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Viggen last won the day on October 8 2024

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678 +500 Reputation

About Viggen

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    Can I deploy again?

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    Aviation, flying, modding, cars

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  1. Good read, always cool to learn about improvised countermeasures. I'll need to add some chaff and flares to the Canberras in my Falklands install.
  2. Visited the museums at Forbes Field a few times when I was stationed at Fort Riley and enjoyed getting to walk around two Kansas MiG killers, 65-0801 and 66-0268.
  3. what is everyones fav base game campaign??

    Tough choice. Always been a fan of the 1979 WOE/SF2E campaign. The SF2NA campaign is fun and a challenge. WOI/SF2I I'm split between the Six Day War and 1982 Lebanon War campaigns.
  4. Luke AFB : three generations of fighters

    Those Mirages are owned and operated by the defense contractor ATAC. Think they've had them since 2018 or 2019? They're all from French inventory. Another contractor, Draken, flies a number of Spanish F1s.
  5. Mod Eagle looks so wrong on an F-14! As for the Ferris schemes, ANFT.net has the detail, http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-detail-colours.htm I think that VF-101 jet with the white nosed Ferris pattern might be my favorite variation of the scheme now.
  6. Moon to my west, sun to my east, and a long escort mission ahead.
  7. Always loved the Tonka, especially the lines of the F3/ADV. Getting the full experience so far in this ODS campaign. Flying CAP and intercepts around KSA while the Americans go up north and bag Saddam's air force
  8. I'm not from Michigan but the suburb neighborhood tiles feel right at home. So many easter eggs could be placed on this map too. Don't suppose there's a cargo ship that looks close to a lake freighter?
  9. 20

    Congrats to both of you and thanks for all you've done!
  10. Cookie Monster was caught speeding by the police

    Just realized that's an RS2 Avant. What a car!
  11. Hard mode: As World War Three erupts in September, 1979 and the Warsaw Pact breaks through the Fulda Gap, the New Jersey Air National Guard's 141st TFS receives Title 10 orders and deploys to Europe in their F-105Bs. (dear god help me I have no RWR)
  12. Doing stupid shit like this is why I still play SF2 after all these years. An-12s taking off from an East German base my wingman just bombed? Heck yeah I'm gonna go for the guns kill!
  13. An oldie but a goodie, AD's F-105G (With DA's updates) defending Europe during Red Lightning '79.

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