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be nice to have them

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Love the Aviocar and will be really useful!

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Hello guys, I resume work on ships after that little brake, the planes modeling is more difficult that i thought so i will concentrate on ships for a while. I was playing around in my old pc and i found my old CAd models when i was at the university, I took two courses on CAD software and one of the assignments was to make a "complex" model of a ship or machine, and i chose a ship... my favorite ships for all times in fact, I tried to convert this files to Max to put it on the game but the result was a total mess, anyway i was able to put it on max, but the mesh got messed up, I think she will need a lot of work, but i think it worth a try, because as i said, it´s my favorite ship  :biggrin:


It lacks all of the secondary guns, a lot of details, and textures, because i could not  make them work on 3d max, but here is what i got from that old file 




Also, i will need some volunteers for test this ship when it will be done, because as i could see, it will have  a high poly count, so i dont know that it will work well on all the pc that runs the game, so any volunteers let me know. I will focus on this project and no other work until she is finish. ( Maybe I could release the Padilla FF, but as it is, with basic textures, if there is the need )



A.. I forgot.. if anyone wants to make the textures for any of the aircraft that i amde and want to play with the ini files, send me a message. (only the super tucano and aviocar.. i am looking for the author of the helicopters to ask permision to release )

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Perhaps you didn't see it, but I already said in this thread that I'll be doing the Yamato class. Twice, in fact-- Finishing up the one that russouk2004 provided as a nice place-holder, and (much later) building my own version in far greater detail. I've already built some components for mine, but I estimate it will take about a year to finish. That ship deserves nothing but the best, and I'm going to give it to her.


I'm still really looking forward to your Lupo/Soldati, Maestrale, Padilla, helicopters, etc. How about finishing all those smaller projects before starting anything new?

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Not very polite.... but ok, I will finish the Yamato for myself then

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I'm very sorry. It's not my intention to put you down. You have a lot of potential as a modder. But I want to save you from the same mistakes that I made.


My first major model was the Ticonderoga class, my favorite USN ship. In retrospect, trying to build such a complex ship so soon was a bad move. I did sloppy work, I made so many rookie mistakes, and because of that I've rebuilt and re-uploaded that model a dozen times. Even now, I'm not 100% satisfied with it.


I should have started small, with simpler models, and learned to do things properly step by step. UVW unwrapping, polygon efficiency, symmetry, modularity, normal maps, light maps, ambient occlusion... I would have improved faster and saved so much time. But I wasn't patient.


So, that's my advice. I did things the hard way, but you can do better. I'll continue to help however I can, if you like.



As for this ship in particular: If you knew what Yamato meant to Japan, and what Japan means to me, you would understand why I guard her jealously.

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I have to agree with WBS ... speaking as the lead WW2 modder, Yamato is something very special to us.


OTH, following along the 'go simpler' line (and something I mentioned to WBS not too long ago), and speaking as the lead terrain dude, how about some smaller ships? We could definitely use a lot of harbor craft -- tugs, lighters, barges of their various incarnations. True, they're just eye candy, and even as static objects would add to the immersion when looking or flying over some of the ports we have.


Just a thought ... nothing I've said is meant as anything but constructive and supportive! They're so few 3d modelers around, and even fewer doing ships ... everyone is valuable and needed.

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Don´t worry, i am aware about the whole meaning and its a lot more than a ships name, I will keep away from her then, About the other models the 3d work it´s done, corrected mesh better welding etc, but the textures are difficult because my experiwence with paint software is near 0, so i send the uvm maps to a friend of mine who offered to paint them. In the meanwhile I want to try some exotic ship, i have 3 candidates so i will keep you in touch... If i could made it work on the game will be a very grteful surprise for you guys, specially in you PTO installations. Thank you all for your very useful advises 

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I am working in a experiment, I made a simple submarine and experiment a little... the plane is the A6m-N that is here because i couldn't find the "real" one for this ship... see for yourself
















So far the experiment works ok... the catapult launch the plane without problem, and the plane lands "on water" near the submarine, however it got damaged, maybe its a thing in the ini file, so i keep trying.. Texture are basic, no serious paint job yet.. if the model works ok i will release.


Eole, about the japanese patrol boat, I will work on her this week, i completely forgot her sorry about that, she needs a more accurate gun and missile model, and of course, better paintjob







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nice I-400. A real Seiran would be cool!


there's something either in the collision statement or something like that, that "allows" water landings (and maybe takeoffs, too. The DATs been experimenting with it for a while)

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Did they make it work? I made your zero to land in the water near the submarine, but my approach was quite different, i didn`t touch the plane because i wanted to work on any float plane because we didn't have a Seiran freely available, but if you have any tip please send me a PM Thanks


PD: It´s a AM submarine, the I-400 is in my large " to do list", i have this on a Autocad file, in my rescued old HDD

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it has to do with the landing gears,

Here's from their Seiran:



// Landing Gears -------------------------------

// ContactPoint=0.0000,-6.6307,-2.6333






I know the IsSkid= is from First Eagles originally.


looks like the ContactPoint= is one of the key lines.


Their Rufe uses the same type of statements. (unlike mine, which uses a fake pilot float set up, their's has the float as part of the model)

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Just position and invisible flight deck in the water right next to it.


Thanks for the tip, I ve already did this on the model, next to the submarine i put an invisible "runway", the planes lands on it very well, and the cat launches the planes in take off. the trick was a simply transparen mesh just above the water, I think the problem is an issue in the flight model


Wrench, yhanls for the ini file xtract, i will give it a look, I test the DAT Seiran but it take off by itself, and in landing with autopilot does not allign with the "landing deck" over the water next to  the submarine, it lands over the real deck of the submarineand collides with her. I think we will need a new model of this plane.

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Hello everyone, Real Life kept me away from the games and the modding, but i got a surgery on my knee (hope its the last, i only have two knees) and i will have at least 3 weeks at home, so i decided to mess arround with the 3d max, and i create a new "exotic" plane












As allways, need to work a lot with the skins, but at  least the 3d model is quite advanced. Ships are the next on the to do list and maybe a shipborne helo

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Is it the IAI Lavi?


I like your "exotic" project! :hi:


Get well to You,


Best Regards,



Edited by Coupi

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Yes its the "old" Lavi , about the single seat as soon as i found a good blueprint i coul make one, but i only found the blueprints of the two seater. Thanks

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A very welcome surprise  :drinks:
I've never quite understood why this bird hadn't been tackled up till now given the dedicated Israeli releases in WOI & SF2I, particularly given how long the games have been available.

Hope the knee's ok.



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A basic paintjob Looking better. I made Two versions of the Lavi, the original Lavi and a "modernized" version with spine and sensors from the F-16I Soufa


Lavi 2000






Lavi "Original"










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Nice Lavi "angelp".

Just one note. You might want to add few more polys to the area and correct the shape of the fin root and fuselage connection. The top section follows the curvature of the wing till the end of it and has a bit more sharper edge than the vertical connection to the fuselage. Setting different smooting groups can also help to get the right look.




@fallenphoenix: it has been, just I have an other five aircraft family in front of it before I would get to the finish line on this bird.


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Thanks logan for the tip and the diagram I will work on it Thanks!


PD Logan if you want i could send you the 3dmax files maybe they could be use to make a better model, i,m still learning and this birds deserves a very good model and, sincerely, my model is far from perfect Thanks again for the tips

Edited by angelp
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Angel...nice model,but should be posted in WIPs section of the mod thread...   :biggrin: 

Edited by russouk2004

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speaking if WIPs, angelp, any news on that F1M "Pete" of Cocas' I sent you some time ago??

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Hello Wrench, yes the model is almost ready, only need the UUV maps to be done and create the skins Let me find it and I will send you the model so far (it flyes jejeje)

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now, once we've gotten the apartment (re)settled down, I can start research on markings

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