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Sheila takes good care of me. 





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Every red-blooded ex-military American should have a 1911 and an AR-15 :)

I have had the AR-15 since I got my $4,000 ($3,200 after tax) Navy Sonar A-school bonus in the spring of 1990 (bought and stored by my father in Florida).

I got the 1911 in 1995 when I moved off base (at which point, I had the rifle mailed to me).

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You lucky, lucky bastard. Say it out loud I'm a gun owner and proud! Being a Limey living in Australia and owning a firearms permit I can only envy you. Have fun with those beauties.


             all the best..............................eccles

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Nice pistol. I still need to get a 1911, and I personally would rather have an M1A than an AR-15. Nice looking rifle though.

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Is the 1911 a .45acp version? Im not familiar with Rugers' version and available calibers.


Been thinking about a bushmaster myself. Approx. $650 here in Missoula.


You may want to get a nice progressive reloader system to keep yourself in ammo...;)

Edited by pcpilot

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Didn´t you already have one of each? nevermind, dumb question

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I also have a  Series 80 US Government issue Colt 1991A1 .45 . I sold my other Bushmaster because it was there was problems with it. My next purchase is Benelli M4 shotgun. 

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My plan is just to wait a bit and pick up. Because when I will ever need one again they will probably be laying around everywhere.


Saves money.


Spring of 1990 I had an M1911A1 and an M-16A2.

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very nice Dave, she has a very nice taste!! :)

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I will admit I do not understand the prices at all. While some rifles are very high-tech, why is the price of a basic pistol so high? In other words, why does it cost more than 3 iPads?


If no one told me what they were, I would guess the prices at $300 or so for a basic pistol tops.

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Supply, demand, and the quality of the firearm. You can get 1911's in all flavors, but if you are going to carry it concealed as I did, you want it to be as reliable and accurate as possible. I bought my base Springfield Armory 1911A1 for about $530 in San Diego way back in 1995 or 96. By the time I was done upgrading it, I had spent a total of $2,000 with the labor of a reputable local gunsmith being a part of that cost. My Colt Sporter H-Bar was only $900, I added a scope and a bipod for less than $200. The rifle uses far more material and is inherently the better weapon both in terms of accuracy and overall effectiveness. But I can carry the pistol anywhere and be fairly sure it won't jam (throated feed, hard recoil spring), won't accidently pinch me (beaver tail grip safety), hits where I want it to (has snag free sturdy sights and a guiderod for consistent repeatable slide motion), and smooth trigger pull riding the line between too light and just right. Unfortunately for me, I had found out about the brand new Kimber 1911's just a little too late: everything I had paid $2,000 for only $600. I could have had two Kimbers and some money to party hardy for what I put into my one Springfield. 

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As a Co. Armorer (when I was in and still), the biggist fault I had with all the Colt M1911A1's in my care was crappy magazine's. Funny how ya miss doing things from long ago. :(

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very nice Dave, she has a very nice taste!! :)


Indeed. One very sharp lady!

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  Sorry.....Ruger autos work better if you hurl them at your target. I put them on par with Llama. I've seen those things jam and jam and jam and jam........Especially their 1911-91 military knock offs. Their revolvers are pretty nice but I don't like the indirect firing pin in their Vaquero models.

 That other guy had it pretty dead on. Springfield is putting out the best 1911-91 knockoff these days. Very dependable and they'll shoot semi wads without jamming. If I'm going to put my life in a firearm's hands....I want it to work every time I fire it.

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As a Co. Armorer (when I was in and still), the biggist fault I had with all the Colt M1911A1's in my care was crappy magazine's. Funny how ya miss doing things from long ago. :(



That's funny you mention that Raven as I had a hard time finding good magazines. I finally found some after my dad had some extra ones that were nice. 

  Sorry.....Ruger autos work better if you hurl them at your target. I put them on par with Llama. I've seen those things jam and jam and jam and jam........Especially their 1911-91 military knock offs. Their revolvers are pretty nice but I don't like the indirect firing pin in their Vaquero models.

 That other guy had it pretty dead on. Springfield is putting out the best 1911-91 knockoff these days. Very dependable and they'll shoot semi wads without jamming. If I'm going to put my life in a firearm's hands....I want it to work every time I fire it.



This Ruger hasnt jammed yet. Its extremely well made. The same thing with my dad's SR1911 Commander edition. Hundreds and hundreds of rounds, no jamming. Now his Ruger .22's though, bad jamming. Ruger just sent him some new magazines at no cost to see if the they were the problem. 

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The last M1911A1 was made in 1945.


What you see today are knock offs. Really irks me when gun nutz talk M1911. Because most have never even seen a real one.


My M1911A1 in ODS was made by Frigidaire.


All the 7th Corp units from Germany still had M1911A1's in ODS.


Most where worn out but I had a pretty good one. But at the end of the day it is just a paper weight. The only time I used it was the night of the cease fire. I was leaning against the left #3 skirt of my tank with my MOPP pants down around my ankles taking a shit. .45 in hand, when the 3rd PLT PSG came trotting up to my tank in the dark and failed to give the countersign when I challenged him, while I was shitting mind you. Needless to say he only stopped and identified himself when I shouted "STOP or I will blow your head OFF."


You can kill some one to the same degree of deadness with a Kimber or a Lorcin. Just depends on how much money you want to spend before you go to prison.

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