and I'm say this having been at the tip of that spear for years. Your thinking is out dated. It obvious by everyone's reaction to your comments.

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Craig. if the NK shot down a F-16 or a F-18 it is not such a propaganda coup like downing a F-22.

Who is remembering about the other shot down planes during Kosovo war? No one. But all remembering the shot down F-117. And why?

Because it was said to be unvulnerable, because undetectable.

And this proved wrong.

And now it is repeated with the F-22. It is said to be unvulnerable, because undetectable.



Right so no piece of military equipment should ever be deployed incase it gives the enemy propaganda points... or alternativly maybey it will live up to the hype and wipe the floor with them just like it has in every excersise to date.


The reason the other aircraft arn't so widely talked about is because there simply wern't that many other aircraft shot down, and none of those that were required special measures to bring down. In all probability with better mission planning ie not flying over the same spot at the same time every single night then the Serb 1117 shoot down wouldn't have happened. Stealth only works if you use it right, much the same as any other form of camouflage.


For the last time none whose opinions actually matter has ever claimed the F-22 is invulnerable, NOONE. Same goes for the 117 and B-2. How many types have had the capability to fly over Bahgdad night after night and return without a scratch? The terms used are "low observability" and, "high surviability"... these are accurate regardless of your opinion of stealth technology.


Stealth aircraft are harder to bring down than conventional types, the precious Serb example proves this very point. Your talking about re-organising an entire IADS network to deal with a single aircraft type (two if we count the B-2) and at the same time saying stealth isnt a game changer.



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You all have to remember that Gepard is old East German AF. So he thinks in the cold war climate. He has been out of the ball game for years and has not been part of the new ways we do things. Tactics used in Desert Storm are not the same ones we use now. It's a different era Gepard, and I'm say this having been at the tip of that spear for years. Your thinking is out dated. It obvious by everyone's reaction to your comments.


Dave, they really messed him up, they got him good when the wall was still up. To bad cause he is missing "IT" if he still sees life through the distorted port hole in the iron curtain.

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You all have to remember that Gepard is old East German AF. So he thinks in the cold war climate. He has been out of the ball game for years and has not been part of the new ways we do things. Tactics used in Desert Storm are not the same ones we use now. It's a different era Gepard, and I'm say this having been at the tip of that spear for years. Your thinking is out dated. It obvious by everyone's reaction to your comments.


but if i remember correctly this is a forum were we can discuss such things and Gepard has a point.the text i quoted sounds a bit offense or snootily.

only because he has done his duty in the cold war doesn´t mean that he and his thinking and knowledge isn´t anymore valid.


from the cost effective perspective you have to admit i would have been much cheaper to not develope/build the F-22

because the "legacy" aircrafts are still very capable and upgrading these would have been much cheaper.

or a new(stealth) mulitrole mass produced f-16 like jet would be a better choice for conflicts of the past (Irak 2003, Lybia...)


but if i have to go to War. i would want the best tech avaible for my troops, because i dont want to fight fair. i want to win.

and i would give a damn about if its overkill or not.


i also have to say that the USA is a bit over confident about her own abilities and the technology

much like that little Guy from austria and his "V" Weapons some time ago

and if the US loose a conflict or fight it doesn´t happen or the other´s cheated!


like the excersise against our mig-29´s against F-16´s

they flew DACT 1vs1 and the flight was over after the F-16 pilot "killed" the Mig virtually

but the fight process if the Mig kills the F-16.

the F-16 pilots celebrated there Victories until debriefing...

were thy learned that they were hit 10 or more times before they got the simulated kill on the Mig-29´s

but instead to look what went wrong or what they can do about it they run out of the room like big babies crying that the have the better jets and they should have won


EDIT: back to topic is it worth it.

if i remember correctly ther was a plane called F-14 Tomcat

it was also very overkill for it´s time and the Air to Air Victories in US Service are 4+?

but that little Turkey was worth it because it protected the Fleet, Allies in Desert Storm and the US only with it´s presence and its Radar.

Edited by dast24

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In War no-one plays fair... so take the biggest bat you have and hit the other guys while he is looking the other way...


Also flying low is what cost the RAF etc in Gulf War 1 and the one thing that the DPK has is a bucketload and then some of guns and flying in that area is not really healthy as with most modern aircraft A-10 or Rook excluded small arms will bring them down... hit em high hard and fast...


And remember the game has changed as Dave quoted even the Russians/Soviets realised that in Afghanistan and in Chechnya you go in high and fast out of range of all the zipper guns and Manpads as the rule comes in here you fire enough you will hit something...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Also flying low is what cost the RAF etc in Gulf War 1


To be fair what cost the RAF in GW1 was flying low with nothing to hide behind, large flat open desert is a very different environment to hilly/mountainous Europe where the low level tactics were developed for. Though as you say, down low sooner or latter you get hit by fluke whereas the same cannot nessisarily be said for high alt.



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      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

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      As a bonus, different aircraft configuration files are included in the "(Alternative Data)" folder. You'll be able to choose between realistic loadouts (default configuration of the aircraft add-on package) and what-if loadouts inspired by the mentioned F-22 videogames of the late 90s, namely weapons included in F-22 Lightning 3. Both configurations are also available with the addition of invisible skids; those will allow you to perform belly landings, which are a feature of good old F-22 Total Air War.
      -The B61 tactical nuclear bomb is a retarded version, but drop it safely from high altitude at high speed. Take note that it does not damage the stock Runway object, due to the armor values of it. The B61 is meant to be used against naval fleets you may encounter on some custom terrains.
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      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -yakarov79, for his high quality templates which allowed me to easily put some new paint on the aircraft.
      -ravenclaw_007, for sharing some of his latest weapon 3d models for the bonus what-if loadouts.
      -Astore, for providing me with better Ace Combat themed emblems, and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
      -godrugalultimate, from DeviantArt, for making incredibly detailed Ace Combat themed decals.
      -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems and whose skins have been used as reference for the Phoenix liveries.
      -Lanzerince, whose Ace Combat 7 skins have been used as reference for the Scarface livery.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    • By Menrva

      View File F-22A Raptor Add-on
      F-22A Raptor Add-on
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by yakarov79, baffmeister, Crusader, guuruu and Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is a high quality add-on of the F-22A Raptor aircraft. The original model had been made by Heberth, and it was released in alpha stage.
      Upon noticing room for improvement, yakarov79 helped finalize the 3d model with numerous, additional details; accurate pylons and rail launchers, new external fuel tanks, highly detailed rack and small diameter bomb 3d models, canopy and thrust-vectoring animations, high-res skin with specular and bump maps, updated cockpit model, and so on.
      A realistic, well-thought flight model has been produced by our expert, baffmeister. Moreover, Crusader offered his great expertise to improve upon his previous modification for the Raptor's avionics. All their efforts have raised the quality bar of the project I had started; much credits to them all.
      I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts, my selection of sounds (including authentic engine samples by guuruu), realistic camouflage shapes and colours, reworked decals for the actual USAF's F-22A squadrons, new cockpit textures and other tweaks here and there. Each squadron has got historically correct serial numbers, and they appear in chronological order in the loadout screen; the serial numbers at the bottom of the list are those of aircraft that joined that squadron for last, while the serials at the beginning of the list indicate those aircraft that were available to that squadron for first.
      Like you would expect in an opera omnia, I even reproduced three unique paint schemes of real Raptors; the air superiority camouflage of the EMD 91-4001 Prototype of September 1997, the temporary "Blue Nose" decoration of the "Cripes A'Mighty" Raptor assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron in April 2010, and a generic Mid-Production livery sporting the markings of the last Raptor ever produced that flew for the first time in March 2012.
      Templates by yakarov79, tweaked by yours truly, are included for your skinning fantasies.
      -The cockpit is not yet accurate, as various details couldn't be reworked due to RL and time constraints. We were working on a brand new cockpit with accurate HUD and displays. Slimers with correct illumination were also planned. Hopefully they will be a thing in a future re-release.
      -The aircraft folder is named "F-22A", just like the one included in a number of mod packages which use an old 3d model by Dels. In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename the aircraft folder using Dels' Raptor 3d model.
      -GPS guidance bombs (EOGB) do not work as intended in SF2, there are issues about them not locking on target and about AI behaviour. The GBU-39 has been set as an EOGR, so it works like a missile; this is a needed workaround to have them loaded properly on a rack while keeping the GPS guidance property.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.-Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.
      -Julhelm, for sharing the files of his superb F-22A cockpit 3d model, allowing yakarov79 to improve upon it.
      -yakarov79, for his invaluable help in finalizing the 3d model and remaking the base textures; you have my gratitude.
      -baffmeister, for his excellent flight model; it's thanks to him if this beauty flies as good as it looks.
      -Crusader, for reworking the avionics enhancement made for Julhelm's F-22A cockpit, and for improving the AIM missiles.
      -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod and for reproducing the experimental chrome coating skin seen on Raptor 04-4065.
      -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for making better engine sounds.
      -ravenclaw_007, for the AIM missiles from his top notch Weapons Pack 2, the GBU-32 JDAM bomb and the ACES II seat 3d models.
      -viper63a, for his old F-22A USAF Raptors Redux package, from which I borrowed decals.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Cocas, for further help given to Heberth for the aircraft's 3d model.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.
      Additional ReadMe files by yakarov79 and baffmeister have been included among few others; be sure to read those to know about their work in better detail.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 10/13/2021 Category F-22  
    • By Menrva
      F-22A Raptor Add-on
      October 13th, 2021 (1st Release)
      by yakarov79, baffmeister, Crusader, guuruu and Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This is a high quality add-on of the F-22A Raptor aircraft. The original model had been made by Heberth, and it was released in alpha stage.
      Upon noticing room for improvement, yakarov79 helped finalize the 3d model with numerous, additional details; accurate pylons and rail launchers, new external fuel tanks, highly detailed rack and small diameter bomb 3d models, canopy and thrust-vectoring animations, high-res skin with specular and bump maps, updated cockpit model, and so on.
      A realistic, well-thought flight model has been produced by our expert, baffmeister. Moreover, Crusader offered his great expertise to improve upon his previous modification for the Raptor's avionics. All their efforts have raised the quality bar of the project I had started; much credits to them all.
      I further polished the package by adding historically accurate weapon loadouts, my selection of sounds (including authentic engine samples by guuruu), realistic camouflage shapes and colours, reworked decals for the actual USAF's F-22A squadrons, new cockpit textures and other tweaks here and there. Each squadron has got historically correct serial numbers, and they appear in chronological order in the loadout screen; the serial numbers at the bottom of the list are those of aircraft that joined that squadron for last, while the serials at the beginning of the list indicate those aircraft that were available to that squadron for first.
      Like you would expect in an opera omnia, I even reproduced three unique paint schemes of real Raptors; the air superiority camouflage of the EMD 91-4001 Prototype of September 1997, the temporary "Blue Nose" decoration of the "Cripes A'Mighty" Raptor assigned to the 149th Fighter Squadron in April 2010, and a generic Mid-Production livery sporting the markings of the last Raptor ever produced that flew for the first time in March 2012.
      Templates by yakarov79, tweaked by yours truly, are included for your skinning fantasies.
      -The cockpit is not yet accurate, as various details couldn't be reworked due to RL and time constraints. We were working on a brand new cockpit with accurate HUD and displays. Slimers with correct illumination were also planned. Hopefully they will be a thing in a future re-release.
      -The aircraft folder is named "F-22A", just like the one included in a number of mod packages which use an old 3d model by Dels. In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename the aircraft folder using Dels' Raptor 3d model.
      -GPS guidance bombs (EOGB) do not work as intended in SF2, there are issues about them not locking on target and about AI behaviour. The GBU-39 has been set as an EOGR, so it works like a missile; this is a needed workaround to have them loaded properly on a rack while keeping the GPS guidance property.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.-Heberth, for making this (once forgotten) fantastic 3d model.
      -Julhelm, for sharing the files of his superb F-22A cockpit 3d model, allowing yakarov79 to improve upon it.
      -yakarov79, for his invaluable help in finalizing the 3d model and remaking the base textures; you have my gratitude.
      -baffmeister, for his excellent flight model; it's thanks to him if this beauty flies as good as it looks.
      -Crusader, for reworking the avionics enhancement made for Julhelm's F-22A cockpit, and for improving the AIM missiles.
      -simonmiller416, for his smokeless rocket effects mod and for reproducing the experimental chrome coating skin seen on Raptor 04-4065.
      -guuruu, for sharing his RWR symbols improvement mod and for making better engine sounds.
      -ravenclaw_007, for the AIM missiles from his top notch Weapons Pack 2, the GBU-32 JDAM bomb and the ACES II seat 3d models.
      -viper63a, for his old F-22A USAF Raptors Redux package, from which I borrowed decals.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Cocas, for further help given to Heberth for the aircraft's 3d model.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.
      Additional ReadMe files by yakarov79 and baffmeister have been included among few others; be sure to read those to know about their work in better detail.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    • By Menrva

      View File NovaLogic Skin Pack
      NovaLogic Skin Pack
      September 13th, 2022 (1st Release)
      by Menrva

      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
      This package includes high quality skins representing the player's aircraft from three lite flight simulators released by NovaLogic, namely F-22 Raptor in 1997, F-16 Multirole Fighter and MiG-29 Fulcrum both released in 1998. Below, a summary of the details of each skins:
      -NL_357CW, for the F-22A Raptor aircraft I released. This skin represents the fictive Raptor Squadron of the 58th TFS, 357th CW (Composite Wing), which took part in military operations in Angola, Jordan, Russia, Colombia and Iran. Serial numbers are realistic, the first being 001 as portrayed on the player's aircraft from NovaLogic's game.
      -NL_16AESOG, for the F-16C Block 42 aircraft released by The Viper Team. It depicts the fictive Viper Squadron of the 32nd TFS, 16th AESOG (Air Expeditionary Special Operations Group), which took part in military operations in Serbia, Liberia, Congo, Burma and Somalia. I made the skin for the Block 42, since it's closer to the one that NovaLogic modelled. Serial numbers are semi-realistic, the first being 112 as portrayed on the player's aircraft from NovaLogic's game.
      -NL_11EW, for the MiG-29S Fulcrum-C aircraft released by The Mirage Factory. It depicts the fictive 300 Squadron of the 7th Red Banner Guards Regiment, 11th Expeditionary Wing, which took part in military operations in the Kurile Islands, Uganda, Somalia, Burma and Tajikistan. Serial numbers are generic, the aircraft does not have any in NovaLogic's game.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -The Viper Team, for its detailed F-16 3d models and relative templates.
      -The Mirage Factory, for its good old MiG-29 3d model.
      -Sundowner, for the MiG-29 templates he made available.
      -yakarov79, for his reworked F-22 3d model and relative templates.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 09/12/2022 Category What If Skins  

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