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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. Fine thnx,don't play it but still have it installed If have time will go through files I did and upload or give to be finished if wanted though some like the Canberra I ported from MS flight sim,need permissions to release
  2. I take it ,feck all happened with the so called new stuff we donated to TK for ??
  3. Means wrong exporter you need different version,m8
  4. Can someone sticky this please.? create a 3ds max tips n hints thread I had a pylon that the missile was tilted up on....it wasnt ini related...it was because mesh in 3ds max wasnt correct measurements...this happens if you create a mesh,from say a stock cylinder...of 2m long by 1m dia...and scale it down to say 1m x.25 m and skin it and done....if you dont xform reset it,then it does what my pylon did.....actually it was outerwing that needed resetting....but what I describe about cylinder causes such issues.easy thing to miss when you do hundreds of parts to a model.... I now create meshes for say pistons in place where I first make the basic cylinder shape.then fashion the 2 halves etc....then If I scale it up...I now always xform reset it before animating and rotating\moving it into place...as resetting it when its at odd angles is hard if not impossible some times.
  5. BTR-40_RU.7z

    Version 1.0.0


    README Included... BTR-40-RU Turret version...From a freeware model,author unknown.... Named so to avoid conflict with the BTR-40 by GKABS Add entry below to Terrain (Terrainanmehere)_Types you use it in,Then drop folder BTR-40_RU ,into your Objects\Groundobjects folder....replace XXX with next consequtive numbers one in the types ini file. Drop Guns folder into \Objects folder to add the 7.62MM_SGMB..and if required add with gun editor to ensure it works. [TargetTypeXXX] Name=SovietBRDM FullName=BRDM TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=0 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=BTR-40_RU RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=8000.0 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=50 If you do not want the specular mapping as is...just delete the following lines from Ini and texture.ini to reduce it to bump mapping only.. Specular=0.200000 Glossiness=0.600000 Reflection=0.000000 This model is freeware,and not to be used for any payware at all...NOT to be uploaded outside of CombatAce.com unless permission requested first. Feel free to mod this ... No templates or other skins as yet. Unfortunatll some parts are mapped to same mesh (mirrored) I have seperated some to allow some of the numbers and badges to show properly... Credit to GKABS for allowing use of his destroyed LOD ty have fun shooting this.... Russouk
  6. Amazing how they used to laubch the buccs nose up off deck etc.....brilliant little film.
  7. Sukhoi Fishpot SU-9.7z

    Version V.2.0


    Updated SU-9F Added canopy animation : shift and zero mapping missing on gear doors and gearwells only partly mapped:FIXED Toned down some parts as they were too Bright.IE: Tyres,wells etc. added some missing base decals. opacity on canopy fixed. loadouts fixed. bmps and dds files all now jpegs. Installation: Just drop contents into your mod folder and overwrite,if you have old version,delete it first,as this pack has all updates etc. In development: Further skins, A,B,models. Ive assigned this a\c to the 179 IAP 8 Army PVO but you can alter it to any unit you prefer. Im not much up on my soviet units. :) I think ive done everything,if not contact me via CA. cheers Russouk2004
  8. Vulcan B2



    This is the hard to get Vulcan that was exclusive to the A-Team website ,unless you were deemed suitable eventually to download after being screened . This model is developed from MY sorce file by Capun,as I did majority of the work..(model was basically complete,except mapping etc and a few bits n pieces. opinions?.. Anyone who wants it will get it as its basically my model anyways... This model wouldnt have been sent if I had known the route to getting it was to be so difficult. I make models for free and so it shall be with this one. you will need the Vulcan package hosted here at combatace and ive included modified ini to reflect the LOD supplied. get the VulcanB2 pack by paulopanz here...http://combatace.com/files/file/12467-avro-vulcan-b2/ 3d source file by me Further work by capun. I may point out it was MY source file,and if I wanted to be a Bastard I could pull the permission and say remake it 100% from scratch,not using ANYTHING that contains any part of the 3dmodel I sent. anyways enjoy.
  9. View File Bae HawkT1a Cockpit.7z Bae HawkTmk1A cockpit for SF2 by me Russouk Hawk cockpit contents... Accurate ish pit of ealy Hawk cockpit before the SatNav box fitted to later versions. Instructions................ copy Cockpit folder,and avionics and Cockpit.ini to Hawk folder. Add this to the Hawk ini CockpitDataFile=T1A_Cockpit.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll AvionicsDataFilename=HAWK_AVIONICS.INI Tested in new hawk model,so if you use my current model....open its data.in and copy pilots position to the new cockpit.ini...so... [CockpitSeat001] ModelName= OpenCockpit=FALSE Position=x.x,x.x,x.x Animations...controls... Shift and Zero opens canopy.... H (hook) ket turns on gauges lights....basic but works... Animated canopy latches,brake lever,pilot feet and rudders,and working stick. also notice pilots digital watch....scoth taped to hud lol...... Cockpit uses opencockpit=False to use default value remove the line from the cockpit.ini. [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Hawk_Cockpit.LOD OpenCockpit=FALSE I prefer the setting included as it give illusion of real ish shadows etc..... Files are freeware and NOT to be used for any other purpose... also Files herein NOT to be uploaded outsie of CombatAce.com,under ayn circumstance,unless permission given. contact me at Russouk2004@gmail.com. Hope you like flying this pit....new hawk out soon...ish...time permitting. cheers. Submitter russouk2004 Submitted 06/25/2020 Category Jet Cockpits  
  10. Just started doing kits again as inspired by m8s here in UK who now have a business in Models etc and stuff... on list Panther A Tamiya,Zvezda T-34\85 1 /35th and Tamiya Early Tiger 1 1/35th ...in queue will post shots of wips here Subject..Tamiya PZKW V Panther A 1/35th...... mostly built...barrel and few bits being given some attention..hull not fixed yet and some filler on seams....and im going to add sme weld with filler before paint....nearly ready to spray primer...1st coat
  11. Been ill and not been around hence the inaction.... ok now but busy elsewhere,though I will go through stuff ive got near done and try get some out...where poss...if not I will offer up stuff for peeps to modify for you all..( by that I mean model thats done but may need ini`s etc) I wont be on every day but will try pop in more and more when able.. cheers guys and keep safe Russ
  12. Mig-29K Pak

    Version v.20


    2015 update for the Mig29-K By Me Russouk2004 Now includes... new afterburner effects... some minor model adjustments some new decals. new a\c for Chines Navy "Fighting Sharks"...just like their naval cousins the SU-33 Scheme. also available for SF2 By me... Basic refuel probe... Weapons...included the Wing Tanks (Part of 3d model) and external centreline tank (external model) Just to ensure operation,use weaps editor to make sure they are installed after adding the new aircraft folders etc etc. ................................................... Requires... ................................................... Mig29A sounds... The Trooper for Pilots Red series...(Red7011,Red3201) K-36D seat Installing.................................................. I suggest you back up and or delete any existing Mig29K`s From previous release as this pack has extras (Chinese Version)and newer LOD`s...as simply replacing may corrupt the install.... ............................................................................................................... 1st copy contents of the (Copy contents) files folder to all mig29k main folders...then....... Copy Objects Folder to your Mod \Folder and allow to overwrite foe example... C:\Users\Joe Bloggs\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Test Game all files should drop into correct slots... Keys.... Canopy=shift and 9 Wingfold.=shift and 0 (uses a fake canopy2 as anim slot.....) Arrestor hook=H Refuel probe= shift and 8 SU-33 Chinese version info.....................(Removed until Su-33 released) I think ive managed to cover all....any problems or enquiries,contact me via CA Forums... Hope you enjoy flying these as I did in modding the fine Migfactory Mig29`s..
  13. Our friend russouk2004

    Thanks for asking...been unwell and lost interest in much..I am ok now and bit busy.....I will try to get some stuff done but also stuff thats done but needs small work I will offer up for tender...lol.. cheers Russ
  14. BF109F-4.7z

    Version 1.0.0


    Messerschmitt BF109F-4 For Strike Fighters2 Converted from Freeware model from FSX,By Me Russouk2004 I havent the creators name just that its free to modify. Contents. Repaints..... All skins are painted by me,there was template,but I totally redid all panels,rivets etc...apart from some stencils.And some of the base textures. Versions................ BF109F-2/4 Europe BF109F-4 Middle East/Scicily Captured BF109F-4\G of RAF 1944\45 BF109 Cockpit Thanks Starfighter2 BF109F-4 Sounds Pilots Destroyed Model(109E) All Authentic Decals,and some actual aces and their a\c including............................... Hans Non Hahn StabI./JG3 Lutsk 1941 Walter Nowotny 3.JG 54 "Grunherz" Oblt Hubert Mutherich 5/JG54 Felix Sauer 6/JG53 1941 Olt Otto Bohner 6/JG53 "Pikas" 1941 ........................................... Required Files..................... WW2 Formations.ini which can be found in dowlnoad section. Guns and sounds if you havent already got them......................... https://combatace.com/files/file/11846-avhistory-ww2-guns-for-sf2/ Drop Objects folder into your Mod folder and ok to overwrite..(take care to back up first if you have files of similar names) Damaged Lod goes into a\c main folder. Sounds Folder into main mod folder,allow overwite \or skip if have the files. Canopy Key Shift_0 (zero) Templates to follow. This is freeware mod and cannot be uploaded to ANY site apart from here at Combatace.com unless permission sought. Hope you enjoy this mod ,took a few hours of work to get this done. Hope its worth it lol. Russouk2004(TM) 2021....
  15. Found details... In works..J-7B,,J-7EBJ-7EH,J-7G,J-7PG heres G with new proper canopy (not 100% but im happy with it)......and correct details antennaes\Aerials lights,etc ignore skin ...
  16. Anyone know how to adjust clipping on views such as cockpit F1 view....when panning ,it seems to clip outside of canopy glass even though much lower than top of glass...? looked at viewclass settings and not sure what controls it... TIA. [ViewClass002] ViewClassName=CockpitViewClass ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=1 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=60.0 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=TRUE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberFOV=TRUE LimitPitch=TRUE LimitYaw=TRUE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE ZoomScale=0.01 < possibly this ? PanScale=0.00160 or ? MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=10000.0 Acceleration=2000.0 AngleRates=480.0,360.0,360.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=-135.0,-20.0,0.0 MaxAngles=135.0,110.0,0.0 MinFOV=15.0 MaxFOV=120.0 OffsetDistance=0.06 TrackIRUseAbsolutePos=TRUE
  17. forgot that bit....I installed both usually work in 64 bit one then export in the 32 one.. win 10 64 doesnt like 32 bit 3ds max so has to run it by making shortcut of 3ds max shortcut to run odd but works..run it from normal shortcut and max crashes...weird
  18. Gurus post above yours...do that and it will work also put the dlu in autodesk/plugins/ NOT in the fbx folder
  19. Forgot that yes...flip vertical or wont be right
  20. Decent mapping ed...looks good
  21. As new to world of helo models...few Q`s When assigning the VTol RCS components how crucial is placement...also how do you go about deciding where to place them.? looked at some helo data,s and models in mues lod viewer....(btw...in mues viewer some reason seakings dont show a lod...though it thinks its there) I know how to fake ailerons etc and dummy items...just the VTOL commands (RCS) has me stumped... TIA.. Before anyone gets too excited lol....this IS an FSX model,one I had bought ages ago...I hoped it was in the Aphasim freeware bundle ,but after I started to convert it,discovered it isnt.......so,Ive contacted Virtavia,who ARE more or less Alphasim....to get permission to convert it to a freeware model....I informed them it would be in SF2 LOD format and probably not so easy to pirate lol... anyways,if they refuse...I will "clone it"....as ive already replaced some parts anyways..some new parts,some texture work,new Spec and Bumps etc......about 10%.....I am hopeful they will agree,dont see why not as its now an old model...if they refuse I might suggest I charge for it...$2.00 lol...and give them half....anyways...we`ll see what happens...no matter what,we will still get a version....Ive probably put in 6 hours work on it...all need now is the data..doing...(will use the one from the KA-29 one we have at CA....all points etc (co-ords,coll points etc) Hopefully the green light will be good as ive a few items in pipeline...
  22. one question ,wheres this model from?...seems to be an FS one 3d model exactly same as one ive got....? if it is...you need credits up..otherwise it looks dodgy m8... cheers
  23. you should open the files with DXTBmp...and convert to 24bit bmp then in ps to jpeg or tga...as most FSbmps wont open in ps etc...I ll dig out the temps for you now

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