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AI and external ECM/Chaff-flare dispenser

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I've 1 question.

Can AI use external ECM Pods or external chaff/flare dispensers.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that my tornadoes don't use em ..


Thx for answer.



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Yup it's a bug... sadly in all honesty there are stuff that irritates me about SF2 it is in perfect spot between Ace Combat and DCS (Tho I would wish it leaning more towards DCS more realistic features) but there are limitations within the engine that we all wish they get fixed...along with some bugs, one can only dream.

Edited by il2crazyfan

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A bit frustrating ;-) Anyway, I'll add them as internal ones .

Thx for fast reply.

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It is a bug that is present since the 2013 patch. Hence I am using 2012 July....

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Yeah, I've read older posts, just used to have hope they corrected it ;-)

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Yep.  Game-breaker in a lot of cases.  Just make the ECM and CM dispensers internal and the external pods as like datalink or something.  Not that the datalink provisions work, either, but at least you still have the look as well as the capability.


Now, wait.  Does this inability extend to ECM jamming pods?  I thought it was just the external chaff/flare dispensers.

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Damn... I really hope it does not.... I need to test, because the whole SAM system would collapse from this...

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Damn... I really hope it does not.... I need to test, because the whole SAM system would collapse from this...


This.  That would be ridiculously bad if the external ECM pods don't even work.

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Being a newbie to this series, I bought SF2 and SFV2 in the past few months and the installer came with the 2013 patch, is there any way for myself to downgrade both games to the July 2012 version? Thanks.

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But there is way to install latest DLC onto 2012 July ver.  In case you want to downgrade. I did that recently, when I reinstalled everything on SSD.  faster load is the key of modding))

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I don't know if external ECM works on AI aircrafts..but I'm asuming they are not working. Same as chaff/flaredipensers and many other things.....And i think someone here long time ago wrote something about it..

In my case im modding my aircrafts by adding internal ECM...with jamming strenght around 0.5. (so no hell of jamming anything) then  I'm hoping that AI aircraft will launch this internal ECM at the same time it will on external ECM pod that has proper strenght...(since there is no option to seperate laucnhing internal/external pods) and im asuming this works..

Edited by yakarov79

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How can we test it ?

Which caracteristics to give to a pod and sam so that :

If the ecm pod,works, the sam never hits, if it doesn not work, the sam always hit ?

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Nope, jamming strength weakens tracking strength and comes up against missile noise resistance -  For example a B-52D with stock 50 Jammer can evade (almost) every SA-2B


Test the F-105 or a USAF Phantom with pods in 'Nam. Easiest.   Beware, stock ALQ-71 is noise only. (That reduces ranges only)


I would help but my SF2 is 2012 July...

Edited by Snailman

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I'm presuming external ECM racks don't work.  You can put them on to make them look correct, but there's no guarantee they're working.  If the AI can't use chaff/flares, I'm presuming the only thing they can use is drop tanks and external weapons.  If you're like me, and you're running the most recent update with SF2NA, all aircraft need to have internal ECM/chaff/flares in order to mimic their real-life counterparts.

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Anyway, I finaly added ECM and flares as internal, external ECM with 0 strenght and empty flare dispenser just for correct look ;-)

And now I've next question ;-)

Tornado has his BOZ-107 under wing external rack. Is it a way to move flare firing position with wing (yeah, variable geometry) ;-) ?

Edited by guuruu

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Probably I'm doing something wrong, but for now internal flares looks like this:



MaxExtentPosition=1.22, 2.68,-0.50

Edited by guuruu

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I emailed TW support to see if they could provide me with an July 2012 installer and I'm waiting for a reply if one will be forthcoming. Putting my plans on hold for buying the rest of the series which I was enthusiastically ready to do.


Hoping that those of us who just discovered Strike Fighters 2 are not left with a version that has this bug.

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Did anyone ever test to confirm that AI can at least use the external ECM racks?

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I am doing it right now.... not easy. The era in which such planes exist is narrow.  You are limited to early Phantom, Thud and some israeli A-4 perhaps.  Soviet planes and USN have internals.


I need to try the Su-17 with Siren... because I remember it worked

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Yeah, that was kind of a bone headed question on my part.  The AI using external chaff/flare pods would be pretty easy to notice.  Not so much for the ECM.

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You can speed up the process if you create a brutally strong jammer that would immediately switch off all threats. Deceptive preferably, because you need the sites to notice you.

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