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Not really. But if you are one of those springloaded to jump at the first sight of TW releasing anything new, or any sign them cutting off definitely from PC, you might be interested to check that their store´s page security certificate seems to have expired. Maybe i´m making up too much an assumption of the lean info available about the PC series, but this doesn´t look right. I hope it is just a glitch or a technical issue, but as i said, i´m getting kind of jumpy, even while i had assumed they were done with PC. If so, well, too bad, and i sincerely wish them the best for whatever they work on next and thank them for all their work so far.

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It has happened several times before so I don't think it is a good reason to worry more than usual.

But I am nonetheless quite pessimistic about Tk's will to pursue the SF2 serie on PC

Edited by jeanba

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sound like someone just forgot to renew it; like a driver's liscence or insurance.


it's happened before, TK will surely fix it.


as to the rest (more PC titles/DLC), who can tell???

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That is not the end of the world.

THIS..... is the end of the world.


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A very frightening image daddyairplanes !


I don't know if I will sleep tonight

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yeah happened before, I wouldn't read too much into it

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Why the hell would anybody NUKE the Smurfs ?????????

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because their song is annonying as all hell!!!  :biggrin:

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Fuck the Smurfs, I say nuke em all.....








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la la la lalala ..

I've been vaporized....




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Dave you really are a simple creature.  nukes alone wont kill the smurfs.  you needs boots on the ground to eradicate the blue threat.


Division is wheels up, less than 18 hours out...



sorry macelena for hijacking your thread.  maybe we can drop off the survivors in Austin.  they sing until we get Exp3........

Edited by daddyairplanes

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I'll sleep better after having seen the Smurfs nuked.

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The Smurf menace makes the Eel menace look like a case of a bad rash of poison ivy....

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 I really like the way Dave does stuff my wife asked me today if I would give her a hand to weed the garden and the first thought that popped into my mind was I wonder how Dave would do it.

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How would Dave do it?


Oh, Hell, that's easy....





(why the frack isn't this giving me the youtube window?? the hell???)



Edited by Wrench

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sorry macelena for hijacking your thread.  maybe we can drop off the survivors in Austin.  they sing until we get Exp3........




Nevermind :D

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“I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fucking smurf, I’ll kill you all.”


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yeah happened before, I wouldn't read too much into it



All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.

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All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.

you mean Dave threatening to nuke our asses to dust followed by graphic images showing ugly alpha channel issues of the Gen1 engine? :blink:


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