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Drag Chute on Fishbeds?

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After landing on this tiny strip in the middle of nowhere in East Germany, I tought, "should my PFM carry a drag chute"?? And then which variants of the Fishbed came with drag chute. Anyone know?



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Just say before you thinking on:

Adding brakechutes to stock ACs won´t work in SF2. ;-)

I think all 21s had them from 21F on....

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I think all 21s had them from 21F on....

Thats what I wanted to know. But is used in all the landings or only when runway is short or with rain/snow?


Just say before you thinking on:

Adding brakechutes to stock ACs won´t work in SF2. ;-)

I know. The 3d model is needed for that IIRC

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Wasn't there a drag chute mod made before that you could add to any aircraft via the fake pilot method?

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Wasn't there a drag chute mod made before that you could add to any aircraft via the fake pilot method?

That sounds pretty interesting. Can someone confirm please??

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yes there was one made by YAP for some F-4´s , but i have no clue how it works or if it works with SF2

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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 But is used in all the landings or only when runway is short or with rain/snow?




MiG-21 used the always the landing drag chute. It increased the lifetime of the wheelbrakes. The drag chute was also used for emergency spin recovery.

In the first versions the drag chute was placed close to the engine exhaust on the left lower side. Later the drag chute container was placed over the tail pipe.


Here a picture of an east german MiG-21F13. The chute is below the pipe.




Here an egyptian MiG-21MF. The chute is above the pipe.





By the way, the PFM had in east german service an other designation. It was called MiG-21SPS or, if capable to carry the GP-9 gunpod MiG-21SPS-K.

Edited by Gepard
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Wasn't there a drag chute mod made before that you could add to any aircraft via the fake pilot method?

And if there were one made that way. how would one trigger it?  The fake pilot method is meant for adding fixed, non-animated bits to an existing aircraft model.  

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you have to ask YAP how they did it , but i dont think they share it

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yes there was one made by YAP for some F-4´s , but i have no clue how it works or if it works with SF2

In YAP, dragchutes works as weapons, they have a special effectclassname called DragChuteEffects. But i don"t know if they're just for the show or if they actually slow the plane down.


They appear when selecting the dragchute as a weapons, and then pressing the "open bomb bay" command (so ctrl+o) to make them open. press the triggerr to release the chute.

Edited by stuntman
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i think they are only as i eye candy , to have an actual braking effect you would need a entry in the data.ini of the aircraft and for a weapon this is not possible

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By the way, the PFM had in east german service an other designation. It was called MiG-21SPS or, if capable to carry the GP-9 gunpod MiG-21SPS-K.

Then I was flying a SPS-K! Thanks for the clarification!!


In YAP, dragchutes works as weapons, they have a special effectclassname called DragChuteEffects. But i don"t know if they're just for the show or if they actually slow the plane down.


They appear when selecting the dragchute as a weapons, and then pressing the "open bomb bay" command (so ctrl+o) to make them open. press the triggerr to release the chute.

Pretty interesting. Is possible to adapt it for the Fishbeds?


i think they are only as i eye candy , to have an actual braking effect you would need a entry in the data.ini of the aircraft and for a weapon this is not possible

Even If eyecandy only, will be a cool adition. After all we can't burn the brakes or get a flat tire in SF2.

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Pretty interesting. Is possible to adapt it for the Fishbeds?


It's surely adaptable to fishbeds, one would just need a dragchute lod file. We cannot use Yap's one due to copyright matters

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It's surely adaptable to fishbeds, one would just need a dragchute lod file. We cannot use Yap's one due to copyright matters

But the "rest" of the pack is doable? Converting the chute into a weapon, activate it...

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Moved to the appropriate Forum.


Try and watch WHERE you're posting -- the original topic was in a Forum dedicated to REAL WORLD Military & General aviation, NOT modding game items.



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But the "rest" of the pack is doable? Converting the chute into a weapon, activate it...

A weapon that fires when the aircraft is on its landing gear?  When was the last time you tried firing a weapon (in this series) that way? Sorry to bust your bubble, but it doesn't work like that.  A drag chute has to be part of the 3D model, and it really needs to be setup as an animated surface, preferably an air brake, so that it actually works as intended.

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The only way they did it, was to rip the LOD file, integrate the chute, reanimate all moving parts and re export it as LOD again. 


You need to compare their animations (landinggear animation) with the one from TK and there you should see a slightly difference. If the model is the same, but only the animations are a bit different, so it was ripped 

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Moved to the appropriate Forum.


Try and watch WHERE you're posting -- the original topic was in a Forum dedicated to REAL WORLD Military & General aviation, NOT modding game items.




It started as a question about REAL FISHBEDS. Thanks for moving it.


Is curious stuntman says one thing (drag chute working as a weapon) and you guys another, maybe he understood it wrong? but you're right as is not possible to use weapons with wheels down. Maybe is possible to create a "eye candy" drag chute that work using one of the animation buttons? Or the animations need to be part of the model too? Maybe if it works that way is possible to see it deploying too.

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for all of you who think that it is not possible to at a chute as a weapon this is the entry for the YAP F-4D , they did not rip the lod or anything else


i just hope i dont get sued for posting this :grin: , but i have my doubts if this works with SF2




and this is the weapondata entry

FullName=Drag Chute

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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Ravenclaw, that may have been possible in SF1, but not in SF2, as one cannot deploy a weapon when the aircraft is on its gears. Try it.

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I tried it on SF2. No joy as Fubar says is not possible to deploy weapons with gears down. Maybe linking to animation If that's possible? Apart from Fishbeds there are other planes that will benefit from drag chute like Phantoms and Thunderchiefs.

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did you notice the bombaybay animation entry , i wonder if it works not as a weapon but as a bombaydoor that should be possible to be open with wheels on the ground

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This is YAP F105F:




As you can see I can open the bomb bay while on the ground. What I can't understand is the "weapon" part. I can't select any drag chute in loadout screen and there's nothing apart from the gun If I cycle the A-A or A-G weapons.

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that is because of the StationGroupID=8 , in game you only have selectable StationGroupID=1 to 7 , in SF1 you could use the StationGroupID=8 as a permanent and non selectable loadout

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So no way doing this style right? What abou animations??

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