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Outstanding work! Hope to see a Gunship version of the 'A' for WOV era.


You mean, like this one?








if you dont skin that Roman bird in Lizard Green, you know I will! :biggrin:   (and yes some did serve long enough to get painted that!)


bad-ish news tho,  was building up a collection of reference photos (and serial nums) from C-130.net when my desktop HD crashed.  might be able to retrieve that folder but gotta get a new bit of gear at months end to try.  had well over 100 pics with the model, year, SN and unit in the filename :angry:   and no old heads i was in the middle of it when it happened. had planned for it to go to external when i was done for the day


I might leave that paint job to you.  :biggrin:


That's sad news about all that reference stuff. I know how hard to come by and how time consuming that can be.



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Yes Sirrreeeee! Minus the 105MM as you have modeled. Wasn't there a roman/blunt nose camo version in the SEA war during its early phase as a gunship?


Outstanding work............Bravo! 

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Yes Sirrreeeee! Minus the 105MM as you have modeled. Wasn't there a roman/blunt nose camo version in the SEA war during its early phase as a gunship?


Outstanding work............Bravo! 


The one I have modelled has 2 x 20mm M61s and 2 x 40mm Bofors.


Yes, the very first AC-130 was in fact the very first C-130 that was delivered to the USAF and it still had a Roman Nose at the time. Also, there were several weapon and sensor equipment configurations until the definitive version which I have decided to model so it will cater for the whole service life up to 1995.



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Fantastic!.........................Well done Dels - Looking forward to these beauties.

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RAF C-130K and C-130K-30 in both ASE and non-ASE variants.

Three skins: two tone camo with grey underside, two tone wrap around and green.

Refuel probe is selectable from the loadout screen.



















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RCAF CC-130H with the transparent paradoor for SAR flights.








Good news, this is the last variant I'm building so I'm going to start putting together the package for release now...finally!



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Dels, that is looking awesome...

I love the attention to details and this is going to be one magnificent release, absolutely can't wait...thanks for keeping at it!   :clapping:

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Hey Dels,  are you including cargo "weapons"? in particular lapes items and trucks to go off the back end of the bird...

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Hey Dels,  are you including cargo "weapons"? in particular lapes items and trucks to go off the back end of the bird...


Yes, it will include the A-22 CDS, M38 jeep, Paratroopers, BLU-82 and the MOAB. Additionally the Griffin, Hellfire and SDB will be included for the gunship models.



Edited by Dels
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Can we LAPES PBRs and other special boats too ?

We will have to leave it to Yakarov tho to HeliCast the boat crews in.


Edited by charlielima
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cool.  gotta refigure the 5 ton "bomb"...  it's in with the Galaxy and Starlifter reworks i did, but i couldnt figure out how to get them to stay on impact  so it was mainly eye candy when the doors open

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Decided on one last addition before I release it:


KC-130T now has JATO




Here is the readme file for the package:


C-130 Superpack readme.txt


Once they're approved, go here to download the pack:




and here for the photoshop templates:





Edited by Dels
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AWESOME work Dels!!!


many thanks

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I have been looking forward to this for a while. thank you for all the time and hard work you have put into this.

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Awesome work Dels

A question, how do I add external fuel tanks to the C-130B Hercules?

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thank you sir!  and right before a break in the online courses too!

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Thank you Mr. I can't imagine how much effort it took to complete this wonderful package. It's perfect!

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Awesome work Dels

A question, how do I add external fuel tanks to the C-130B Hercules?


The C-130B doesn't have external tanks. That's the main difference between the B and the E.



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what took you so long aces?:biggrin:

on a serious note, how long were the Hellenic Hercs in SEA camo? i would imagine they are grey like everyone else now

im suprised they are still in SEA in the 21st century

Edited by daddyairplanes
googled my question like a big boy

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Yes in did...to mach bysy....sorry....!! Decal's ready ...camo 70%...!

1975-2004  C-130H camo

1992-2004 C-130B Euro I

2004-2017 camo & Grey....C-130H + AUP until 2020...

I was Jump....34 times.......when i was in the army....!!!!

USAF Europe I Camouflage.jpg

C-130 Hercules Southwest Asia Camouflage.jpg

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..ERIK    .i WONDER....can i upload the cockpit ....from the c-135...to use it in the c-130 B  .??

Was upload it from Crab_02 .....???????????..........here at combatace long time ..ago...in the c-135 pack...




Edited by acesfakia
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if it was my project what i would do

upload the skin, and just the cockpit files, as well as aircraft.ini, data.ini and cockpit.ini all in the skins section.  every ini needed to make it work

credit the original modder with the pit, yourself with adjusting it to the Herc

leave the lod and other files alone unless you are making some fakepilot adjustments. major change or copy for different years. when i did the Euro 1 for Dels original Herc years ago i ini edited the flare/chaff pods off the nose, and felt it signifigant enough at the time to release in the aircraft section. But when i did veltro2k's Starlifter and Galaxy, those just had skins and tgas so into the skin section. ABOVE ALL ELSE CREDIT THE WORK NOT YOUR OWN

hope this was a little helpful,  am sure someone else will weigh in as well


Edited by daddyairplanes
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