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About Alexander51

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  • Location
    Clovis, New Mexico
  • Interests
    Earth Sciences, computers and flight sims.

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  1. Lancer

    Check PM ;)
  2. Your First Sim

    My first game was called "Spitfire 40" back in 1986. I played that on my friends Commodore 128.
  3. James Webb Telescope about to launch!

    Can't wait to see how this amazing technology performs!
  4. 1. Am I still playing FE2 from time to time and still enjoying the sim? Yes. 2. Would I use the above mentioned terrain after a complete revamp? Yes.
  5. Mig19S_Cockpit_Green_Update

  6. Bf-109E-7 by RussoUK

  7. Hawk 75A, Vichy French

  8. F6F-5 Hellcat

  9. Hawk 75 ML-KNIL (NEI)

  10. TorchVII.zip

  11. A-36A 2.0


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