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It's a really beautiful model. Looking forward to fly it!

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That looks realy good! Like it!


here you can nearly see, how deep the intakes are, so that gives a hint where to place the turbines



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few pics




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That looks great! 


check the wings, they are sticking into the intakes, I think you can simply cut away a bit without destroying the mapping. So you dont need to move around vertices ;)

how does the rear end looks and the exhausts?

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A very welcome plane indeed. Wich cockpit you gonna use? I´m very excited with this new bird!

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Looks pretty cool!! Can't wait men!

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That looks great! 


check the wings, they are sticking into the intakes, I think you can simply cut away a bit without destroying the mapping. So you dont need to move around vertices ;)

how does the rear end looks and the exhausts?

haven't added the baffle yet that's why you see some daylight in there

A very welcome plane indeed. Wich cockpit you gonna use? I´m very excited with this new bird!

as of now, I'm trying it with the albatross one


Edited by Veltro2k
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Very Beautiful and accurate project Mr Veltro! Chapeau!


About the "pit" alternative it could be the TW Mystère IVA one... or a modified TMF Jaguar A cockpit! 


Best regards,



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few more pics and as usual if someone would like to skin this bird IM me




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Brings back fond memories of seeing the Patrouille de France at RAF Alconbury during the 1970's.

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few more pics and as usual if someone would like to skin this bird IM me

Send it to Capun.

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It looks good!


So an interesting Internet link about the Fouga family: http://www.aviafrance.com/constructeur.php?ID_CONSTRUCTEUR=536


In the same idea our Aéronavale had the (Magister derivative) Fouga Zéphir for aircraft carrier training!


Best regards,



Edited by Coupi

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Love the single seater one!! The twin seater in Belgium air force colors... Will be great!!

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Surely Stratos!


Future stuff for skinners...hi.gif.pagespeed.ce.rwB44a-P_s.gif


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Edited by Coupi

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My brother in law took his jet training in the Magister in Belgium in the joint BAF/KLu/MLD program. Was going to  the Seahawk but they were WFU before he had the chance to fly them.  Many good stories.though.... :biggrin:

Edited by Derk
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Well if i could help with some West-German Skins, let me know...

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That is good news! Like the detail you put into the landing gear too! If you need any help with that bird I think we could have some nice synergy effects from the MiG-25.

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getting there


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Coupi, i saw you are making the Fouga Skin, i took a walkaround of one on a museum here, if you need to get more details, i´ll be happy to share it.




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