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Showing most liked content on 07/10/2021 in Files

  1. 5 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger Pack by Coyote Aerospace 6/19/2021 -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This is the release of the Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger, aka "The Tub". This is the 2 seat trainer version of the F-102 interceptor. Like it's single seat sister, it is also fully combat capable, carrying the same missile and rocket armaments, as well as the MG-10 radar system. There are several skins within for the 3 users of this aircraft USAF: ADC Grey SEA 3-tone (start 1967) Export Users: ADC Grey, Turkish Air Force SEA 3-Tone, Greek Air Force All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The USAF skins have 26 serial numbers, all historically correct for this model. That being said, each F-102 unit, either USAF, Air National Guard or AF Reserve, had at least 2 of these for training and pilot proficincy. No actual units are depicted, so while correct, consider the serials 'generic' in nature. I did, however, add the Air Defence Command patch to the tail of the Grey version. The 3 tone does not carry any distinctive markings. The serials for the Turkish AF (11 aircraft) and Green Air Force (5) are 100% historically correct. The user list, and the SF2 "date switch" statements for the HAF & TuAF have them starting in 1968. The USAF SEA 3-Tone uses a 1967 start date. All Weapons (missiles and unguided rockets) are included. These are station specific to the F/TF-102, and should cause no conflicts elsewhere. On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see: TF-102A Delta Dagger (v2k) This will differentiate this Tub for any others that may or may not exist. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! For texture artists, the template is also included Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace "We Aim Higher" UPDATE 7/10/2021: New lod in zip. You don't have to download the entire package again, the fix is down a few posts.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    Republic of China Air Force was the only allied air force to operate the F-100A model. The first F-100 was delivered in October 1958. It was followed by 15 F-100As in 1959, and by 65 more F-100As in 1960. In 1961, four unarmed RF-100As were delivered. Additionally, 38 ex-USAF/Air National Guard F-100As were delivered later, to bring the total strength to 118 F-100As and four RF-100As. F-100As were retrofitted with the F-100D vertical tail with its AN/APS-54 tail-warning radar and equipped to launch Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, and called F-100AD Rehab. Several were lost in intelligence missions over the People's Republic of China. WHAT'S IN: - F-100A (58) 8 Silver Skins; 120 historical decals - F-100AD 4 Silver 1 Camo skins; historical decals - RF-100A 1 Silver Skins OPERATIONS: - Key=10 open canopy. Autoclosing a t take off. CREDITS: - Dave for original F-100AB udated and fixed to actual TW standars (nose and tail); decalset completed and reworked (blur & blend) - Spinners for original USAF RF-100A, included with SM files added and some ini tweaking INSTALL: - You need EXP. 2 for F-100A_58 model - put all in your mod folder Enjoy. @ paulopanz NB: the RoCAF F-100F is here http://combatace.com/files/file/15509-f-100f-super-sabre/


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