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RoF United Ed. AI/DM & Other Mods. (Consolidated)

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Apr. 17, 2023 Update - Please find, available at the link below, my previously released mods. for RoF United Ed. - this time as a convenient, consolidated package that has been updated with the latest tweaks. Do read the included "Read Me" files, where available, for more info., particularly the "READ_ME_ROF_General_Info" file that is located in the root folder of the package when unzipped. This package is provided "as is," with no active support beyond the included explanatory files. The "Consolidated Mods. New" Package contains the latest AI mod. (ver. 1.4) for RoF United, as well as mods. previously offered separately, such as the "M-S Type H Campaigning Tweak," the "PWCG modulations" files, etc.

Apr. 29, 2023 Update - Included below the link to the "Consolidated Mods. New" package is Ver. 3 of the PWCG "modulations" files (to be installed manually in the PWCG ver. 16.3.1; see directions included in the larger, consolidated package). Ver. 3 of the "modulations" files increases wind and turbulence settings, as well as provides greater chance of encountering more capable AI when flying PWCG campaigns, especially if used in conjunction with my newer AI mods. for RoF (such as ver. 1.36 or 1.4, included in the big consolidated package).

Important Note: if using the Ver. 3 PWCG "modulations" files, instead of the Ver. 2 ones included in the big consolidated package for RoF -- make sure to change settings, if you choose to change any, from within the modulations, i.e., the RofCampaignSpecific, files themselves -- otherwise, tampering with relevant settings from within the PWCG advanced menu options will automatically delete extra entries for the AI that I've included in the Ver. 3 modulations. This note does not apply to the Ver. 2 modulations since those don't contain any extra AI settings.

Feb. 6, 2024 Update - RoF AI mods. vers. 1.36 and 1.4 have been upgraded to vers. 1.37 and 1.41, respectively. The new versions have tweaked the AI's ability to follow commands more quickly and/or properly. Ver. 1.41 also contains further tweaks to safe alts. for the AI, to minimize unnecessary crashes and very low-level dogfighting. The entire consolidated package has been renamed from "Consolidated Mods New" to "Consolidated Mods New V.2" (i.e., Version 2).

*** See my main profile page (under the "about me" tab) for relevant download links.


Happy flying,

Von S :flyer:



Edited by VonS
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Just wanted to say TY VonS for the AI mod. I am using version 1.1 and I am having a good experience so far. Here is a vid from last nights dogfight.




Edited by Blade1
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A new  link with a better recording of the previous video.



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Quick bump to this thread -- the "Consolidated Mods. New" Package has now been released for RoF United. Among other things, the package includes the latest, "Special Edition" AI mod. (ver. 1.4) for RoF, as well as my various mods. that were previously offered as separate downloads (such as the "M-S Type H Campaigning Tweak," etc.). See the info. and pic. in the top post of this thread for more details.

Cheers all,


Edited by VonS
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VonS you outdid yourself here. It gave new life to this sim and corrected the problems plagued with the AI for years, in my opinion. Thanks!

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I want to thank you too! thank you for keeping these games so alive!

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Sorry to reach out to you here, I couldn't find anyhwere else with recent activity

I have tried using this mod and encounter issues with AI sometimes not taking off during missions. This has happened with multiple planes, but occasionally the leading AI will begin to take off but immediate reduce its engine and slowly taxi until they crash off field

The missions I am trying are generated with PWCG 16.3.1 and after removing this mod the AI work correctly

I have tried both version 1.36 and 1.4 with similar effects. 


Sometimes they will work ok, but randomly the AI do not seem to want to take off. I have not tried with myself leading a flight, always with the AI leading a flight

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Hi Alpenman,

Recommended is to check over the following two posts on the IL2 forums, regarding AI takeoff fixes for RoF. As far as I know, the problem is present in PWCG 3.x.x but not in the older 16.3.1. I have included the takeoff fix tip in my AI mods, by the way. The only other thing that I can think of is that the AI doesn't like stronger winds so it might help to reduce wind speeds too in the PWCG menu, if all else fails to resolve that takeoff problem.





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20 hours ago, VonS said:

Hi Alpenman,

Recommended is to check over the following two posts on the IL2 forums, regarding AI takeoff fixes for RoF. As far as I know, the problem is present in PWCG 3.x.x but not in the older 16.3.1. I have included the takeoff fix tip in my AI mods, by the way. The only other thing that I can think of is that the AI doesn't like stronger winds so it might help to reduce wind speeds too in the PWCG menu, if all else fails to resolve that takeoff problem.





Thank you for the reply. I have seen these posts and will take a close look at their settings to see if that remedies the problem. However I can see in the latest 1.4 version of your mod this setting is already set to '15'.


One other peculiarity i noticed is that many of the files in your download are formatted as "._careoplane" and inside contain "MAC OSX" and some encoded characters. Is this the right set of files or did some get corrupt somehow?


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Hi Alpenman, those files that begin with an underscore are Mac OS files that are sometimes arbitrarily generated in various folders of my mods packages as I work on them.

I usually turn off the setting to view invisible files, in the Windows 10 partition on my Mac Pro, so I did not spot those files earlier (typically they show up as visible files so I delete them before uploading my mods packages; this time they remained invisible for some reason).

Have now removed all Mac-related files and have re-uploaded the RoF mods package. While those Mac indexing files don't alter the way the AI/DM mods work - I recommend re-downloading the package (the link is in the first post of this thread) - for the sake of improved cosmetics.

The PWCG "ModulationsVer3" file is fine by the way (doesn't contain any Mac-related files), so that one was not re-uploaded.



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What are modulations for? There's no txt file in the zip so I'm asking.


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Here's a brief extract from the "Read Me" file located in the "consolidated mods'" files/folders - regarding the various PWCG modulations files:


The modulations files are "a series of 'RoFCampaignSpecific' files that should be installed, ONLY ONE AT A TIME, into the 'Pilot's Name Folder' of your RoF Campaign folder that is generated by Pat Wilson's Campaign Generator (ver. 16.3.x); you will find a series of files there, organized by period of war and by theater (whether eastern or western front); those files [...] change a variety of settings, ranging from AA gun frequency, distance between M.G.'s available on the front, chance of aircraft encounters, size of flights, also changes in aircraft/engine reliability, availability/number of observation balloons, and so on, depending on period of war; there will be noticeably less encounters with the enemy with those modulation files loaded than in stock form, in turn with greater difficulty of racking up large kill tallies, as historical, particularly on the eastern front."


That description is for the "version 2" modulations files that are included in the larger "consolidated mods" files/folders, by the way. For an even more hard-core experience, suggested is to download the "version 3" modulations files that are located as a separate download in the first post of this thread. See also the "Important Note" in the top post of this thread, regarding differences between the version 2 and 3 modulations files. You might also wish to check over this link regarding other info. about the various modulations files.

Happy flying,



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I noticed that in a 5m/s crosswind, the AI Albatros D.V can't take off. As it getting speed it pulls back throttle, as speed reduces, it gives throttle, and that goes back and forth. Both 1.37 and 1.41.

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Hello Hiuuz, the AI takeoff problem is largely linked to strong winds and/or turbulence. Might be the case that some of the weather values in my AI mods are making it difficult for the AI-flown aircraft to operate always (and consistently) in very rough weather, especially with the Albatroses for some reason.

Recommended is to reduce the turbulence value to 2 or 3, also wind speeds to less than 8 or 9 m/s (such values are close to stock) - in order that the AI always takes off easily.

It's unfortunate that the AI is so limited in its takeoff routine by stronger weather values in RoF - also troublesome are AI landing procedures even with stock weather (I don't know if landing routines were ever improved in the FC series since I never bothered with the latter).

If I ever decide on tinkering further with an AI mod for RoF - I will see if anything more is possible with the AI behavior. My general observation at this point in time is that nothing further can be done with the AI because the sim is so locked to more extensive (and much needed) modding.



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Hello Rwmierzwa, look for the entries called "MaxTurbulence" and "MaxWind" in the "RofCampaignSpecific" files provided in either of my RoF-mods packages that are available under the first post of this thread. Those values can also be changed from within the settings panel of the PWCG for RoF - but recommended, especially if running my "Version 3" modulations files - is to change the numbers for any entries manually (from within the "RofCampaignSpecific" files themselves).



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Thank you, it works for PWCG. However, in the Career Albatros D.II (in my case) they still behave as hiuuz described. 

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15 hours ago, rwmierzwa said:

Thank you, it works for PWCG. However, in the Career Albatros D.II (in my case) they still behave as hiuuz described. 

Glad that it solves the problem with the PWCG. Unfortunately I can't help with stock career oddities in RoF -- my various mods were only tested in quick combat mode in RoF, as well as using ver. 16.x.x of the PWCG. It's possible that incompatibilities emerge between my AI mod(s) and the stock career options in RoF, as well as with the newer/beta ver. 3.x.x of the PWCG. If flying using the stock career options, recommended is to avoid using the AI mod(s), but the DM mod should be fine to use.



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