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Showing most liked content on 11/14/2024 in Files

  1. 4 points

    Version 1.0.0


    The Beriev Be-6 (USAF/DoD reporting name "Type 34", NATO reporting name "Madge") was a flying boat produced by the Soviet Beriev OKB. It was capable of accomplishing a wide variety of missions, such as long-range maritime reconnaissance, coastal and supply line patrols, torpedo/bombing strikes, mine-laying, and transport operations. This is a static model, copy it to the appropriate terrain. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅
  2. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    1.What inclued: 1x aircraft carrier, R91 Charles de Gaulle the aircraft carrier is the flagship of the French Navy,I don't think I need to introduce too much about such a famous ship; 2.Note: According to available information, the most "obvious" defenses on the R 91 are several VLSs that launch Aster15, so I reserved their launch positions, but you need to get them(I mean the missile) from Whiteboysamurai's work such as "Horizon Forbin class", because he is not under Freeware license, so I will not include his work here; As for the remaining 20mm machine guns, I did not add them because their role in SF2 is very limited; 3.Usage: Unzip and copy Objects folder to where your game is installed; 4.Credits: (1)Sameh Aransa(offsite user): Original models and textures; (2)ME: port models to game add a lot of detail objects,do a lots of animation and texture works;
  3. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    The Faun 912 is a series of German military trucks from the '60s. I hope you enjoy, thank you. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅
  4. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    M.A.N. fire truck from the '90s. Civilian version only. I hope you enjoy, thank you. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅
  5. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Opel Feuer Truck It's a fire truck made by the German Opel automobile manufacturer. This is a variant of the famous Opel blitz. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅
  6. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    ORP Fala is a Polish patrol craft of the Project 912 class (NATO: Obluze Class). She was the first ship of a five-ship series, commissioned in 1965. Polish design, they were built in Gdynia. Fala means 'the wave'. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance. 🦅 Enjoy, I wish you good hunting.
  7. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Mercedes fire truck from the '70s. Civilian and military version. I hope you enjoy, thank you. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅
  8. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The Saturn V is a retired American super heavy-lift launch vehicle developed by NASA under the Apollo program for human exploration of the Moon. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅
  9. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    1.What does this mod have? (1) Surface Part, it contains 3 classes of ships, Type052D, 054A and 055: ① 052D DDG is a class of guided-missile destroyers, displacement 7500 tons ,and is first dedicated multi-role destroyer in PLA also,equip with AESA,BlockIII the stretched variant(aka 052DL) has a flight deck extended by four metres(BlockI 7 ships,BlockII 6 ships,BlockIII 12 ships); ② 054A FFG is a class of guided-missile frigate, displacement 3963 tonnes (full load),has medium-range air defense capability,and enhanced anti-submarine warfare capability;(BlockII 12 ships,BlockIII 10 ships,BlockIV 4 ships) ③ 055 DDG is a class of guided-missile destroyers, displacement 13000 tonnes (full load),rated as cruisers per NATO/OSD standard parlance,equip with AESA ,has a multi- mission design;(8 ships) (2) Weapon Part, it contains a variety of missiles and artillery: ① HHQ-9A/B, long-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 120km(9A)/200km(9B); ② HHQ-10, short-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 0.5km - 9km; ③ HHQ-16A/C, middle-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 40km(16A)/70km(16C); ④ YJ-18, anti-ship cruise missile, from subsonic to supersonic mode, operational range 220–540km; ⑤ H/PJ-45, 130mm naval artillery; ⑥ H/PJ-26, 76mm naval artillery; ⑦ H/PJ-12, 7-barrel 30mm CIWS; ⑧ H/PJ-11, 11-barrel 30mm CIWS; The following are the armaments of the corresponding ships: 052D BlockI: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-12, HHQ-9A, HHQ-10; 052D BlockII: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10; 052D BlockIII: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10; 054A BlockII: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-12, HHQ-16A; 054A BlockIII: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-11, HHQ-16A; 054A BlockIV: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-11, HHQ-16C; 055 BlockI: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10; (3)All the ships are armed, named and dated correctly,to ensure they are as "historically accurate" as possible; =========================================================================================================== 2.Usage: Unzip and copy Flight and Objects these 2 folder to where your game is installed; =========================================================================================================== 3.Note: (1) I added FLIGHTENGINE.INI into Flight folder,if you already had one, please back up yours in advance,unless you know what it is,if this file is missing, your game would CTD when using this mod; (2) It is possible that updates will continue to be made to make more accurate adjustments to the weapon system in the future; =========================================================================================================== 4.Credits: 1.Ice is silent water (off-site user,for model and texture of 052D and 054A); 2.Mei_Young (off-site user,for model and texture of 055); 3.BF2_pilot (off-site user,for model and texture of HHQ-10,YJ-18); 3.Me (for model of HHQ-9/HHQ-16, AND add a lot of detail objects,do a lots of animation and texture works);
  10. 1 point

    Version 0.6.0


    Beta Version. In case someone don’t know much about them, J-35 is 5-Gen stealth multirole fighter from the mysterious country in the East too. It is designed for air superiority and strike missions and powered by two medium-thrust turbofan engines the WS-19,and in theory, it has similar situational awareness and collaborative combat capabilities as the J-20.In addition to being an advanced naval tactical fighter, it will also gradually replace the old third and fourth generation fighters in the PLAAF inventory such as the J-10 in the future. On October 29, 2021,carrier-based variant made its maiden flight,air force variant on September 26, 2023. PLAAF Officially revealed the J-35A on November 5, 2024. =========================================================================================================== What does this mod probably have? (1) It contains 1 birds, J-35 ①J-35,Navy type,aircraft carrier based variant with a catapult launch bar and folded wings; (2) Cockpit from J-20s; (3) The Chinese alarm audio generated by AI, of course, fabricated. There are related videos circulating on the Internet that prove the existence of cockpit voice, but we are unable to determine the exact content; =========================================================================================================== 3.Usage: Unzip and copy Sounds, Effects and Objects these 3 folder to where your game is installed; =========================================================================================================== Note: (1) No weapons included. Due to potential maintenance needs, I made a separate PLAAF weapon pack, you need to download it separately, I'm sorry if it causes you any inconvenience; (2) Like the J-20 and F-22,the J-35 uses AESA radar too, I set a higher scanning frequency and strength to avoid the disadvantages of traditional mechanical scanning radar and improve the resistance to old type of ECM; (3) IRL, there is no sign that the J-35 carries a cannon so far,just as J-20,but I still add rumored 4x23 rotary cannon; (4) After referring to the prototype FC-31, I decided to only set 4 stations for the weapons bay, which makes it lack the means to mount SRAAM, so I set station 1 and 2 under the wings as PL-10 stations, which is similar to the F-35, kinda "What If"; (5) At the time this model was made, there weren’t a lot of reference images, so there is a certain degree of “distortion”, and I did what I could when I made the further adjustments; =========================================================================================================== Credits: 1.Ice is silent water (off-site user,I purchased all resources from him); 2.Me (base on orignal resources, add a lot of detail objects,do a lots of animation and texture works); 3.T'Ilacis (off-site user,decals); =========================================================================================================== Special Thanks: 1.JAT81500(For the JHMCS/pilot mod) 2.Crusader(For parts of HUD textures) I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants.
  11. 1 point

    Version 2.0.0


    NATO version of F-86D; MG-4 fire control system; four 20 mm M24A1 cannon with 132 rounds per gun; APG-37 radar. 120 were built by North American, 221 were assembled by FIAT. WHAT'S IN: The F-86K aka "Kappone" all old pack skins now in JPG, new ones and several tweaks and upgrades made in these long years. A.M.I.: 1^-4^-51^ Aerobrigata; 5°-36°-51° Stormo (5 skins) (All numbers,serials & matricole historical, thanks to X-Ray for references) Luftwaffe: JG-74 JG-75 Silver & Camo (4 skins) (All historical numbers by squadron plus "kubik" & M.Lenz bonus planes) Armée de l'Air: 13 EC Alpes, Artois & Auvergne (10 skins all) (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron, thanks to Ludo, who made them, too) Koninklijke Luchtmacht: 700-701-702 Squadrons (10 skins) (All historical numbers) Kongelige Norske Luftforsvaret: 332, 334, 337, 339 Skvadron (4 skins) (All historical numbers & serials squadron by squadron) Fuerza Aerea Venezoelana (1 skin) (All historical numbers) Fuerza Aérea Hundureña (1 skin) (All historical numbers) CREDITS: Thanks to "Bobrock" for temps, to "Soulfreak" for his constant friendy help and to Baffmeister for usual, great FM tweaks. Sounds by Spillone104. Original credits in original readme. INSTALL: To install: as usual all in main mod folder. OLD BUT GOLD! Hurray! Paulopanz


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