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I've ran into 2 persisting problems so here I am again. Some of the textures on the Planes are just Black like the, F-86, F9F , F4U series of planes. Another thing is that when i try to play the campaign as a carrier borne plane it won't show the aircraft carrier group on the map and it'll spawn me in the air.

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Me again. I've tried several things like installing and reinstalling the skins however it still has a black texture. If anyone could get back to me on this issue it would be great.

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what are your system specs? particularly, the graphics card. it's possible you're running out of texture memory. Nobody else has complained of these symptoms since the mod was released (or when all the parts were released seperately, before Do335 assembled this mod), ever!


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just a thought...use mues lod viewer and check names \ formats of textures ...if gaps in list then missing textures....or wrong ones installed.

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11 hours ago, Wrench said:

what are your system specs? particularly, the graphics card. it's possible you're running out of texture memory. Nobody else has complained of these symptoms since the mod was released (or when all the parts were released seperately, before Do335 assembled this mod), ever!


I have a AMD Radeon R5 Graphics

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2 hours ago, russouk2004 said:

just a thought...use mues lod viewer and check names \ formats of textures ...if gaps in list then missing textures....or wrong ones installed.

I'll download it right away


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Since I'm the one that DID all those skins, I can gareeentee they're ain't nothing wrong with 'em. Even the problmatic DDS used on the panther. Gotta be at your end, somewhere.

How about listing FULL sustem specs?? Not just the card, but the whole shootin' match?

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1 hour ago, Wrench said:

Since I'm the one that DID all those skins, I can gareeentee they're ain't nothing wrong with 'em. Even the problmatic DDS used on the panther. Gotta be at your end, somewhere.

How about listing FULL sustem specs?? Not just the card, but the whole shootin' match?

The Processor says "AMD A10-9600P RADEON R5, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C+6G 2.40 GHz

The Installed Ram says "8.00GB (7.47 GB Usable)"

The system type says "64-BIT operating system, x64-based processor"

Let me know if you need anything else.

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I thought this might be interesting to add. When I copy and pasted the contents of "F-86 alternate cockpit", and "F-86 Alternate skins" into the strike fighters korea directory I got this.

img00045 - Copy (2).JPG

Edited by yieaper

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this is a laptop, withOUT a seperate video card???

cause that Sabre is either missing the 1.jpg (nose skin), or you're out of texture memory. That skin for drop tank is also incorrect,

my advice, right now, would be to delete COMPELETY your KAW mods folder, delete the KAW exe (built from the SF2NA exe) and start totally over from the beginning.

also, as a side experiment, go and download ONLY the F-86 Sabre package, install that into a plane-jane SF2 mods folder, and see what happens



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10 hours ago, Wrench said:

this is a laptop, withOUT a seperate video card???

cause that Sabre is either missing the 1.jpg (nose skin), or you're out of texture memory. That skin for drop tank is also incorrect,

my advice, right now, would be to delete COMPELETY your KAW mods folder, delete the KAW exe (built from the SF2NA exe) and start totally over from the beginning.

also, as a side experiment, go and download ONLY the F-86 Sabre package, install that into a plane-jane SF2 mods folder, and see what happens


I'll try it. thanks.



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skins are jpg on those, in fact, all my Sabre skins are jpg

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Sorry to reply to this late but my power went out for 5 days. Anyways after I reinstalled it. it worked, I heavily appreciate the time and effort you put into this mod and helping me. Stay safe and have a good rest of 2020.

Edited by yieaper
incorrect grammar
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Hi guys,I downloaded and installed this mod only this year during the lockdown and simply follow in love...

But I want to ask,why for the US navy we play basically with three carriers (Essex,Oriskany and Bataan), with only the Kearsarge and Lake Champlain rotating?

Thanks to WhiteBoySamurai pack  and other modders effort for the planes,the carriers in game will have some more choice now; no one thinked to a simple update 'bout this?

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Fuck Yap.

we have everything we need, right here. What RK is asking for is a modification of the campaign ini to bring all the correct carriers & their air groups into play

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7 hours ago, Wrench said:

Fuck Yap.

we have everything we need, right here. What RK is asking for is a modification of the campaign ini to bring all the correct carriers & their air groups into play


I don't think we need something from others,the community here is so great that we have all is needed,now also the Banshee!

I mean exactly what Wrench said,as in Vietnam Gold,a rotation od the Carrier groups.

For example, USS Valley Forge was one of the first carrier deployed ( and was committed to the confict at least other three times) but isn't in the game, to no mention many more.

This mod is so good, with this issue  solved will be very close to perfection ( implementig some night missions is another small thing)

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Hello, is a pleasure return to this community. I've installed WoK following the instructions but the carriers don't appear. Somebody know the reason. Thanks a lot.


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I bought and installed the complete SF2 package from Third Wire, after uninstalling what I already had.

A few days later I downloaded and installed the full Korea mod. As instructed.

For the first few days, the only aircraft available in the Korea folder were the ones that came with the Korea mod.

Then suddenly one day I go for another single mission, and I've got every other aircraft from Israel, Europe, Vietnam, North Atlantic showing in the list. Everything. Everything I downloaded from here.

I tried deleting the extra aircraft from the mod folder and they keep coming back.

Is this normal?

By the way the Korea mod is brilliant, and when I eventually locate the aircraft I want to fly, it's fantastic.

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when you delete (or re-delete) the unneeded aircraft leave ONE each of the later model Player Flyable (tm) and AI. What I do, for a period specific install is leave one of the Skyhawks and the MiG-21MF. I've never had the "others" respawn by doing that. (that's how I have all my WW2 installs).

Try that and it should work fine!

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Hey guys, first off all thanks, this mod is really cool and i'm having a blast. However I noticed the F-80C seems to seriously underperform, I have a lot of trouble getting it to go much over 300kts when the original planes cruise speed was 430 kts or so (with a max of 550 at 25000ft). I already alleviated this slightly by increasing engine power, but still I think it's not quite up to spec . Any other things I can tweak in the INI to get it to be a bit faster?

Edited by aetios

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I fixed it by myself!

I changed CD0 from 0.0065 to 0.0050 and now she achieves the speeds she's supposed to reach (around 400 knots cruising speeds). I was even able to revert to the original 4600 lbs engine power. Flies like a dream now, I love this! Thanks again for the great mod.


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that isn't the original  numbers I have --- which sections??? Do you remember the original date of the data ini?? Mine is 10/5/2012

When you ran your original tests, did you have HUD Debug on??? Were you using IAS or TAS???

Last night I ran some tests, full fuel, both tip tanks and 2 500 pounders ... see the image below. Nothing changed in the data ini

can you post the full ini (zip it up and attach it here)


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