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About littlesmoke

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  1. Hi, does anyone have FA-18E_BlkII skins for VFA-83 Rampagers and VFA-131 Wildcats? I could really use them to complete the USN Carrier Air Wing 3. Edit: Or if anyone has the template for the great Gunslinger skin, I could make these two and upload them
  2. Apparently planes purchased during Merc=true campaign show up (later on if not used) as parked within your squadron. cool.
  3. Tagging target with retractable LP. Wingman with LGBs hitting from high altitude. (1968 hypothetical yet fun AF!)
  4. Nice! much appreciated
  5. SurpriseAttack=TRUE SurpriseAttack=Payback
  6. Napalm against ships, very effective but not so good for the fish and things that swim in rivers... (water is alright in tea...)
  7. Hi, is there any way to have two guns, each on a different gungroup, fire from the same supply of ammo? For instance 578 rounds of ammo that could be fired with either gun. instead of separating ammo between guns. if ya get me...
  8. Hi yall, any way to adjust these light positions without messing with the LOD or whatev? F18 data file: "//Slimers [LeftFuselageSlimer] SystemType=LIGHT LightNodeName=LP_Fuse_Left CanFlash=FALSE [RightFuselageSlimer] SystemType=LIGHT LightNodeName=LP_Fuse_Right CanFlash=FALSE..."

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