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Still asking for help putting a skin on this bird so I can release it  PM me

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Enoc you have so much on your plate already

Edited by Veltro2k
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Sorry I should complete the Alizé & A-37B first sorting with RL issuesbut after if I have some time ...

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The bird itself is ok, but have found some bugs:


here you can see your exhausts on the outer engines ... are not existent



this is just a model, but here you can see how the exhaust should look like 



There is no front gearbay



Not correctly mapped parts under the exhausts, you can see the stretched texture on the parts between the wings and engines, those parts shouldnt be there, they are completly wrong



The crew part behind the cockpit is also empty, you can look trough the plane on the ground. Maybe this could be done with a 2 sided texture setting in max




@ Veltro, dont you have a crew of guys that could check your stuff for quality before release? I feel always as the badass (seems to be the only one) who is reporting such bugs. Im not a "Yeah great Stuff!" crying guy as man others. I have the german attitude to discuss stuff and improve it.


Even Volker and I are in contact regarding quality and maybe overseen mistakes on some models.


You realy need this important stepp to check your stuff first before releasing it. Thats why our stuff takes so long. We have wrong animations sometimes, shadow bugs, wrong mapped stuff or simply forgetting something ... thats why I work with a bunch of good friends on my stuff. Ok now its our stuff but who cares. The result is what is counting!


best regards

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird
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You have the talent to model good stuff, but at a point you simply stop working on it .. and release it half backen, thats the point I dont understand, why dont you cross check your stuff?! compare it with pics and many other resources, instead of bit*** here around. 


We had the discussion some times ago about the 3 views, that a modeler has not to rely on it for 100% the rest had to be done with reference pics. And even that discussion lead some years ago to your same reactions as you show now ... 

I will not ask every time to offer my help .. but if you ask to get some... that would not be the problem


Your attitute is your problem and in your own way ... not me, ... have fun with what ever you do

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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having worked on several minimal skins this year i see both sides of this coin. less tiles (1 or 2) can be a nightmare for the skinner in trying to figure out where things are (see pic of Marcfighters 1 tile tanker skin as i was first working on it). but the heavies that Veltro often works on dont need as much detail as say the fighters and attack because the SIM has no real purpose for them. we SIMMERS want them because they add elements that are missing so far...........


that said Veltro please go on doing what you do as you bring many lesser known or unavailable birds to the nest.  more tiles per skin would be nice to work with, but we have so few modelers right now that i for one will work with what i've got.  and (i believe) we will help as can, but like all other modders we work what interests us first typically then move to other projects


THIS is what fewer tiles leads me to do..... :biggrin:


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My friends, you are recalling me of a modelists club i used to be, everybody fighting for everything, Ed, i think in no means Martin tried to bug you, i have learned a lot with all my friends advise including Martin, Fubar, Carlo and many others. At the end the benefit is for all of us, you, because you learn no to make the same mistakes and we, because we receive better products from your skills, anyways is up to you, i also have a family to care of, i work in an IT department and i am called at anytime they need me, that could also explain why i take so long to make one skin, but i have will and i use the little time i have to work and give my best for you all.


Now cool down and think if we want to bug you or help you.



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Veltro2k, I'd like to chime in here and thank you for all the models you have kindly provided to the SF community.  I have been around long enough to remember your many questions posted about how to make models, so very long ago.  We went through the issue when Prowler complained that your models were too similar to Razbam's.  How's that whole Razbam thing worked out for the SF community?  Since Razbam has thrown our community under the bus, thanks again for your continued efforts!  You have shown a steady progression in expertise as your have honed your modeling skills with each new addition.  You have come far indeed from your earliest efforts! 

People need to remember a very wise statement: Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. 

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high resolution at work




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A suggestion; replace the existing glass material with one that is somewhat reflective.  That simple tweak helps transform the model.

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Looks excellent in my opinion, and a very needed player for NA type scenarios!

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Looks excellent in my opinion, and a very needed player for NA type scenarios!

Agree!!!! Wich cockpit you´re planning to use?

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I cooled down....I luv this SH@t :crazy:

Great news!

Are you going to re-upload the May for those of us who missed the original download please?

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Great news!

Are you going to re-upload the May for those of us who missed the original download please?

yes as soon as I get the skins and the go ahead

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high resolution at work


Torno, are you also updating the 3d model or only the skin?

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Yo pinto a mí mismo, y el modelo se mejora Veltyro2K


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waiting for a go ahead to release

also have this that not quite sure if I should finish it  if there is another one in project


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Yes finish it. Dave will be thrilled. I started one, but never got past the 3 view. I'm just not a Jet builder and yours looks great! And if you would, look at a XB-56. Same airframe, 4 engines.

Thanks IA.

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Ed you can have this if you want it...



Edited by russouk2004

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