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Showing most liked content on 02/26/2025 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    This is a visual (only) improvement of the F3H Demons cockpits. I offer a visual (only to improve the look) improvement "as is" based on photos and other data (in fact, this aircraft had different panels in different versions, radars etc., so this topic actually requires deep development). What's inside: 1. Improved central panel texture 2. Improved radar texture Installation: 1. Make a backup of your files 2. Delete (!!) your cockpit and avionics files, as well as your Cockpit folder (all mod panels in JPG format) 3. Place the Cockpit folder cockpit and avionics files in your aircraft folders (check the names if necessary, rename the cockpit and avionics files to your names (look at the names in your backup) Thanks: Foxmonter ........................ F3H-2M Demon ChampionsVA56 .................... F3H-2M Ultimate Pack F3H here:


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