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Spillone104 last won the day on March 20 2020

Spillone104 had the most liked content!

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553 +500 Reputation

About Spillone104

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    Milan Italy

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  1. You've done the right thing by releasing it. Thanks. Just a small correction. The aircraft skin was actually made by comrad for the SM model.
  2. By the pics, they are not of the same radar or simply not of the same version. Different main reflector design, auxiliary antennae (IFF?) and so on. Anyway they would be a nice addition.
  3. Scusate Il Ritardo! (ovvero, Terreno WIP)

    Questo terreno mi sa che è quello che quasi tutti aspettavamo già dai primi tempi di SFP1! Ottima iniziativa Menrva!
  4. Ha helwan 300

    Too bad I lost the test aircraft many years ago due to HDD crash. Maybe https://combatace.com/profile/27836-aleks/ still have this, since it was made by him.
  5. Special Hercules Over Vietnam

    Great pack of very rare and interesting aircraft!
  6. Karnaf Over Israel. SF2.

  7. Vertol V43 Heeresflieger

  8. H-21B Workhorse / H-21C Shawnee


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