+CrazyhorseB34 937 Posted April 20, 2013 (edited) To answer Jules' question, yes I think it will be considered "domestic" terror. We do not call the Oklahoma City Bombing international terror from a "Scottish terrorist." In America you have the right to worship as you see fit. From Jewish Zombies to trees you can guarantee somebody in America is worshiping something. Most all abortion provider violence is religiously motivated but yet it is not considered a religious hate crime. That only happens if a specific religious or ethnic or other group is specifically targeted. The key to this will be what did the older one do in Russia for six months last year. He must of been in contact with some unsavory element for the Russian Secret Service to pick up on his name. This is one of the scenarios we have been expecting since 911. The "sleeper cell" guy who appears to be anything but an Islamic Extremist but can pass for anybody in America. If he got orders from somebody in Russia then I think the Russians will deal with it. But what I think happened was he was pissed off and his Russia trip made him even more pissed and he, feeling helpless, decided on his own to do something. All too often people commit violent acts in the name of religion. All this will do is cause another mosque to be burned down in the South. Or for some dumb ass to shoot up another Sikh temple thinking he is killing Muslims, not knowing that Sikhs and Muslims are bitter enemies. Meaningless acts giving birth to other meaningless acts.There are only about 200 Chechen immigrants living in the USA. A small and isolated group. The uncle of the suspects clearly stated when interviewed that the older one had had trouble integrating into American society. Seems like a case of a bitter disenfranchised stateless immigrant. I can understand that feeling at times because I know immigrants from the former Soviet Union and things can be difficult for them at times. But all of this is in no way an excuse for them killing and maiming all those people. As someone said above, this will probably turn out to be a crime for the sake of chaos. But who listens to me. I originally thought it was fat hillbilly gun nut racists, so who knows.This story is so nutzo no fiction writer could ever come up with this story. Simply an amazingly bizarre and tragic event for everyone effected by it. Edited April 20, 2013 by CrazyhorseB34 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UK_Widowmaker 571 Posted April 20, 2013 How can a Country, that takes refugees, gives them Health Care, a Job...a New Start in Life, be repaid with such Venom? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MigBuster 2,893 Posted April 20, 2013 How can a Country, that takes refugees, gives them Health Care, a Job...a New Start in Life, be repaid with such Venom? Just proves that being nice to people doesn't guarantee to change their underlying agendas I guess....... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,005 Posted April 20, 2013 Chechens, like the other people of the Caucasus mountains, are a very difficult part of the mankind. Their temper is hot. So hot, that south italians seems to be the cooles boys of the world, in comparision with the caucasians. Caucasians are easy to become angry. And if they are angry, they tend to become violent. If you have one of them as friend, then you has the best friend of the world. But if you has one as enemy .... See the results of Chechens: Ost West Musical in Moscow, hostages at school in Beslan, both with lots of death. And now Boston. And one nobody should forget: Stalin and Berija, the biggest butchers of the 20th century were caucasians too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snailman 517 Posted April 20, 2013 Just proves that being nice to people doesn't guarantee to change their underlying agendas I guess....... Thats what we did, accepted all refugees immigrants, whoever came... now they rape and rob, and harass the locals. Not if our own "ethnic group" wouldn't be enough. Add to that, the complete lack of self-defence laws and arms bearing ban (the reds are afraid of a real change, a change that is not organized by them...) About chechens... I can tell, they are uncontrollable (by "democratic" means)... they rob and burn their own villages at will... like many nationalities from certain cultures where they were living under strict control and laws they cannot and do not want to behave. Some even despise a more peaceful - thus soft and weak country where people are "so stupid" they do not lock their houses and women walk alone. Such people are useful to create a disorder... always good choice. And if someone is was given US citizenship, then he is not a chechen, but an american. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snailman 517 Posted April 20, 2013 Chechens, like the other people of the Caucasus mountains, are a very difficult part of the mankind. Their temper is hot. So hot, that south italians seems to be the cooles boys of the world, in comparision with the caucasians. Caucasians are easy to become angry. And if they are angry, they tend to become violent. If you have one of them as friend, then you has the best friend of the world. But if you has one as enemy .... See the results of Chechens: Ost West Musical in Moscow, hostages at school in Beslan, both with lots of death. And now Boston. The Caucasus is like a pub in a seaport. There is always a brawl. Noone knows why, but it starts. Then stops. It has to be ruled by force and strict control. Strict but just control. They are volatile people indeed, but generally good. It is such a culture, a western "democrat" will never understand. They need to be held with strong fist, by a strong and religious leader. they dont appreciate softness and feminine style weaknesses. Best example... the subdued rebellion of Imam Shamil (1817-1864), he was defeated and surrendered to Baron Vrangel and Prince Boratinsky in 1859. Chechniya became part of Russia. The Imam said himself (being in custody): " I have to admin I also used horrible and cruel methods againt the mountain tribes. Many people were killed by my orders... I was beating the Satoyi, the Andiyans, the Tamburgins.. and not because the would have been loyal to the russians (you know, Sir, exactly they never supported you), but because of their dirty nature, tendency to rob and kill. How true, my words are? You will all experience, when you will strike them for these very same habits and crimes, which they will never give up" And one nobody should forget: Stalin and Berija, the biggest butchers of the 20th century were caucasians too. That is another story... not because they were caucasians. They were ashkenazis... Like 90% of bolshevist leaders in Eastern Europe and Soviet-Russia. Like V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin, Leon Bronstein (Trotskiy), Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinovyev) leader of secret police, Yuri Andropov (leader of KGB), Jacob Sverdlov (1st president of USSR), Jacob Yurovsky (state security, murderer or the Czar's family) , Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich (Stalin's mass murderer, he ordered to destroy hundreds of christian churches, including the Christ Saviour Cathedral in Moscow), Genrikh Yagoda (secret police executor), Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel (Inventors of the Gulag death camp system), K.V. Pauker (Leader of NKVD), Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk (comissars of death camps and slave labour, and the death labour related to Ladoga channel), Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin (Aleksandr Orlov) Leader of police forces in Spain during the civil war overseer of execution of priest and peasants. Ilya Ehrenburg, soviet propaganda minister, who orderer the Red army to kill and rape every german civilian they encounter (in the 30-ies!!!). Zakharovich Mekhlis: Stalins head executor.... and the list is endless. A happy big family indeed... Whether it sounds bad or not, it is a sorrow fact... ((( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hrc 156 Posted April 20, 2013 That is another story... not because they were caucasians. They were ashkenazis... Like 90% of bolshevist leaders in Eastern Europe and Soviet-Russia. You mean they were Jews? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fubar512 1,350 Posted April 20, 2013 As far as I know, Stalin was Georgian..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Brain32 265 Posted April 20, 2013 As far as I know, Stalin was Georgian..... Yes by nationality but he was also a khazar ashkenazi "jew"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snailman 517 Posted April 20, 2013 (edited) You mean they were Jews? Not... exactly. They are people who follow the judaist faith but not originated from the original jewish homelands. I did not want to generalize all of them, but since a very high percentage of bolshevists were among them, it is more than a coincidence. Regarding Stalin specifically there has been a number of debates pro and contra. Some say he was antisemite and participated in pogroms with the Red army cavalry 1918-20 (being commissar to Budyenniy and Voroshilov) some say contrary as he was the one who created Birobidzhan (jewish autonomous lands in the Far East)... noone knows for sure And sorry for off topic-ing. Edited April 20, 2013 by Snailman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+CrazyhorseB34 937 Posted April 20, 2013 See now this thread is devolving into a bashing and stereotyping of people from the Caucus region. Next we will have people posting that Chinese cant drive and Mexicans are lazy or Irish are drunks or Germans are Nazis. By saying Chechens are the most volatile people on Earth is rather silly. I would think by looking back to the last 100 years of world history that Americans are the most violent and volatile people on Earth. This whole thing brings new meaning to the movie Borat. does having the world's greatest potassium cause some one to become a violent terrorist? Come on people WTF? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted April 21, 2013 Irish are drunks Well, we are..... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+CrazyhorseB34 937 Posted April 21, 2013 If that is the case then due to my DNA I should be able to "Goose Step" very well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+CrazyhorseB34 937 Posted April 21, 2013 "Apparently, it is pretty hard to kill instantly a guy with light firearms. I just read a related article about a guy who got shot 14 times with a 45 cal pistol, stood still, took 3 to the head and still made it alive to the hospital." Bath Salts. We shot a guy in the ass with a SAW in Iraq. Hit him with one round of 5.56mm ball. It came out his left shoulder. He now poops in a bag. No matter what you hear from gun nutz, 5.56mm will tear your azz up. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+daddyairplanes 10,844 Posted April 21, 2013 "Apparently, it is pretty hard to kill instantly a guy with light firearms. I just read a related article about a guy who got shot 14 times with a 45 cal pistol, stood still, took 3 to the head and still made it alive to the hospital." Bath Salts. We shot a guy in the ass with a SAW in Iraq. Hit him with one round of 5.56mm ball. It came out his left shoulder. He now poops in a bag. No matter what you hear from gun nutz, 5.56mm will tear your azz up. unless he was related to the guy from Austin Powers! note to FBI: when he comes to ask him three times. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted April 21, 2013 http://www.bbc.co.uk...canada-22232196 In a move criticised by rights activists, officials have said they intend to question the teenager without reading him his Miranda rights - the standard statement informing suspects they have a right to a lawyer and to remain silent - citing a "public safety exception". Uh... how does reading the rights to a guy with a hole in his throat in a guarded ward is undermining public safety? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UK_Widowmaker 571 Posted April 21, 2013 We don't have 'Rights' (check out George Carlin) So why should this prick have any? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Stary 2,430 Posted April 21, 2013 Irish are drunks or Germans are Nazis. nope Irish are Nazis and Germans are drunks relax people 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
macelena 1,070 Posted April 21, 2013 (edited) Bath Salts. We shot a guy in the ass with a SAW in Iraq. Hit him with one round of 5.56mm ball. It came out his left shoulder. He now poops in a bag. No matter what you hear from gun nutz, 5.56mm will tear your azz up. I was allway surprised about the whole debate of caliber differences and their practical effects. For all i know, a hole is a hole, and it is just better not to get shot at. I understand the difference if it has to get thru a bulletproof vest or a wall, but never really understood how an slightly bigger bullet is gonna make such a big difference medically. In the article i read, related to the capture-dead of the first suspect, the cop said that since the bad guy may just keep up before he passes out, he doesn´t carry 45 ammo, using instead 9mm to keep shooting. My personal preference at the issue is that i´m not going to be much happier if i´m shot with a 9mm than a 45, or an M16 than an AK-47, i just don´t fancy the idea of lead in my body. Edited April 21, 2013 by macelena 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted April 21, 2013 *facepalm* http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/2-pals-accused-boston-bomber-custody-article-1.1323004 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted April 21, 2013 I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm like grviper. Anyway, I read that the older brother got kicked out of a mosque. Damn! that's like being kicked out of a mental hospital for being too crazy. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hrc 156 Posted April 21, 2013 I just read a sarcastic political comment on the net: Obama to FBI chief: You still don't have a Boston bomber? FBI chief: I'm afraid not. Obama: Find somebody to blame it on quickly! FBI chief: Who should it be, an Afgan? Obama: No, then everybody will say, that's 'cause of your war overthere. FBI chief: Should it be a Saudi? Obama: No, everybody will say why are we friends with them. FBI chief: How about Russian? Obama: Are you crazy, I don't wanna mess with Putin! FBI chief: Maybe Chechen? Obama: Hmmm....? Never heard?! Make two of them! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,005 Posted April 21, 2013 nope Irish are Nazis and Germans are drunks relax people Bier her, Bier her, oder ich fall um! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted April 23, 2013 *sigh* Boston got very lucky with police. Here manhunts don't go so well. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22251836 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22268495 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites