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Happy Birthday?

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Today is bpao's birthday. He would of been 41 today. Is it right to say Happy Birthday? What is the right thing to say?


Miss you my friend.

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We here miss you Oli. Happy Birthday

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Today is bpao's birthday. He would of been 41 today. Is it right to say Happy Birthday? What is the right thing to say?


Miss you my friend.

You;ve already said it, Dave. And, I will add:  Ollie, you are missed for the friend that you were, and for setting an example for others to follow.  

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I can relate to your feelings... and I thing it's okay to say happy birthday

that's happiness mixed with pain of losing someone dear to you!

my next drink will be for him


RIP bpao!



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Happy Birthday Bpao, what a great guy he was!!! Wish i knew him better

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It is ok to wish bpao a Happy Birthday. We dont get to choose the time when we are called but let's all be thankful for all he did.

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Which is why we can honor them, especially a modder of Oli caliber, by continuing their work to the highest standard possible.



I hadn't realized it would have been bpao's birthday, until AFTER I'd uploading the CBI Spitfire.


Thanks for EVERYTHING, Oli. We really do miss you, your talents, your advice, your leadership and teaching (most of us learned a LOT from him), and most of all, yourself.

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You;ve already said it, Dave. And, I will add:  Ollie, you are missed for the friend that you were, and for setting an example for others to follow.  




So True. So very True indeed.

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Happy Birthday, Oli.  I can't even count the hours of enjoyment your works have provided me over the years.

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Today is bpao's birthday. He would of been 41 today. Is it right to say Happy Birthday? What is the right thing to say?


Miss you my friend.


Happy Birthday and hoist one in his honor.  He touched the lives of many and his legacy will live a long time yet.

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RIP, bpao.  We few remember what you did for this Crispen's Day crowd.

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