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Everything posted by anunk47

  1. Can't wait another variants of this lovely beast.. Thanks Mr. GKabs!
  2. Orion MPCV Pack

    It wont be long... until X-Wings vs Tie Fighters showing up in our beloved game/community.. Nice mod, Sir!
  3. F-5C_Skoshi Tiger_Ver1.0.7z

    Thanks so much!
  4. SU-35

    Thank You very much!
  5. Su-37 Yellow Squadron skinpack

    Nice, Thanks!
  6. Toyota tactical with ZU23-2

    ah.. your masterpiece(s) again.. thanks! USN SEALs T*Y*TA Hilux with M-2HB 0.50 / GPMG next? hehe. Thanks again, Sir!.
  7. Tactical Laser System Pods

    SUPERNICE! No Need to mount Laser Pod(s) At All! Just edit Aircraft Data.ini, replace my Vulcan Gun with Laser, edit Max Ammo, and all hell break loose! Thanks Sir!
  8. I haven't publish anything here, Sir.. still afraid of breaking Forum's Rules, and this X-30 Joe's skin mod still need further more editing. if you like it, I'll post on skin Mods when it done..
  9. Thanks for Inspiration, Sir..
  10. Angel Interceptor V.1.0

    Thanks, love it!
  11. MIM-23 Hawk Missile System Unit

    Sorry for being late to the party.. if It "It Doesn't Work" mean it not (rarely) showing up in game/terrains, i tweaked ini's data from "Static_SAM" to "Static_AAA". and if it means Hawk Missiles won't launch even it showing mounted on launcher, what i did is tuning "Detect System" in Data.ini, something like this: [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR RadarFamilyName=HAWK RadarSearchTime=2.0 RadarSearchRange=60000.0 RadarSearchStrength=210 RadarTrackTime=2.0 RadarTrackRange=60000.0 RadarTrackStrength=210 RadarMinimumRange=500.0 RadarMinimumAlt=100.0 RadarSearchFreq=10.0 RadarTrackFreq=15.0 RadarMissileGuidanceFreq=20.0 RadarSearchCW=TRUE RadarTrackCW=TRUE RadarMissileGuidanceCW=TRUE RadarPosition=0.0,0.0,3.30 DataLink=TRUE NetworkType=HAWK OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=10000.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 MaxVisibleDistance=12000.0 RadarCrossSection=10 and for weapon: [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR MissileRange=35000.0 MinMissileRange=1500.0 PitchAngleRate=42.0 MaxPitch=85.236 MinPitch=-5.0 DefaultPitchAngle=30.0 YawAngleRate=42.0 YawLimited=FALSE DefaultYawAngle=0 MissileLaunchTime=10.0 YawModelNodeName=GK-MIM-23-Launcher-Round PitchModelNodeName=GK-MIM-23-Launcher-07 I did edit for myself, because the Missiles not firing and launcher stay still/not yawning and pitching. after the edit, even far from perfect, so far works for me. (I'm not a Modder myself, just see other weaponsdata, trial and error) I think Mr.Gkabs or some Modders have updated or fix for this kind of problems here or somewhere else.. P.s. Sorry Mr. GKabs for "Mumbling" here, and sorry for my English.. :( your Hawks model are cool! ;)
    As always, Thanks Sir!
  12. HAL Chetak package(Beta)

    Thank You very much, Sir! I've tried to fix the FM myself, either it's explode or won't lift at all..
  13. FW-190D

    Uwaaaa! Finally.. DORA! super Thanks very2 much...
  14. Just started models again after 20 yrs or so

    Been here for more than 2 years.. just found out we can upload Scale model WIP and Finished model here? Lovely! Sorry come late for the party.. late Zvezda kit are Cool!
  15. M163-PIVADS (Vietnam war)

    As always.. another stunning creations.. Thanks!
  16. V-1 Beta

    My HE-111H Crews like this!
  17. Short Stirling MK1

    1/72 Airfix 1966? 2013? both are Gems..
  18. FW-190F

  19. SF2-WW2 Battle of the Bulge Terrain

    The Bulge.. more like Hamburger Hill of the sky for me... Those Crazy Flaks... has no mercy Thanks Very much Sir!
  20. UUM7 Macross Mirco Missile Launcher

    Thank you very much!

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