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Superfort update...

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would there be any interest in something like this?


all lights adjusted/added -- fully correct now

different pilot figures.

semi-functional cockpit (courtesy of paulopanz -- no bombsight, however)

loadout adjusted (adds separate station for early nukes)


not added -- belly radome (would need a new 3d object that somebody would have to build, and then attack via fake pilot, and would cover the belly ID lights - which can be moved if necessary)


if so, the next question is ...

1) a separate update pak, with a LOT of (for some) confusing instructions, or

2) do a full update on the WW2 Superfort pack in the WW2 downloads section, and have everything in one place


the 2nd options, being the better (and actually easier for me and eye), would unfortunately make everyone delete their original aircraft folder, and re-download the pack.


screenies of the lighting changes below


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Will Silverplate aircraft be included?


I'd go with the second option if I were you. Much easier for you and simple enough for the end user too.

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yes, the 509th is already IN the WW2 Superfort Pak, 100% historical serials, ID numbers and Nose Arts. (they were really fun to do, and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way -- it was REALLY interesting, and I learned a lot about the aircraft)


The only major differences between the "stock" Superforts and Silverplates in the package, is I left all gun turrets on, and didn't fiddle with the engines (more powerful, better turbochargers, and fuel injected and so on)


now, if I could just find the Fat Man bomb... got a Little Boy already


what's truly amazing, the B-29 was among the first aircraft mods EVER built for SF1 -- the lod is dated 7/15/2003. That's a really long time, in gaming terms. And it STILL looks pretty damn good. MontyCZ did a pretty damn good job on it...(could use some newer skins, but shoot -- if left AI you'll never know the difference!! LOL!)

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I figured you had included them, I was just curious about what changes you made from the regular -29s. It's been years but I'm finally getting back into studying WWII; starting with reading up on Superforts and the Manhattan Project yesterday.


I thought we had a Fat Man model. Or maybe it was a Mark 4?

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I'll be doing my Indiana Jones imitation, and dig through the lindr paks: I know he did all the US nukes from the 50s.

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Did we have a MAX file of the B-29 in work somewhere?



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It's monty's aircraft from 2003. I doubt he still has the max file. But I'd removed the turrets/guns before, a long time ago via data ini edits. But that would require a new, separate aircraft for the 509th.


I'm also finishing off the KAW Superforts. I'd forgotten I'd started them, oh so many years ago. There a screenie of one with Tallboys in the regular screenshots thread.


Have to fiddle the FM a bit -- it's too fast at altitude. Debug showed me at 425 knots TAS at 35k, 75% throttle -- 300 was the 'never exceed speed'


also, courtesy of Paulo (who sent me these bits more than 18 months ago!!) a workable cockpit, although the copilot won't have his panel.

And even though I'm very opposed to Player Controled Heavy Bombers ™, I'm working a usable bumsight.

None of it's perfect, but it works. If left under AI control, nobody will ever notice!

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The Co-pilot is just starting his Tablet to chat in Facebook, isn´t he? :biggrin:

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no, the bombardier is. but, yes, he's updating his FB staus

the copilot is sleeping :biggrin:

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  On 4/27/2015 at 9:27 PM, Wrench said:


Have to fiddle the FM a bit -- it's too fast at altitude.


oh yeah noticed that, very hard to take down with Migs. Turns out apparently the engine powers are doubled. But without the double it can't even fly at 30k ft. Was thinking of increasing the CLa values, just haven't got around to it...

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Hi, yeah whatever is easiest for you to release and update

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Kevin, could you do option 2? Easier for you and everyone I think  to have it as a all-in-one-pack. Awesome work with the lights, I think even my FSX or XP10 lack those

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  On 4/28/2015 at 7:51 PM, Stary said:

Kevin, could you do option 2? Easier for you and everyone I think  to have it as a all-in-one-pack. Awesome work with the lights, I think even my FSX or XP10 lack those


:iagree: Especially considering your eye problem, Wrench.


Nice update btw, I'm wondering if this could be useful even for the B-29 package for KAW, maybe at a later time.

Edited by blaze95

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the KAW 29s will be out first, as they required more work (will have 5 skins). The PTO ones will follow soon after (that does seem ass-backwards, don't it??)

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  On 4/28/2015 at 8:53 PM, Wrench said:

the KAW 29s will be out first, as they required more work (will have 5 skins). The PTO ones will follow soon after (that does seem ass-backwards, don't it??)


"Ass-backwards", made me laugh a lot, you're right.  I've just seen another post you made before in the Wings Over Korea mod thread about the B-29, so my wondering was somewhat avoidable.  Thanks for replying, I hope your eye health gets better.

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in 6-8 weeks i'll know if the anit-virals they've given me have helped with the cellular de-lamination (that's the only term I can thing of for the separation of the cells from in inner corneal lining). After that, they'll determine WHICH surgery to do first -- remove the damaged cells (which is probable) and implant 'donor' cells, or corneal replacement (only if the 1st doesn't take) Another 2 years, at least, of this bullshit!!

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  On 4/27/2015 at 9:27 PM, Wrench said:

It's monty's aircraft from 2003. I doubt he still has the max file. But I'd removed the turrets/guns before, a long time ago via data ini edits. But that would require a new, separate aircraft for the 509th.


I'm also finishing off the KAW Superforts. I'd forgotten I'd started them, oh so many years ago. There a screenie of one with Tallboys in the regular screenshots thread.


Have to fiddle the FM a bit -- it's too fast at altitude. Debug showed me at 425 knots TAS at 35k, 75% throttle -- 300 was the 'never exceed speed'


also, courtesy of Paulo (who sent me these bits more than 18 months ago!!) a workable cockpit, although the copilot won't have his panel.

And even though I'm very opposed to Player Controled Heavy Bombers , I'm working a usable bumsight.

None of it's perfect, but it works. If left under AI control, nobody will ever notice!

I tried removing the turrets/guns a week ago with no luck.  What part of the ini did you edit?  Thanks.

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components, in the data ini. the simple 'remove' trick

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thank Paulo for the pit!

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Hello I still have the 3D file and templates if you want.

Monty CZ

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thank you Monty!

I could use the template, to perhaps make a larger higher rez skin. Might as well send the MAX file too. (I have max 2009, and am trying to learn it!!!)


and again, thank you building the airplane, so long ago

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